Chi: XD I just love you guys! -dives into the saiyuki gang-

G: youre unusually happy.

Chi nods Chi: i realized withought you i would have no one to both torture and love.

-everyone but chi sweatdrops-

Gy: uh yeah...thats...thats great.

Chi: I know. it is isnt it? -huggles hakkai, who looks nervous- Story time!


"Please try and catch up, Gojyo."

Gojyo staggered about ten feet behind Hakkai, trying to keep up with the somehow energized demon. " the hell you can

begoing like this after you've been sick! You're not human!" Gojyo winced when he saw Hakkai's back stiffen, and he caught up to

Hakkai, who had stopped on the path and was now staring down into his open palms.

"Hakkai...stop." Gojyo covered Hakkai's hands with his own, and Hakkai looked up at him. "You had to do what you had to do, and

we understand that. Besides...if you were a human you'd be a lameass, ya know?"

Hakkai smiled gently at the water demon. "I guess that's a good way of putting it."

"And why do we have to hurry after them anyway? We could take some time to relax. Alone."

Hakkai sweatdropped, patting Hakuryu, who had landed on his shoulder seconds earlier. "We could, but I have a feeling they might

run into trouble. Don't you think the demons will see that both Sanzo and Goku are easily outnumbered?"

Gojyo cursed. "I hate it when you're right, Hakkai. And why the hell can't we use Jeep!"

"Look at this terrain. It's bumpy and overgrown! Now come on, Gojyo."

Hakkai started off ahead of the kappa, who sighed.

"Dammit, Hakkai. Can't we ever just screw around?"

He struggled to catch up again to Hakkai, who was blazing ahead.

"Ahhh! Gojyo!"

Gojyo nearly dropped the pack of stuff he was carrying when he heard Hakkai's voice ahead. "Hakkai? HAKKAI!"

The half demon raced in the direction Hakkai had sounded the alarm, heart nearly leaping out of his chest.


Everything was going to hell in a handbasket.


Hands wrapped tightly around his throat.

Why couldn't he breathe?

Why was he being choked?

A sudden jerk, and he sat up quickly, heart racing as he sucked in air.

Goku shivered in the chill night air, hugging his arms to him.

"That dream...I've never had anything like it. Why would anyone want to kill me?"

The young male paused.

"Ok...nevermind that."

Trees reached up to the darkness only midnight could produce, and animals grunted and growled in the night air as Goku shifted

uneasily, feeling eyes boring onto him from the unknown.

Quiet laughter reached his ears, and he shifted about several times, looking around.

He was out in the open, and he felt like someone was just waiting for him to let his guard down, and in that instant the hidden enemy

would pounce, making his move on the unsuspecting demon.

The hair on Goku's arm raised slightly.

"Dammit, this isn't cool! Stop it!"

Goku nearly leapt out of his skin when someone laughed right near his ear. Startled, he held his hand out and, with a whoosh of air,

the Nyoi-bo appeared and he clutched it tightly.

"Who's there!"

"You should know me, monkey! I'm the one who set you free, idiot. Without me you'd still be stuck in that stupid rock!"

"Sanzo?" Goku lowered the pole down. "Is it you?" Seemingly, he had forgotten all about those mysterious voices he had heard


"Look behind you, moron!"

Goku turned quickly, and his eyes widened in shock.

Sanzo was behind him, looking as bored as ever, and he yawned, purple eyes glinting dangerously.

"Sanzo! Ha! I knew ya'd come for me! Without me this trip is boooooring!"

Goku took a step forward and Sanzo held his hand out.

Roaring, ripping wind hit Goku, and he was forced to the ground, pain flashing through his body.

"S-sanzo! What are you doin'!"

"What does it look like I'm doing? Do you honestly think I'd waste all this time on you? On any of them? I'm going to do the only thing

that beasts like you deserve...I'm going to put you out of your misery!"

Goku looked up at Sanzo, betrayal stamped on his face. "Sanzo! What are you talkin' about!"

"Stop asking stupid questions!"

"I'm not askin' stupid questions! And stop callin' me stupid and monkey! That's why I left in the first place! Dontcha remember?"

Sanzo glared down at him, taking a step forward. "What makes you think I don't? Nothing you do can make me change the way I

act. Remember, I live only for myself!"

"Stop preachin', baldy, and let me up! This isn't fun anymore!" Goku struggled, but no matter how much he wriggled he could never

manage to rid himself of the control Sanzo was exerting, holding him down.

"What if I never want to let you up? What if I want to hold you there for eternity...or at least until your soul has long departed this


Goku's golden eyes danced with nervousness, and he continued to writhe in the dirt, leaves and grass clinging to him. "'re

startin' to scare me...what's wrong with you...where's everyone else?"

There was a slight pause, and a scowl appeared on Sanzo's face.

''They were nagging me to go and get you...nagging that we couldn't leave you. So I shut them up."

Goku laughed for a moment before he noticed the awful look on the priest's face, and the laughter died on his lips. "You do mean you

smacked them with the fan, right? That's all. 'Cuz Gojyo was actin' like a perv and Hakkai was bein' too nice...that's all ya did. That's all

ya did, Sanzo! Isn't it!" Goku's voicesounded forced; he was no longer sure of Sanzo's motives.

Sanzo held his hand out and let go of two objects, dropping them down in front of Goku. "What do you think, Goku?"

Goku's eyes widened in horror and he was speechless for a few seconds.

A scrap of fabric from Gojyo's shirt...Hakkai's monocle...

Both were soaked in blood.

"SANZO! Bastard! What did you do to them! ANSWER ME!"

"I did what I had to do. I had to reach you. I had to be the one to send you away."

Goku looked up at Sanzo, actually frightened for his life.

Is he going to kill me?

Like Hakkai and Gojyo?

He killed them!

They're gone!

"SANZO! I can't believe you did that!"

"You don't have to believe me. I was always telling that stupid moron I'd shoot his ugly redhead...I finally carried through

with my threat."

The smaller male watched as the priest removed the gun from his robe and cocked it with a chilling click that reverbrated

in Goku's skull.

The deadly steel was lifted and pointed at Goku's right arm, which only made the monkey thrash even more.

"I'll make the torture easy, ok? Unlike what I did for Hakkai and Gojyo..."

Goku heard the gun roar its report, and he jerked when the bullet struck his arm, blood splattering the ground.

"GAH!" he screamed, grabbing at his bicep as the warm blood ran through his twitching fingers. He was powerless to

stop Sanzo and he was jolted violently when he was struck in the left arm, hands twitching from the pain.

"Now there is only one thing I have to get rid of."

Goku glanced up at Sanzo when the priest placed the hot barrel of the gun on his headband, and the teen's eyes grew



Sanzo pulled back his arm, and slammed the gun down with all his force, and Goku felt the white light creeping onto him

as he lost his sanity, roaring and shrieking.


-Chi sighs- yeah i know. like sanzo could break it. i thought about his blasting it away but that would kinda...blast goku's brains as well.

Gy: goku doesn't have a brain in his head!

G: Shut up!

Gy: Make me!

G: thats it!

-Chi watches as they get into a fight- Chi: i do believe #6 will be my last chapter. do tune in

Ha: Oh. how polite. good job.

chi: thanks. i learn from the best.

-ha smiles-