Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters (Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy) in this story. All of these graphics belong to Square-Enix!

Warning: Shounen-ai, yaoi, slash, male/male relationships, gay, homosexual... whatever you want to call it. Oh, and split personality disorder..



ChApTeR: oNe


"Oh.. I see you're up now. Good morning."

Blue eyes slowly peeled open and glanced around the hospital room with a sense of confusion. Only one blue eye could be seen because of massive amount of bandage on the other side of that delicate face. He moaned in pain, trying to ask what happened and not being able to form the words.

"You really shouldn't try and speak at the moment, Sora.. You were hit by a car just outside of the arcade around a week ago or so."

He tried to look towards the feminine voice that had spoken to him, but was finding it quite hard to move. He moaned in pain again, now trying to get comfortable.

"I'm Kairi, your doctor. You're going to make a full recovery, but you will be sore for the next few er.. Weeks. You're going to be just fine though.." she walked into his vision so he could see her.

Sora looked at her through his one blue eye. She was pretty.. Nice hair, pretty lavender eyes.. Yes, she was cute. Nice smile too..

"Wha.." the brunette closed his eyes, everything he said sounded like just a bunch of mumbles. And he noticed that Kairi leaned down closer to him, to hear him even though he shouldn't have been speaking. "Happen."

Kairi leaned back up, a pleasant smile on her face that Sora could not see, "well.." she paused, "after you get better.. We're going to send you to one of our psychiatrist here. He's a very nice man.."

The one eye he could see out of went wide and he wanted to scramble. He wanted to stand up and walk away, he waned to leave. "Why?" he questioned in a slurred way.

"What happened was.. Well.. You weren't just walking out of the arcade, Sora. When the driver hit you, she said you were talking to yourself. She said you just ran out in front of her car and she said even after she hit you, you kept talking and screaming." she sighed, "by the time we got there, it was like you were switching people.. The real you who was trying to figure out what was going on.. And the other you who was laughing at your pain. Laughing at your suffering.. I just want Riku to check you out. Don't worry, you're not crazy or anything."

There was a moment of silence in which Sora was breathing heavily, trying to let his rational mind make sense out of this all. But how could he get his rational mind to make sense out of everything when it had been so... Contorted by someone inside him..?

It had been a few months and, just like Kairi had said, he made a full recovery. Going to some psychiatrist had completely left his mind by now, and he was just worried about paying the hospital bill and going home. Home sounded quite nice.

Sora only had one thing to remind him of the car accident, and that was just a scar on his left arm. It was nothing big, it looked like a cut that wouldn't heal more than anything though.


"Hm?" the doctor was eating lunch with Sora in the cafeteria, it was becoming a daily ritual.

He bit down on his lower lip, not wanting to bring the subject up of the psychiatrist. If they had forgotten, it was there problem, not his. So why should he have to remind them at all?

"What is it, Sora? Do you feel ok?" she put down her fork and placed her hand on top of his. "Just tell me what's bothering you."

Sora glanced at their hands and moved his away, causing Kairi to blush and frown a bit. "The psychiatrist.. I don't need to go. I'm fine."

Kairi's frown increased, "you don't remember anything.. Do you?"

He turned to her, his eyes big as if he had been caught red handed with some crime. "What..? Remember what?" his arms were crossed over his chest, his lips slightly parted, his eyes wide.

"All those months you've been here.. Sora, we kept having to give you medicine, things to get you to calm down or put you to sleep." she paused and sighed deeply, "you talk to yourself.. But in two different voices. Your own voice and then someone else's." she didn't want to say he had split personality disorder, "I walked in their once and you kept asking me what was going on, but it wasn't your voice.. I don't know who it was.."

"Someone else.. Inside me.." he looked away from Kairi and at the floor as if it had suddenly become very interesting to him. "When do I... meet him?"

The doctor looked at her watch and squeaked, "right now!" she jumped up from the table and walked over to Sora, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the cafeteria.

Dragging him down the hallways and up a flight of stairs and then back down another hallway and up another flight of stairs. Honestly, it was like getting free exercise.. But Sora didn't like that, he was still in a bit of pain from the accident.

"Here." she stopped abruptly at a door, causing Sora to practically crash into her.

Clearing her throat, Kairi balled her fist and gave three knocks on the door. She swallowed hard as if some kind of dragon were going to come out of the door and eat her.. Maybe the psychiatrist was scary, Sora didn't know.

Kairi was about to knock again when both heard a very small 'come in'.

Or maybe the psychiatrist was really incredibly old. Sora, despite his unwillingness of wanting to go, was anxious to find out who this guy was. He was always like that when meeting new people.

"Sir..?" the doctor pushed open the door and stepped in, pulling Sora in firmly. Somehow, her hand had slipped down from Sora's wrist to his hand.. And the brunette didn't like that change at all.

"Ah, Kairi. Yes. Did you bring Sora?" whoever this guy was, he was turned around in his chair, the back facing the two.

"Yes Riku, he's right here."

Sora blushed a shade of red, he felt like an animal getting ready to be slaughtered. He wouldn't have been surprised if the psychiatrist suddenly asked 'how much does he weight?' or something along those lines.

"Good, good.." and the psychiatrist stood up from his chair and came around from behind the desk and faced them. He smiled pleasantly at the horror stricken Sora and at the confused Kairi who was staring at Sora.

"You.." the brunette dropped Kairi's hand and stepped back, staring at Riku with wide eyes. "You and.. I.." his first instinct was to run.. But he didn't.

Instead, he did something much worse, he screamed.

Author's Note: It's kind of confusing at the end there. Why Sora can't talk all of a sudden and then screams.. Er, you're smart, you'll figure it out.. And if you don't, you'll find out in the next chapter. Anyway, I wanted to do something more than just.. Sora loves Riku, can't tell Riku, Riku tells Sora, lots of conflict, some romance, a splash or blue paint, and END. I wanted to make Sora actually have a disorder and Riku to actually have a job. Ok, so, if you want an update, REVIEW.
