Shadow Fox

Disclaimer: sigh I regret to inform you I in fact do not own Inuyasha and company.


Kagome was running. She had long lost the cries and shouts of Sango behind her. She never thought that she could out run the demonslayer.

How could he do this too her, and after everything that had just happened between them! How could he do this?

It had started raining some time ago, but she did not care. She just kept running. She didn't notice that she had cuts and scrapes everywhere, or that her legs and sides were wracked with pain and exhaustion, or even that she didn't know where she was going.

Her mind went back to how she ended up running, much to her hearts displeasure.


She couldn't believe it. It truly was a dream come true. He had finally said it. He told her that he loved her and wanted her to stay in the past with him, forever. She had, of course, agreed. What else did you think she would do? He had finally asked her to be his; told her he didn't care about Kikyou. That she, Kagome Higurashi, was the only woman he wanted and loved.

They shared a passionate kiss, without a care in the world. Not just any kiss either, but Kagome's first kiss. How odd though, that it didn't feel like she thought it would. It wasn't like she didn't think that it was great or anything. But somehow, she had been expecting something else, something more…It just seemed so…lacking. Though, lacking in what, she did not know. But then, she didn't know what it was supposed to be like in the first place; this was her first after all.

After they broke apart for lack of air, they headed back to camp in a comfortable silence.


Now they were at camp…or rather, she was at camp…Inuyasha had gone out a little bit earlier to go get some fire wood. It did seem like he had been gone for a long time. Seeing as they were in a forest after all, there should be wood everywhere.

'Heh…its probably just me wanting to be with Inuyasha, the man I love, who loves me back…. Hmmm…maybe I should go help him…he has been gone for a while now…. Besides, I'll get some alone time with him' Kagome thought as she got up to go find Inuyasha.

"Kagome. Where are you going? You shouldn't go out alone into the forest this late. The sun is going down. The demons will start coming out to hunt soon. It's not safe."

Kagome turned to see Sango watching her from the top of her cup of ramen. "Hmm…well, I was just going to go see if Inuyasha needed any help with the fire wood. He's been gone for a while now."

"Kagome…I'm sure Inuyasha is fine, would you like to go take a bath instead? I feel all grimy after that fight today. Besides, then you can tell me what happened between you two while you were alone together." She added the last part quietly so that the houshi wouldn't hear.

Kagome seemed to brighten up at that. She had forgotten that Sango didn't know yet. "Ok! I'll get the stuff together!"

Before they left to go to the springs nearby, they both turned and glared at Miroku. "Don't get any ideas. Or you won't have to worry about dying by your wind tunnel because I'll beat it to the punch!" Sango glared even more deadly at him to get the point to his thick skull.

He raised his hands in feigned innocence, "Why Sango! I have no idea what you're talking about." He did his best to look offended that she would even think such a thing of him…yet it didn't seem to be working.

"Yea…sure…." Kagome and Sango muttered at the same time, as they walked off to the hot springs.


They had been walking for a while now and still hadn't even heard a sound. They thought it kind of odd, but decided to keep going. Sango had her large boomerang with her, so they'd be safe…right? Then they froze; it was the first noise they had heard since they had left.

"What was that?" Kagome asked Sango in a kind of eerie tone.

Sango look around nervously. They both jumped and screamed when a squirrel jumped out of a bush that was beside them. They both sighed in relief. "Heh…see Kagome? You were getting worried over nothing. You let a little old squirrel scare you!" Sango decided to tease Kagome to get away from the fact that she too had be scared.

"What is that supposed to mean? Squirrels are evil! They plot against us as we speak!" Kagome laughed. "But…if I'm not mistaken, and I really doubt that I am. You screamed louder than I did!" Kagome grinned at the look of horror and blush that was now upon her best friend's face.

"What? Me, The great demonslayer, afraid of a squirrel? Never! That is the mo-" Sango's rant of pride-protection was cut short by another noise. This one was louder than the other had been.

"S-Sango? Please tell me that's just another squirrel because that really didn't sound like a squirrel." Kagome didn't take her eyes from the direction the noise had come from.

"I don't think that was a squirrel Kagome…It kind of sounded like…like a moan…maybe there's something hurt…" Sango said uncertainly and a little bit shakily as they decided that it must be some wounded creature that needed their help. Slowly they headed towards the sound.

From what she could tell, whatever it was, was right behind the next bush.

They crept towards the bush. Sango had her boomerang ready to be thrown at a moment's notice. Then they heard it again. But this time they heard it far more clearly.

It was a blend of two loud intense moans. One of a man and one of a woman…to be more specific the moans were crying names…Inuyasha from the woman and Kikyou from the man.

Both girls froze. Kagome couldn't believe it…he had lied to her…and here he was, the same day he had 'confessed' to her, making love to Kikyou. She couldn't believe it. With that thought she turned and ran.

Sango looked at Kagome just in time to see that she had already taken off running.

End flashback

And now here she is. She'd been running ever since. She barely even registers the forest around her as she finally runs out of the forest.

"Oh Shit!" Kagome screeches to a halt, barely stopping in time, sliding on the wet grass on her hands and knees to help her stop.

Not two inches in front of her lies a steep cliff, at the bottom was a raging and flooded river.

Finally, she feels the heavy rain pounding on her body and her heavily beating heart. Fatigue catches up to her body and she can hardly move.

"I guess I've been running for a long time…I wonder where I am…." She sighs and looks around her. In front of her is the ledge of the cliff, and behind her is the forest and green glowing eyes…Wait…Green glowing eyes!

Kagome gets up as a demon starts coming towards her. Forgetting about the cliff behind her, she backs up, only to fall of the ledge. The last thing she remembers is falling and more falling…and a pair of green eyes.


So what'd you think? I rewrote it a little bit again. I think I like it better this way. A fair warning too readers, I'm not that great at keeping up with updating because of school and lots a writers block. So you are forewarned.