Title: Five Things
Author: Sara
Rating: PG
Summary: The five things a war can bring you.
Pairing(s): Hawpper, Frawkeye, Hawkry, B-eye, and Hawkney
A/N: Well, this is a new style for me. Hopefully it's okay.

I. Friends

He knows him because they're close. They're best friends.

Sometimes, when he hears the sounds of war and mindless killing outside the tent, he looks at him, wanting comfort.

Trapper can't offer much, but he does give that.

A lot of times, after a particularly long session of meatball surgery, he looks up at him, wanting a drink.

Trapper doesn't have much, but he can definitely help him there.

Always, when he's at his worst and needing, he looks up at him, wanting love.

Trapper doesn't think he knows how to give him that.

Friends are supposed to say goodbye.

II. Enemies

He knows him because he has to. They hate each other.

Sometimes, when the loneliness is far too much to bear alone, he finds him.

Frank can't help but need it too, so he goes along.

A lot of times, he's planning some sort of prank on him to get him back for something.

Frank really hates it, so he gets his revenge.

Always, he sees him and feels sorry for him, because it's the only other emotion that's fitting, which makes him feel worse.

Frank doesn't know this, so he carries on, oblivious.

Enemies are supposed to be consistent.

III. Conveniences

He knows him because he's in charge. They're buddies.

Sometimes, he gets bored when there is nothing to do.

Henry is apprehensive, but he ends up entertaining him.

A lot of times, he just needs a favor or to be let out of a responsibility so he can do something else.

Henry doesn't like it, but the man has some hold over him.

Always, he keeps it a joke, something light and funny, and nice to have around, but nothing more than that.

Henry is ashamed, but he thinks he has real feelings for him.

Conveniences are supposed to help.

IV. Lovers

He knows him because they're best friends. They have deeper feelings for each other.

Sometimes, it's only lust and loneliness that he's feeling, instead of the usual tenderness, care, and affection.

BJ can tell the difference, and he doesn't mind it.

A lot of times, he just needs reassurance and it's not about sex at all.

BJ acknowledges it, and he provides it for him.

Always, he needs to know that he loves him more than he loves her.

BJ senses this, but that's the one thing he can't give him.

Lovers are not supposed to have wives and children.

V. Soul mates

He knows him because he can't help it. They're always thinking about each other.

Sometimes, he just needs to be treated like any other patient.

Sidney understands, and he knows when to give him space.

A lot of times, he feels like he's losing his mind.

Sidney gets to him, and he's the only person who can help him.

Always, he needs stability, and help, even if he won't admit it, and someone to be there for him when necessary.

Sidney knows, and he's happy to take the job.

Soul mates are able to do what the other four can't.
