From Past to Present
By Chikara-Yuy
I do not own Yu-gi-oh or sailor moon!
I hope you guys like this chapter forgive me for taking so long to post but the damn hurricane caused a lot of problems down here in the south. So it will be awhile before I can post new on everthing.
R&R please!
Serena leaned on the chair in her room the next morning. Mokuba had set up a group thing with Yugi Muto and his friends, and she was invited to come along. Seto was busy going over the blue prints she had made for the new duel disk. Serena stretched and decided to get dressed, she pulled on some flared black jeans, with a silver crescent moon on the right pants leg with gold rose wrapped around it. She then pulled on a black sleeveless tank top and grabbed a jean jacket with the symbol for dream in Japanese.
She then pulled her hair into a low ponytail, and looked in her mirror. All of a sudden a memory flashed into her head.
A beautiful woman her face covered with shadow and a small veil that hid the bottom portion of her face bowed before a gold throne. The man upon it remained in shadow, and waved his hand. She then began to dance, a girl to her left also danced. Both seemed to be trying to prove who was better. One her long brown hair flowed around had small beads strewn in it, she was pulling off better than the other girl who was in pink. She was in silver and black. Soon the man clapped his hands and they kneeled. A strong yet gentle voice was heard. "Serenity is the new head dancer, she has proved her self."
Serena shook her head violently. "What the hell was that?" she asked her reflection. Serena then noticed a box on her dresser. She picked it up and opened it a note from inside the box top was in Egyptian writing but Serena was able to somehow decipher it. She then pulled out the small bracelet from the box it had an eye as the charm. She slipped it onto her wrist. Then slipped her black gloves on and grabbed the case that held her dueling deck and strapped it to her back pocket as she always had done. Then she ran down the stairs and met Mokuba as he reached the door. They then walked out and headed to the Turtle game shop. Where they were to meet the others.
Later they found themselves at an arcade and Serena looked at a Kareoke machine. She moved over to it and as she did she heard someone yell so who's next to try and beat my high score? A blonde girl stood there an arrogant smirk on her face. Serena stepped up onto the game pad and said "Me." People began whispering and looked at her. The blonde threw her the mike "Then pick a song and go girl."
Serena looked over this and picked out a song by her favorite singer.
She listened to the music begin to play and closed her eyes.
"Have you ever loved somebody so muchIt make you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever"
Serena song the song exactly right, everyone was speechless as they listened. Yugi blinked looks like Kaiba's sister isn't like him as I had guessed. He thought to himself. Yami was listening and smiled, but as he asked Yugi who was singing, he thought that he knew that voice.
"Have you ever been in loveBeen in love so bad
You'd do anything to make them understand
Have you have had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything to make them fell the same"
Serena opened her eyes and moved the music slowly but stayed in one spot knowing that if she did she would be taken more seriously.
"Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heartBut you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start"
Serena closed here eyes again and sung, thinking on how she had thought she loved Darien. When really she had fell in love, with love. And all the pain it caused. She felt tears prick the back of hear eyes and blinked them back.
"Have you ever loved someone so much
It's make you wanna cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever "
The blonde girl stood dumbfounded. This girl was winning! She hadn't hit a wrong note at all and this song was hard she couldn't even sing it! She looked to her fans to find them swaying to the tune and clapping with the rhythm.
"Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all your life
You'd do anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to"
Yugi stared at Serena she looked to be crying, almost. He then looked inwardly at Yami who was grinning at the sound of the music. Yugi smiled, at least Yami was enjoying himself now.
"Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care"
Anzu watched Serena with curiousity. Why did she feel as if she knew her? Anzu had lapsed into a trance before meeting everyone, and it had dealt with Ancient Egypt. It had confused her and she knew it had to deal with meeting Serena.
"What do I gotta do to get to you in my arms baby
What do I gotta do to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'coz baby I can't sleep"
Serena ended the song and the crowd around the game cheered and clapped. Serena bowed and looked to the game to see it racking up points. She had gotten 20,000 points. The game began flashing. "NEW HIGH SCORE!" blared the computer voice. Serena typed in her nickname, Tranquil and hopped form the stage. Joey and Tristan hurried over to her with Mokuba and the others.
"Ya did great Kaiba!"
"That was amazing,"
"Good job Oni-chan!"
"Serena you were great." Yugi grinned up at her and Serena thanked them all for the compliments. She turned when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She frowned. "And just what do you want?"
"I came to get you back Rena."
"Like hell I am going back."
Darien smirked at her and grabbed her wrist yanking her off her feet and too him. "You will come because I said so!"
"You there stop that right now!"
Joey looked to see the other Yugi glaring at the guy holding Serena.
Anzu glared at the man. She had only known Serena for a while but this wasn't right for this guy to come up and demand things of her!
Darien chuckled at Yugi. "So what are you going to do shrimp?"
Yugi scowled at him causing Darien to shiver. "We are going to duel, if I win Serena stays and you leave and won't bother her again."
Darien smirked. "Okay and if I win she comes with me and none of you tell anyone."
Mokuba was being restrained by Tristan who wanted to hit the guy as badly as Mokuba did. "Listen let Yugi handle it."
Serena gazed at Yugi, she was wondering what caused Yugi to change like this. A minute ago he wouldn't even yell to be heard over the games!
Soon enough Yugi and Darien were standing on a duel stadium Serena stood to one side with the others. Yugi as he had walked by her promised he would not loose.
Yugi started the game by sending out his Dark magician, and playing two cards face down.
Darien played one cared face down and set down one other card.
It didn't take long for it to be over Yugi's Dark Magician finished the battle in a matter of minutes.
Darien slammed his fist down and glared at Serena. "You will come back sooner or later I promise that!"
Serena rolled her eyes. "Just go back to that scrawny bitch you cheated on me with Darien. I hope you enjoy the trip home. Not."
Darien glared at her and left the arcade. Later Yugi, Mokuba and Serena were walking back to Kaiba mansion.
Serena sent Mokuba in and smiled at Yugi. "Thanks for helping." Yugi smiled. My friend was happy to help I had run out to get him though. Serena shook her head at him. "Don't worry I already know about the other you. Joey explained it to me."
Yugi smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. "Serena can I ask you for a favor then?"
Serena leaned on the door frame. "Sure."
"Well, you see. The other me has been really depressed lately and I thought maybe a day out with a friend would do him some good, you know so he can talk to someone."
Serena raised a brow at him. Yugi was up to something. She didn't have to have known him long to spot that. But she smiled anyway. "I would love to help any way I can Yugi."
"Thanks Serena." Yugi said grinning. On the way home though he formulated a plan, and also locked his other self out from seeing it.
cliff hanger!
What is Yugi up too?
Will Darien succed in taking Serena away?
And what is up with her having a millinum item?
Find out next chapter!