Team Possible Turns Evil

AN: If you can't handle evil things like heads in a jar, mutants, and more like in Futurama, don't bother reading any further.

Chapter 29: E.E.P!

(In the Space Station)

Wade says, "This is too dangerous! It won't work!"

Jim says, "It will so!"

Tim nods and says, "Yeah!"

Wade says, "Will not!

Jim and Tim say, "Will so!"

Needless to say they bounce back and forth like this for roughly five minutes until Dr. Director walks up and says, "I hate to interrupt this brilliant conversation between three of the best inventive minds on the station but I'd like to know what it is that the argument is about."

Wade quickly says, "Jim and Tim have come up with a plan that might help us with Kim and Ron but I think it is too risky!"

Jim and Tim both shout, "It is not!"

Dr. Director raises her right hand to silence them and with a slight bow of her head she says, "Let's not get into that again. Just tell me what the idea is and I will be the judge of whether it is too risky or dangerous to work."

Jim says, "We have a plan that will stop Zorpox and Red Flame"

Tim says, "By taking them away from the others!"

Wade quickly says, "It is too dangerous! The technology and theories are unproven and just might end up killing them!"

Dr. Director didn't want to say aloud that she had considered that option given all that the duo had already done. She knew that if they knew she had such thoughts, then they would cease to help her and she desperately needed everyone's help if she was going to stay ahead of them.

Dr. Director says, "Just what is this invention that you were arguing about?"

Wade sighs and says, "I came up with an idea for matter transporting before they turned evil as a way of getting them into lairs undetected but I never managed to perfect it and then they find my plans and decide to use it!"

Dr. Director raises her hand again and tries to as calmly say as she could, "Let me see if I have this right. You invented a way to transport people and things through the air and because of some flaw, you are arguing against the use of it. Is this right?"

Wade rubs the back of his neck as looks down and says, "Well it is a lot more than a single flaw or two but essentially if you want to put it that way… yeah."

Dr. Director says, "Ok, tell me about the flaws."

Wade looks up from the ground, reenergized about talking to another about an invention of his. He says, "Well, I got the idea from one Dementor. He had a teleporter but it only worked through the telephone and could only take one person. I tried to improve upon the designs by making it wireless and take more people but that's where I ran into some roadblocks."

Jim and Tim give each other a nod and walk off quickly.

Dr. Director nods as she understands that much and says, "Tell me more, what were your obstacles?"

Wade says, "Well, unlike the teleporter that Dementor had. I did not have any focusing device at the designated receiving location. He used a telephone speaker to refocus the teleporter beam where I was trying to find a way to get the beam to refocus without such a device because what good would a teleporter be if Kim and Ron had to sneak one in, in the first place?"

Dr. Director nods, thinking of some ways to use Dementor's teleporter and says, "Anything else?"

Wade rubs his hands together nervously and says, "Yes, the range was limited to the strength of the signal. So if a lair was too well shielded, then anyone in the teleporting beam would be lost forever or they might materialize inside the wall, destroying them instantly. Plus a bad signal might even mean that they'd meet their spleen on the outside rather than having it on the inside."

Dr. Director almost shudders at the very notion of various parts of a person beaming any of their inner organs, outside of themselves. She became aware that Jim and Tim were busy in a corner of the lab as the noise grew from that area and makes a mental note to talk to them.

Wade says, "Jim and Tim were arguing that it was possible to teleport because they had ideas on how to solve the problems but if I couldn't figure it out, then what are the odds that they could?"

Just then one of the twins, Dr. Director wasn't sure which one it was shouts loudly enough for them to hear, "Fixed it!"

Wade sputters as he turns, "What? No! You two couldn't have fixed the teleporter!"

Jim and Tim look to each other as a slow grin grows on their faces.

Jim says, "Hic-a-bicka-boo?" as he turns the teleporter beam at a cage full of harmless spiders and fires it even as Wade cries out, "No!"

Tim says, "Hoooo-sha!" as he turns the and presses another button on the bulky device which sends another beam right at the feet of Wade, creating the cage along with spiders that resumed their crawl as if nothing had happened.

Wade blinks, expecting the spiders to blow up, expire, or mutate into giant, horrific creatures but nothing happens. He says, "What…? Nothing? But past tests always had something horrible happen."

Jim says, "We figured out what was wrong with the re-materialization."

Tim says, "The problem was that there was no homing signal for the beam to fix itself onto and so…"

Jim says, "once the beam had a way to home in on a fixed point rather than just try to come together on its own…"

Wade finishes as he says, "The fixed point for the beam is then able to more accurately materialize or dematerialize without the usual loss of data as from previous tests! Brilliant! Why didn't I ever think of this?"

Jim and Tim just give each other a grin at each other before Jim says, "Probably because…" Tim says, "You haven't played the Space Passage games…" Jim says, "That we have Wade."

Dr. Director says something she'd heard Kim Possible say before, "Ok, moving on… What is the range of this teleporter?"

Jim and Tim's shoulders slouch at this point and they say in stereo, "It is only about 15-20 miles with connections that it currently has."

A thought just occurs to Dr. Director and she says, "Do they know you were working on this teleporter?"

Wade shakes his head, "I told Kim that I was working on a new way for her to get into the lairs but didn't tell her any specifics."

Dr. Director nods as she knew then that this was the one weapon that they had that would be unexpected. She just had to get it close enough to use. She says, "Find out what you need to extend the range so it'll work from here. I'll be back in a little bit." She then spins and stops as she faces the exit, walking out of the room quickly without another word.

Not knowing what else to do, the three of them start talking about what they need to do to increase the range.

Dr. Director goes back to the room where she'd set up her office for the time and opens a communicator. She says, "This is Clever, are you there?"

It takes a few moments but a voice responds, "What a Surprise, I am here."

Dr. Director says, "Don't get Clever with me, we still have a big party to spring with the guests of honor and soon."

Another pause before a smile could be heard in the voice, "Yes, and I just love a good Surprise."

Dr. Director says, "Well I have to go now but I'll get back to you later on the presents and the guests of honor for the party."

The voice from the communicator says, "Ok, see you later alligator."

Dr. Director sighs after she closes the connection and really hoped this subtle plan of hers would work. She had seen what a direct attack was like against Zorpox and Red Flame along with the cost.

(Back on Earth)

Dr. Director wasn't the only one sighing, a certain pink naked mole rat was sighing too and for much the same reason. He knew he had to bide his time until he could find a way to change back Ron and Kim into their usual selves but it wasn't going to be easy.

Rufus goes through the hallways without any worry as the word had gotten around that if anyone harmed him in any way, they would meet a grisly end at the hands of either Zorpox or Red Flame. He didn't mind being popular but terrified of was not something that he really enjoyed and really couldn't see the appeal in it like Ron or Kim did in their evil states.

As the little mole rat went into the cafeteria with the corpse of the cafeteria lady from Middleton High forever stuck in a pose as she had been stuffed like an animal in taxidermy and a sign next to her that read, "No one denies Zorpox a meal!" All he could do was sigh sadly and hang his head in such deep sadness and shame for he had tried to save her life but the memories of Ron being denied food that he had politely asked for over and over resonated strongly within Zorpox.

Rufus can hear people getting out of his way and is surprised when a gentle hand picks him up. He looks up to see DNAmy there and hears her say, "Aw, are you feeling sad because your owners aren't around? You know what? I bet a good meal will cheer you right up!"

DNAmy carries him right up to the line for the cafeteria and it isn't long before everyone gets out of the way, filling in behind her quickly so as not to lose their spot.

The cafeteria lady couldn't help but glance at the stuffed cafeteria lady before looking at Rufus and says, "H-H-How can I help you Rufus? Would you like some cheese? Or maybe some nachos? Wh-Whatever you want, I'll get it for you!"

Rufus could hear the nervousness and see the almost terrified expression on her face, as he was smart enough to know that she was afraid he would complain and she would end up joining the cafeteria lady in stuff-city. He would never complain as he still had nightmares about it because Zorpox and Red Flame had kept him around while laughing all the way as she screamed and begged for mercy as well as making promises to give him the best meals or whatever he wished to eat. The moment when she had fallen silent was the absolute worse for Rufus because that was when he knew for certain that she was no more.

Rufus squeaks, "Nachos" and the cafeteria lady gets him a large helping with loads of extra cheese. There was even enough for him to go swimming in if he so desired. He squeaks a "Thank you" and DNAmy carries him and his food over to a nearby and recently vacated table.

DNAmy lowers Rufus down and says, "Go ahead and eat something. You'll feel better." She then stands up and gets in line to go get something to eat for herself

Rufus sighs and slips into the food basket and after a moment he starts to eat. He is surprised to discover that he did feel better and much more hungry than he had thought but after that single bite, his stomach reminds him by growling at him. Putting all other depressing thoughts aside he attacks the food with hungry fervor until his belly is quite full and he lays back in the little basket with a happy sigh and falls asleep.

AN: Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. You have to admit that things are looking hopeless all around but Dr. Director appears to have an ally or at the very least a plan. What did you think of the argument between Wade and the tweebs? I bet there is at least ONE fan who can tell me what teleporter Wade is talking about and from what episode. What did you think of the Rufus scene? Don't you just pity him? Do any of you think the cafeteria lady deserved her fate? (This woman is not to be confused with the one from Japan.) Poor nameless lady, any thoughts about what happened to her?

As usual all reviews, votes, ideas, suggestions, feelings, stuff you'd like to see me work on next to finish up, and more are all welcome. At least until Zorpox and Red Flame get ahold of the stuff.