She sat still a stone as he passed her; she was sure an icy chill hit her as his moody grey eyes hit her bright green ones. How had her parents betrothed her to such a monster… she looked around the ungodly lavishness of Malfoy Manor and shivered as the grotesque silence rang supreme in a household were no children laughed or played. It was very unlike The Burrow where she had grown up; laughter ran in the house even in the darkest midnight hours.

'Why is she looking at me like that?' he asked himself as he walked past her. She was staring at him with a cold glint in her usually warm brown eyes. She wore simple black robes that were obviously hand-me-downs from a gangly older brother (probably Charlie judging by the claw marks, he guessed). He was dreading this entire ordeal; his father had given him no say in the matter and it angered him greatly.

Ginny's reddish gold hair hung in a simple plait flat against her back and was adorned with a daisy that her mother had added to her hair for 'good luck' or some hogwash like that. Her black dress robes had been Charlie's when he was at Hogwarts and he was at least a foot taller than she, even though she was already well past his age when he wore them. She was nearing 17, which meant she would have to be married in accordance with Weasley family law. She hated those stupid rules that had forced her brothers to marry women they didn't love (save for Bill who married Angela Applegate when he was 16, and Ron) and her to marry bloody Draco Malfoy.

Draco's expensive silk robes billowed as he paced back and forth but his hair didn't move in the slightest. He stood in front of his future wife and wondered what he did in a previous life that was so bad as to get stuck with a Weasley. 'They are from a well respected pure-blooded wizarding family!' his father had shouted at him before going another round of Dark Arts training with his only son.

Ginny could feel the tension in the air mounting and she could barely stand it any longer. Her father was in the next room with Lucius Malfoy deciding her dowry and other stupid crap that fathers worry about. She knew that her mother was crying her eyes at home over losing her youngest daughter… she had been inconsolable the entire week before this dreaded event.

Narcissa Malfoy wandered into the study where Ginny Weasley and her son were playing a silent charade. She wore a silver set of robes that accented her long blonde hair and pale skin; it was obvious she had a bit of Veela in her. She walked to Ginny, "Hello dear, I'm Narcissa Malfoy," she said cordially.

Ginny smiled, "I'm Ginny Weasley…" she replied and extended her petite hand for the woman to shake. She was not surprised that Draco had his mother's eyes for his father had ice blue eyes that would freeze the soul if you looked too long. "It's nice to meet you."
"Aren't you a sweet little thing!" she gushed, "Isn't she Draco?" she asked her son who was watching her like a hawk.

Draco folded his arms over his broad chest, "Yes mother," he responded automatically. It had been drilled into him from day 1 that parents were treated with utmost respect and insubordination or else could get you killed.

Arthur Weasley hated Lucius Malfoy almost as much as he hated the Dark Lord himself but it wasn't like he had much of a choice. Lucius Malfoy didn't want a large dowry for marrying his son off to Arthur's daughter. In fact, Mr. Weasley made more money than he lost...

Lucius Malfoy walked into the study and glared at his wife (she made a quick exit and said nothing more). "Good afternoon Draco… Miss Weasley," he said coldly. "I trust you've utilized this time to get to know one another."

Draco looked at Ginny who was obviously scared out her mind, "Yes father," he responded in the same liquid-ice tone.
Arthur went and stood at his daughter's side, "I love you Ginny… I hope you'll keep in touch," he said and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Ginny clung to her father for a moment while tears fell silently down her face. She gave him one last pleading look that clearly said 'don't leave me here…' but he left anyway and she was left in the company of men whom she knew would torture her if given the chance.

Lucius called Narcissa back in before he pulled Draco out. He took his son down to a forbidden room that he simply called: 'DR' which stood for Dominus Romiticus (or Death Room as Draco called it). He opened the door to his son and allowed him to see the scores of horrific muggle weaponry and robes that were obviously used in sacrifices or cult rituals of some sort. "This will one day be yours… and on your wedding night, you will receive the dark mark like I have and my father before me," Lucius announced proudly as he went though each item, "After you have bedded your virgin wife then you shall be inducted like each of us is."

Draco swallowed the fear rising in his throat and nodded obediently. He knew that the procedure itself was horrendous and 2 out of 3 don't survive it but he did not have a choice.

Narcissa led Ginny down the hall and into a large bedroom, "This is my room… feel free to come here at any time. You will never find Lucius in here; you're safe," she said kindly, "And you can cry now… they're gone."

Ginny felt something break loose inside of her and she did begin to cry, "I-I'm sorry, I just can't do this," she sobbed, "Why me? Couldn't I have married someone else? ANYONE else?" she asked aloud to no one in particular.

Narcissa sat Ginny down on her huge bed, "I asked myself the same question a billion times, Ginny… but it gets easier, I promise. I hated it here when I first arrived but it's not so bad. You'll want for nothing."

"Except love!" Ginny said with a heavy sigh, "I need love to survive."

"Well, you'll learn to love Draco. I love Lucius even though he treats me like a slave rather than a wife but I know he loves me too." Narcissa said soothingly. "Now come, I'll show you to your and Draco's room."

"Why do we share a room?" she asked forthrightly, "I mean, you don't share a room with Lucius."

"I produced an heir… after you produce a male heir then you can get your own room." Narcissa said as she opened the door to a large room that was decorated in a typical Slytherin style. The sheets were green silk and the bedspread was a large green fluffy thing with serpents on it. The curtains were white lace that draped over the large bay windows. It was a beautiful sunny day outside but inside it seemed gray and depressing.

Ginny cringed; "Oh I see…" she said and saw her trunk over in the corner but it was open and empty, "Where are my things?"

Narcissa laughed, "Well, your robes were a bit tattered so I'm going to get you some new ones. It's one of the perks to being a Malfoy." She patted Ginny's back.

"I still want those robes… they remind me of my family," Ginny said firmly.

"Which is why we're having them tossed out." A cold voice came from behind Narcissa and those ice-blue eyes bore into Ginny like lasers.
Narcissa stepped back and hurried away like a frightened animal. She was truly afraid of her husband and what he could do to them or her son.

"You need to learn the meaning of respect little girl… and now's the time," Lucius said coldly as he stepped into the room. "Come with me."

Ginny stood and followed him down to a room with the simple letters DR on it. She thought nothing of them as Lucius brought her inside to sit beside Draco. She didn't dare ask what was going on but it was apparent that Draco was in the dark too judging by the look of confusion that riddled his pale face.

Lucius smiled, "You're both wondering why I brought you here… and you'll soon find out. I'm just waiting for a special guest to arrive."

Several minutes passed before a loud pop scared the hell out of both Ginny and Draco. Before them stood a man shrouded in some sort of a black cape that covered his half-decayed face. The part that was not decayed was actually quite beautiful and looked smooth to the touch (though neither Ginny nor Draco wanted to find out about that). The man greeted Lucius warmly and then turned to Ginny and Draco, "Ah, my newest protégés…" his voice grated their ears like acetone would sting in a cut. He walked over to Ginny, "Ah yes, my greatest love, Ginny Weasley. Tell me, do you remember who I am?" he asked as he touched her pale cheek.

Ginny looked into his onyx colored eyes and shivered, "Tom?" she asked quietly, "Is it really you?"

The man smiled, "Yes, my love… it is I. I don't blame you for what that insolent Potter boy did to our plans; we shall do great things together Ginny."

Ginny was shaking with fear of a man who had plagued every waking moment of her life since her first year (and now she was well into her 6th) and haunted her nightmares with a carefree bounce in his step that had driven her nearly mad with grief and fear. "W-why do you not blame me?" she stuttered, "And why me at all?"

Voldemort removed the elastic from her hair and ran his bony finger through the soft locks, "You were easily manipulated then Ginny but you've grown into quite the woman; you can no longer be manipulated by men, mortal or immortal." He moved his hands around her shoulders and the soft swell of her bodice.

"Why are you speaking in riddles?" she blurted out before she thought about it, "Tell me what you want from me!"

Draco was getting sick just watching the half-man molest little Ginny Weasley. He knew what this was going to turn into and he didn't like it at all. He held no pity for Voldemort who had destroyed himself but he took pity on Ginny who was naïve when Tom took advantage of her and opened the chamber of secrets. Now he take advantage again but in a different way.

Lucius went to reprimand her but Voldemort held him at bay with a flick of his hand. "What I want is something everyone wants… especially you Ginny, you wrote of it extensively in the diary."
Ginny's pale face flushed with anger and embarrassment, "I was a child… barely 12 years old! I knew nothing of pain or suffering. Life in and of itself was a mystery to me!" she retorted.

Voldemort smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Stand up Ginny…" he said with a smirk. He didn't give her an option as he helped her to stand.

Ginny could barely breathe as he took out a wand that was made of such dark wood that it was nearly black. He began chanting: "Veni, veni demona noctis". Over and over again he spoke as the tip of the wand began to glow with a grey-green light. Before she knew it a searing pain hit her and she toppled into Voldemort's arms. It felt as if her flesh were on fire for a few moment but then it was gone just as fast as it came; a black ring with a skull appeared on her arm with the same grey-green light radiating off it, "What have you done to me?" she asked timidly.

"You are mine now Ginny… and soon you will be mine in more ways then one." He laughed heartily and turned to Lucius, "He isn't to touch her." He commanded before apparating out of the room.

Lucius turned to Draco, "You hear that, boy? She is to remain unblemished until the Dark Lord has his way with her." He snapped.
"Is she not to be my wife, father?" Draco asked as he looked at Ginny's pale face. He could tell she was holding back a whole score of emotions that were threatening to burst at any second.

"She will, boy! Don't question the Dark Lord!" Lucius yelled and smashed Draco across the face with a metal pole that ripped the flesh clear off his face in a neat strip. Blood dripped down in sheets as Lucius ordered Draco and Ginny from his sight.

Draco didn't dare touch the blood that dripped onto the pale carpet with each step he took until he was out of sight. He could feel Ginny's eyes on him; he turned and glared, "Why are you following me?" he spat angrily.

Ginny ignored his angry, "I can heal that for you…" she said meekly and pulled her wand out. " Just hold still." She carefully said the simple healing spell.

Draco's face burned as the wound healed itself, "Ow!" he growled, "That hurt!"

"At least it won't scar," she retorted and turned her back to him to find somewhere else to go (anywhere but there would do fine).
"Where are you going?" he asked inquisitively to her retreating figure. "You're going to get lost."

"Hopefully I will and I can die alone in this God forsaken castle!" she yelled and turned back to him, "I think I've held my tongue long enough with you Malfoy and I'm not going to put up with this. Once my father hears that I've got the dark mark then he'll make sure the Minister of Magic wipes your family from the face of the earth."

Draco was shocked by her audacity but his face remained blank, "I'm sorry you feel like that…but you will be my wife and that's what we paid your father for."

Ginny's face turned beet red at his comment, "I never agreed to this… if I had my choice I wouldn't get married at all. I'd be happier alone anyway."

Draco walked toward her, "That's too bad, you're stuck with me and I with you. All you have to do is hold on until we get back to school tomorrow."

Ginny nodded, "I'll try and contain myself until then; otherwise, your father will kill me!" she responded lividly and leaned against the wall. She ripped the sleeve of her robe and stared at the Dark Mark on her arm, "My mum is going to kill me first though."

"You can't tell her… you can't tell anyone!" Draco said urgently, "If you try, you'll die before the words even leave your lips. Voldemort keeps tabs on you through that mark… and he obviously wants to keep special tabs on you."

Ginny stood up off the wall as she got dirty looks from the pictures on the walls, "Why is everything here so stoic and horrific around here." She asked quietly.

Draco shrugged, "It's been like this as long as I can remember… and before that, I don't know. You'll get used to it."

"That's what your mother said," Ginny scoffed, "But I can't see it; I can't be happy here."

"So don't… be miserable." He snapped, "You're going to become part of the richest wizarding families in the entire world, is that so terrible?"

"Yes it is… I may have grown up dirt poor but I had love and that didn't make my stomach stop grumbling at night but it did make me who I am today." She fired back, "Now I'm tired and I forgot where I'm supposed to be sleeping."

Draco said nothing as he led her back to their room. "I'm going to work on my potions homework, go to sleep."

Ginny didn't have to be told twice; she changed from her robes into an old t-shirt of the Chudley Cannons that used to be Charlie's before he grew out of it. The orange color clashed horribly with her hair but it was comfy and reached her knees so she didn't care. She climbed into the comfy bed and fell asleep almost immediately. After what seemed like hours, she was jolted awake by a heavy weight on top of her. When she tried to scream she found that her sound merely echoed off the silencing charm on the room. She looked up to see Lord Voldemort,

"Stop! Don't! NO! Please…" she tried to push him off of her but he was immensely heavy and much stronger than she.

Voldemort smiled down at her, "Don't struggle Ginny… and drink this." He wrenched her mouth open and poured a green potion into her mouth and held her nose until she was forced to swallow.