Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot. I really don't know where this fic is going yet, so just stay tuned.


Ginny walked slowly down the corridor to the potions lab. Sighing, she entered the room to find herself face to face with a very disappointed Snape.

"You're late Weasley." He snapped, eyes narrowing. Ginny fell before him;

"Oh please sir! I had to brave the many dangers of our treacherous but beloved school! The dungeon is not a safe place, there are monsters lurking behind every corner. The horror, my lord, the horror!"

The class burst into laughter, each student quite used to Ginny's antics. Even Severus Snape, the toughest teacher in the school, couldn't keep a smile off his face.

"Go sit down before I thrust you back out into that danger." He said, struggling to hide the amuesment in his voice. Snape quite enjoyed the youngest Weasely , she was far more amusing than any of his other students. Ginny's outrageous actions were hard not to like.

Ginny sat down between Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini. One would question why the littlest Weasely would sit with two of Harry's enemies. Truth was, halfway through her second year, the girl had ditched "The Dream Team" finding them annoying, and their adventures immature. Harry was a whiny brat, Ron was….well, Ron. She still cared for Ron and Hermione, but she steered clear of The Boy Who Lived. Blaise, Pansy and Ginny had been assigned three years ago, and since Ginny had stopped mooning after Harry, they had dropped all defenses and quickly found that Ginny was well worth having as a friend.

Grabbing a piece of parchment, Pansy quickly scrawled a note;

Whats going on? Why are you late? Everything okay? And handed it to the girl. Ginny glanced at the paper, and then pulled out her quill and ink. Writing a reply and handing it back.

Everything is fine. Ron and Harry had another falling out, and Harry expected me to go against my brother and stand with him. Yeah, right. Harry's a good kid but he is so ridiculously hard to get along with I don't even think a friendship is worth it. So I just made up some bullshit and left.

Pansy nodded after reading the note. She handed it to Blaise, who rolled his eyes, and scrawled a message.

I think he should be known as The Boy Who Lived; but takes his life for granted, complains all the time, attempts suicide for attention, and tries to pit his friends against eachother.

Ginny read the note, and let out a snort of laughter that was more than just a little noticeable, and in turn, received a glare from Snape. The note writing halted and all three students actually started paying attention. Aside from all the trouble they made, the three of them were among the few students that got top grades.

As soon as they were dismissed, Ginny followed Pansy and Blaise out of the room. They walked down the hall to their next class, laughing together at inside jokes.

Harry sat at the Gryffindor table, head in his hands, trying to recollect his thoughts. Ron just didn't understand, and Hermione was too eager to please to take either side, not to mention that Ginny had completely blown them off. What was with her lately? She was supposed to be mooning over him wasn't she?

"Dominique, nique, nique, S'en allait tout simplement, Routier pauvre et chantant, En tous chemins, en tous lieux, Il ne parle que du bon Dieu.!"

Harry's thoughts were interrupted as three students came prancing through the hall singing some annoying french song at the top of their lungs. Harry glanced up, and caught sight of ginger hair. He took a closer look, and found that the ginger hair indeed belonged to Ginny, who was skipping through the hall with Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson on each arm. His hands clasped in fists of rage he stood to reprimand her, but she had already left the hall.

So! Little Miss "I love Harry" is prancing around singing french songs! With Slytherins no less! She's on our side, whats she doing gallivanting with the enemy?

The more he thought about it the angrier he got. Ginny should be with him, and Ron, and Hermione, her true friends!

Harry stopped for a second, thinking something over. They had never…really…accepted Ginny into the "Dream Team" as they were called. Actually he had been downright mean to her on more than one occaision. But that was still no reason for her to be siding with the enemy! Who knows, next she'd be mooning over Malfoy!

Blaise was rolling around on the floor of Pansy's room, cramped with hysterical laughter. Ginny and Pansy were sitting on the bed, giggling along with him.

"AH! My luhv, did youh cee ze look on his face? Ah, tvas priceless!" Blaise choked out, with what was supposed to be a mock french accent.

Ginny couldn't breathe because she was laughing so hard. True, in her first year she had followed Harry around like a lovesick….thing. But now that she thought about it, Harry was mean, selfish, and full of himself, and truth be true, she didn't want anything to do with him.

"You guys are so…ridiculous…" Ginny said, once she was able to catch her breath.

"No, no, Harry's the ridiculous one, we're more on the sane, normal side." Pansy said thoughtfully, holding back her laughter. Her effort didn't do much, as she was soon laughing so hard she fell off the bed.

After a few moments, their laughter slowed into heavy breathing.

"So…we've got a week of classes left, and then break. Its going to be bloody brilliant!" Blaise said excitidly, taking another gulp of fire whiskey.

"Yeah..brilliant…" Ginny muttered under her breath. Her parents were going to visit her brother in Romania over break, so she was stuck at the castle for a whole two weeks.

"Ah, another brilliant christmas, made even more brilliant by the absence of the overbearing sadistic arses we call our fathers" Pansy said happily " Uhh, no offense Ginny."

"None taken my dear." Ginny said, a little less than enthusiastic.

Blaise, who had been laying on his back, rolled over, putting his chin in his hand in a thoughtful way.

"What are you doing for Christmas? Presents, shagging...shagging...?"

"Hmm. Less than likely." She returned.

"Well what then?" Pansy said, snuggling up to her.

"How about…staying at the castle, in my room, moping?" she said glumly. There was a shocked silence, followed by Blaise's drunken holler;

"LESS THAN LIKELY, my love. You'll be joining me and Pansy at my enormous mansion in the middle of nowhere, feasting, dancing, and getting ridiculously smashed." Blaise said, in a tone of finality. Ginny's heart fluttered. The only place she'd ever been invited was Hermione's house for a sleepover. A pang of worry peirced her chest.

"You're joking, right?"

"Not bloody likely dear. Unless of course you don't want to join us in our festivities…"Blaise returned, his grin fading slightly.

"No, no! I'd love to come! Its just…I've never really been invited anywhere.." She said finally.

"Well, consider yourself completely invited." He said, his grin returning. Ginny giggled in response.

Pansy sighed, sounding exhausted.

"Well guys, I have to say, I am completely gone. If you two would excuse yourselves from my chambers, I think I need to get some beauty rest." She said after a moment.

"I'm gonna have to go with...No." Blaise returned, scooping the girl up affectionatly and tucking her into the bed. Once she was setteled, he climbed in himself, cuddling up to her. Ginny sat there akwardly for a few moments, and then very quietly got up and headed for the door. Upon reaching the door, she found that not only was the door locked, but the handle was read hot.

"I wouldn't be going anywhere if I were you, this is and awfully dangerous castle, after all."