Chapter 20!

AA – Ah, so that's what you meant. I guess you do learn something everyday. Hm…I wonder how long it will stay in my brain before I forget what it means…probably not very long. Oh well. Thanks for the review! Well, here's a chapter with no pregnant people drinking alcohol what so ever!

StormScarred – Hehe, well, I was getting tired of Goku being the strongest guy when all he ever did was eat all day and trained a little while Vegeta worked his ass off 24/7 and was still second best…so in my story, Vegeta is the strongest! Yay! Nope, I can't tell if your feeling bossy that day…I'm simple minded. One time I was at school and I lightly tapped some girl on the head playfully and then she poked me back, so we kept on poking each other back and forth…you know, like the game of the person who gets the last touch, well, anyways, when I finally get the last touch and move back, she freaks out and get off her desk and slaps me on the face…I still thought she was playing around and it wasn't until ten seconds after she slapped me that I realized that she wasn't playing around…and then she starts bragging on how she got my face all red and everything…I have very light skin so just by standing in the heat or exercising for a few minutes can get my face all red…oh well…Whoa, I can kind of strayed away a bit there…sorry. Thanks for the review! Fine, I wrote more, happy? (I hope so)

Dark Anime Love – Ya, Goku is still hanging outside my bedroom window…it's really starting to bother me seeing him like that…(Destiny walks to her window and closes the blinds) There, much better. Thanks for the review! Yes, no one makes fun of Vegeta in my story and gets away with it! Hehe.

SesshomaruMegumi – I enjoy seeing Vegeta beat the crap out of people, especially Goku. Well, at least I didn't make Vegeta do something really stupid when proposing to Bulma. Thanks for the review! I hope to make you smile with this chapter as well. Laterz.

bebex2xsweet – Yay! Goku finally got what he deserved! It's not that I wish any harm to the guy; I'm just saying I could happily sit by while someone knocks his head off. Thanks for the review! I shall continue, o mighty one.

Miako-The-Cute – Good, because I REALLY wanted that cookie! (Snatches the cookie and devours it like a rapid wolf.) Well, he wasn't extremely nervous…but Bulma could tell he was a little uncomfortable at the moment. Thanks for the review! Fine, since you asked so nicely, I will continue.

mercuriancat – Hey! (Destiny watches as mercuriancat chews on the story.) Gimmie that. (Destiny snatches the story out of mercuriancat's mouth and looks at her story in horror as its covered in drool) Uh…okay, anyways. Ya, most stories don't do that. Your hooked on it? (Destiny looks at her story and sees a fishing hook attached to it and looks back at mercuriancat as she holds a fishing rod while smiling nervously.) Thanks for the review! Here's the update you wanted.

Bulma – No wait…I got something better to burn. (Destiny opens a closet door and watches as a tied up and gagged Brittney Spears falls out and lands on the floor.) I got the flamethrowers if you got the gasoline. (Brittney's eyes widen in horror and you could hear muffled cries come from her throat while some tears slid down her cheek.) "I'm way ahead of you, Destiny." (Says Trunks as he enters the room with some gasoline, Brittney Spears posters and dolls, sticks, and some marshmallows. Bulma and Destiny grin evilly as they took the dolls and posters away from Trunks and circle them around Brittney while Trunks poured the gasoline all over Brittney, the posters, and the dolls. Destiny tosses Trunks and Bulma a flamethrower.) Lets do it. (They circle around Brittney and laugh as they burn her alive.) Ya, it truly is beautiful. Trunks hands Bulma and Destiny a stick and marshmallows.) Na, I don't like marshmallows. (Suddenly a leprechaun appears and mutters something about his lucky charms.) Hey green dude, want some lucky marshmallows? (The leprechaun agrees and sits between Destiny and Bulma as Destiny hands him her stick with a marshmallow on it.) Thanks for the review! Hm, fire is getting small. (Destiny grabs some corpses of dead insurance salesmen and throws them into the fire.)

naruto'sbabygirl – Well, have a happy trip to Florida! That's okay if you don't update much…as long as you do update. Ah, okay, I was just making sure. Well, it will be my pleasure to help you with anything whenever you feel like it. Thanks for the review! On with the story!

Sesshy's numba1 gurl – Hehe, I can be pretty cruel at times. Hey, at least he got payback, plus I could have made him be a lot more embarrassing situation. Well, good thing I didn't make Goku hang by his…'lower region'. Thanks for the review! Yay! I actually made you a little happy with my chapter this time! (Dose the 'six flags' dance)

sesslover101 – I'm sorry to tell you this but…Goku survived…there was nothing I could do. 'Sob' Why won't he just die? Hey, do what you want with Chichi, I don't care. Hehe. Thanks for the review! Here's the update you wanted.

RiaChan – Hehe, yup, and I can do much worse then that. (Laughs insanely) Um…sorry about that. Thanks for the review! Get ready for more humor! Well, not a lot…oh well.

heiress2thethrone – Na, I think Vegeta went a little underboard. He spared Goku's life, which to me is a miracle. Hehe. Hm…haven't worn a hat in years…well, except for a helmet since I ride my old beat up bike a lot…(I was riding home from 7-Eleven today, 'by the time you read this it will be yesterday' and my pedal fell off again…but my dad screwed it back on. After me getting hit by so many cars it's a miracle that the bike still works. Ah! My cat just threw up on my hand. I'm not kidding.) Hm, what shall I do then? (Destiny grabs some random guys hat off and puts it back on him.) There you go. I made you a happier reader? Yay! Thanks for the review! (Destiny and heiress raise their glasses and clink them together, but end up breaking them. Destiny laughs nervously) Uh…cheers?

Inu-Baby18 – Hm, I'm happy my pitiful story amuses you. 28 '!' (Not including the one in the first sentence) and 14 'Ha'. Wow, that must mean you're really happy. Yay! Thanks for the review! I look forward to more '!' and 'Ha' in your next review. (If there is one and if you choose to put them in)

Blossom of Death – You are? Well, I'm proud to be replying to them. Hehe. Hey it's okay to be hyper, I usually just get up and start jumping over my couch or something for no reason at all. I just don't like sitting in one place to long, I have to keep myself busy even if I don't want to. I wouldn't know what any preps sound like, I don't hang around anybody. I'm like an annoying hermit. Thanks for the update! Triple updating? Whoa, you must really like my story. Fine, I'll update, since you asked me oh so nicely. Laterz.

Firechild19 – Ya, I didn't do something too bad to Vegeta. After all, he's my favorite character. I wouldn't let something too bad happen to him…or would I? Dun dun duuuuun! GASP! Don't wiggle your fi- (A chicken bites Child19's finger while thinking that it was a worm.) Oh well. The chicken will let go eventually, I guess. (Goku's head snaps around) "Did someone say chicken?" (Goku spots the chicken with its beak still around child19's finger. Goku's eyes widen and drool starts to drip from his mouth. Goku suddenly lunges himself at the chicken and now has his mouth around the whole chicken.)…Okay…now you got Goku's mouth around your finger. Well, Once Goku's acid like saliva gets rid of the chicken; you'll get your finger back. At least I think so. Thanks for the review! Here's the chapter that you've been waiting for so faithfully.


The screaming of a woman and a man filled the hospital. Bulma was in labor and was holding Vegeta's hand in a death grip as Vegeta tried to pry his hand free without hurting her at the same time.


Vegeta screamed in agony as Bulma squeeze the life out of his hand.

"Stop! Now breath."

Vegeta did as the doctor instructed and started to breath in and out fast as Bulma glared at him.

"Not you, idiot! Me!"

"Well, it seems to be working for me as well!"

Bulma just rolled her eyes as Vegeta continued to breath fast.

"Okay, last one. Push as hard as you can in 3…2…1…now!"

Glass cracked as the screams filled the hospital yet again until a gentle cry broke thru the ear splitting barrier. The nurse took the child out of the room before Vegeta or Bulma could see him. Bulma finally let got of Vegeta's hand and Vegeta ran to a vase filled with flowers and water near the window. He thru the flowers out and shoved his hand into the water and sighed in relief as the water relaxed his hand. A few minutes later, the nurse came back in with the now clean baby and handed him to Bulma. He had a small patch of purple hair on his head and his hands were clenching and unclenching. He had his eyes closed and was still slightly sobbing. Vegeta walked up to them while still rubbing his other hand and looked into the bundle of blankets. He looked at the odd coloring of his son's hair, but shrugged the thought away. They sat there for a few minutes just staring at the child.


Vegeta turned to look at Bulma.


"His name is Trunks."

He sighed and returned his gaze back to his son.



Bulma handed the child over to Vegeta. Vegeta cautiously took the child and held him gently as if he would break him with the slightest amount of pressure. He poked his finger at his son's hand and smiled when his son squeezed his finger in return. His face turned confused when he felt something fuzzy latch around his arm. He lifted his arm slightly and saw a brown tail rapped around it. He looked at his son's face again and saw large pools of blue staring at him as well. He looked back to Bulma who was now sleeping. He felt moisture on his finger and looked back down and saw his son sucking on his finger. He yanked the finger away and wiped it on his pants.

"You can wait for your mother for that."

Trunks just giggled and then with a long yawn, fell asleep. Vegeta shook his head and sat in a chair next to Bulma and waited for her to wake up.

"Vegeta, Trunks, Bra! Lunch time!"

Bulma placed a lot of plates filled with grilled cheese sandwiches onto the center of a table. A 6-year-old girl with blue hair and eyes came down the stairs and entered the kitchen. She sat down on a chair and began to devour some sandwiches.

"Bra, where's your brother?"

"Out with Goten."

Just then, Vegeta entered the kitchen panting slightly from his training. He was about to grab a few sandwiches when Bulma snatched them away.

"Go find Trunks and see if Goten wants to stay for Lunch."

Vegeta grumbled and left to find his son. He yelled Trunks's name a few times and still could not find him.

"Trunks! Darn it. Get over here! I'm hungry!"


Vegeta turned around and almost fell backwards from the impact of Trunks jumping on him. The 8-year-old was covered in mud. Vegeta held his son and looked him in the eye.

"Where have you been?"

"Training with Goten."

"And where is your friend Goten? Did he run off to some place?"

"No sir! I slaughtered him!"

Just then, a 7-year-old boy that looked like a mini Goku came around the corner covered in mud and bruises with a frown on his face. Vegeta chuckled. Trunks stomach growled and he looked over to the other boy.

"Goten, I'm hungry. Come over here so I can eat you."

Trunks jumped off his father and slowly walked towards Goten while licking his lips. Goten took a few steps back.

"Trunks, you wouldn't kill me, would you?"

Trunks stopped just a few feet away from Goten.

"Of course not."

Goten sighed in relief.

"I prefer to eat my prey when they're still alive!"

Trunks lunged at Goten, but Goten dodged him and ran towards the kitchen screaming all the way. Vegeta shook his head and headed towards the kitchen yet again. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Bulma keeping the sandwiches away from Trunks and Goten.

"You boys will not get any until you wash that mud off your selves."

Trunks and Goten whined and Vegeta chuckled.

"That goes for you too, Vegeta."

Vegeta looked down at him self in confusion and saw mud on him from when Trunks jumped on him. He glared at Trunks while Trunks smiled nervously.

"Brat, I get a few of your sandwiches since you are delaying me to eat mine."


Goten giggled at Trunks while Bra was teasing Trunks by slowly eating her sandwich.

"Mmmmm, that's REALLY good."

Trunks glared at his sister.

"Fine, since I beat you at training again, I get a few of your sandwiches."

Goten suddenly stopped giggling and pouted at Trunks. Bulma sat down and started to eat her sandwiches.

"Well, you can talk about who is eating whose sandwiches all you want, but you aren't getting any until your clean."

Before any of the boys could reply, Vegeta grabbed them by the back of their shirt collars, dragged them outside, and then thru them into the pool. He jumped in himself and used his ki to dry himself off and walked back into the kitchen. The boys shrugged and did the same.

It was late at night and Bulma was outside on her porch, leaning against the rail while gazing at the stars. She felt a pair of strong arms rap around her.

"What are you doing out here, little one?"




"What about us?"

"I just never thought that we, with are hot tempers and foolish pride, would be living together peacefully, and with children I might add."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

She smiled and turned around while wrapping her arms around him.

"And what are you doing out here?"

"Looking for you."

"Aww, were you worried about little ol me?"


She smacked him playfully against his chest.

"Your always too stubborn to admit your feelings for me."

"And you're always too stubborn to stop trying to make me admit it."

"So where does that lead us?"

"A eternity of verbal sparing."

"Training is all that matters to you weather it be physical or verbal."

"Well, that's what you get when two stubborn souls collide."

They both leaned into each other and kissed passionately knowing that their actions were more then enough to show how they truly feel for each other then what mere words could do… and that makes all the difference.

The End

Chapter 20 finished! Unfortunately, it's also the end of this story. Bet you all weren't expecting it to end this chapter, eh? Well, except for a few reviewers that I told when it would end. Here's my little secret. I had this whole story typed down before I even posted the first chapter! Hehe. Took me a few months to do. 73 pages and 25,980 words in all. There was more but I deleted some scenes from the story, one of them would be the sex scene. I have the original copy. I know that the ending was a bit rushed, but I had this riders block that lasted two months or so and one day, I just got really mad and just thought, 'the heck with this, I'm going to finish this now!' So I did. And I really had some scenes I wanted to add to the story before it ended. 'Sigh' oh well, no biggie. At least I did finish it. That's why I waited to type the whole story first before I started posting it, just incase some riders block thingy should happen, and I know how we all hate to wait for things. I'm pretty sure some of you wanted me to go longer, but this was about what happened during the '3 missing years', well, it's a bit out of the time line, but oh well. That's why I stopped here because if you guys watched all the episodes like I have, then you should know what happens after the '3 missing years', so there was no point in me continuing…Unless I wanted to start writing about what happened in the '7 missing years' which was right after the Buu saga, or maybe I could write about what happened after they killed Cell…oh I don't know. Okay, here are the movie scenes that I used (if you couldn't figure them out) in this story. Chapter 10 with Goku and Vegeta's conversation, that was from 'The Patriot'. Later on in the chapter, when Goku and Vegeta find Crystal, the little speech Crystal says is also from 'The Patriot'. Right after her speech, the part where Vegeta kills her, that scene is from 'Braveheart'. Chapter 11 with Vegeta coming to Bulma's room with a plate of fruit, that was from 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom'. Finally, chapter 20 with Trunks talking about how he slaughtered Goten in training, that was from 'Ever After'. There are a few parts in this story where I put a small sentence or two that are from different movies, but they weren't long enough for me to count as a scene…since they were only a small sentence. So I'm pretty sure you guys have spotted them, if not, oh well. I'm not going to read the whole story again just to see where they are so they wont be mentioned here, but as long as you all know that I'm not saying I made those sentences up myself, then that's all you need to know. Now, I think those are all the scenes in the story that I copied, if not, then I guess you can mention them in a review (if you choose to write one) and I'll put whatever you find into this chapter. Whoa! I got 183 reviews! Geeze, I thought the most I would get would be three, I'm not kidding. I always think lowly of myself. I know I shouldn't do that, but I'm use to people making fun of me to the point were I do it to myself just to feel normal. Oh well, I'll survive. I'm on 30 favorite lists, 23 alert lists, and I got 8,636 hits! I'm so very happy! You've all made me so happy! Okay, I would like to thank the people who read and reviewed my story…in fact…I'll name the reviewers by name! (Because I just want to take up space for no reason what so ever! And no, the order I typed them down doesn't mean anything. I was just too lazy to type them all in alphabetical order.) Raccly e.r 17 – 1, i take people's whits – 18, RosardoZBT – 6, SesshomaruMegumi – 13, bebex2xsweet – 6, Black Hart – 1, sportschickVLVR – 16, sabudabu – 6, vegetasfanmate – 5, MidnightStarts – 1, naruto'sbabygirl – 15, Dark Anime Love – 10, luv101 – 2, Lathayan – 3, Bulmachick05 – 2, shan – 2, Neko-chan07 – 1, Brooke – 1, StormScarred – 9, Vampiress-06 – 10, Bulma – 4, RiaChan – 4, inuneesan – 1, Mistral – 1, vegetafanfic1 – 1, Samantha B – 1, chica-chan – 1, Spitfire1688 – 1, kikyouhater118 – 1, EvilImp532 – 1, lover-of-the-night – 1, KumieGirl331 – 1, BlondeVeo – 2, Dangeh – 3, heiress2thethrone – 3, 'mysterio' – 1, Blossom of Death – 7, Inu-Baby18 – 4, Anime-rules-lauren – 1, AA – 2, no one in paricular – 1, anastacia – 1, Dusk – 1, sesshy's numba1 gurl – 4, Miako-The-Cute – 3, Firechild19 – 2, sesslover101 – 1, and mercuriancat – 1. Okay, the reviewer who gave me the most reviews is i take people's whits! (Does 'six flags' dance.) Here's your prize! (Destiny snaps her fingers and waits a few seconds. Nothing happens. She snaps her fingers again and still nothing happens. Destiny growls in anger.) 'Cough' Vegeta 'Cough' (The door slowly opens and in comes a moping Vegeta.) You can make Vegeta do whatever you want for one whole day! And Vegeta is going to like it too, right Vegeta? (Vegeta glares at Destiny, but doesn't reply. Destiny shows Vegeta a picture of something while nudging him with her elbow.) Right? (Vegeta sighs in defeat and grunts as an affirmative.) Good choice, it would be a shame if anybody saw what you were doing in this picture. Okay, whits, go get your prize. (i take people's whits squeals in delight while looping her arm around Vegetas as they walk out the door.) One more thing, some where around chapter 7, I started to write another story. I got to 15 pages, but then I stopped and haven't written anything in it for quite a while now. But now since my story is over, I'll have plenty of time to continue it. Like my last story, this story will be written first before I post it. If I ever finish it, which will probably be in a few months, it will be called 'Life Beyond Walls' or something like that. Two of my reviewers have already seen most of the pages so far, but I don't plan on letting them see anymore, I just wanted some opinions on it before I continued it. I'll give you guys a small summary about it. I'm still not sure what I want to happen in the story, but I'm working on it. This time, the story takes place on planet Vegetasei and all the DBZ warriors that I put in the story will be Saiyan. Plus, I added a new character to it, which will play a big rule thru out the story. It will be another B/V romance story of course. But some other characters will be in it as well, for the main ones that I have in it so far, are Vegeta, Bulma, Kakkorot, Chichi, Krillin, 18, and my new character Stasia. I think I might add Yamcha and Frieza into it. Not sure. Still working on the plot. I know that wasn't much of a summary, but I don't really know myself what I want to happen. No point in telling you guys something that I probably wont stick with now is there? Oh well, at least you guys get some info about it. Well, after this HUGE author's note, I must say my farewells. I've spent hours on this thing and my back is killing me. So, if any of you wish to chat with me, like a few have requested and I am basically chatting with two of them on Yahoo Messenger every day or so, my sign in name is 'darkestdestiny06' and it will say I'm not available all the time because every time I go on, I get at least 50 people suddenly appearing and asking me about sex and crap, and that really does get annoying after a while. So, your just going to have to IM (Instant Message) me and if I'm there, I'll respond, if not, then I'll get your message when I log back on, I do it almost every day, so it won't be hard to miss. I have AIM and Yahoo Messenger. Oh well, I'm probably to boring to chat with anyway. Okay, well, I got to go to work now! (Even though I wrote this last night, but I'm posting it right when I wake up and getting ready for work.) So, bye forever or if I ever post another story, then it will be bye until then. (Or if you ever chat with me on AIM or Yahoo Messenger).

(You + Review – Uh…makes me happy!) (Hint Hint)

Review readers, review! For the fate of this story, no, my happiness depends upon thee!

Until next time or not, farewell! (Fades into the darkness forever…or so you think.)