Disclaimer: I do not own the plot or characters of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy

Dark: ...it is just me or does this text look small...

Sora: You're probably just seeing things.

Dark: Yeah, maybe. Anyway, hello again! I guess I've gone back to my monthly schedule. Which was a chore because, for some reason, this was quite hard to write. I dont know why, it just was. It might have been because I wanted to say thanks for over 50 reviews? It isn't explicit, so those of you squeamish about certain things, don't worry.

Sora: Ugh...why behind a dugout? Honestly...

Dark: Be happy it was only a hand job and I didn't make him rape you. Anyway, Read and Review!

Warning: For those of you who have just been reading this just to read it and don't like anything shonen-ai, skip Sora's section. Why? Honestly, read the A/N. Those of you who quite enjoy that thing, ignore this as you've probably read the A/N. Happy reading!

Chapter Eight

Can't Lie Through Lips

A Loyal Subject

I wasn't sure when I woke up the first time. All I knew was that it was still light out; it was dim, trying to pierce through the yellow curtains that had been pulled over a window. I might have dreamed that part though. Really, maybe me waking up that first time was just a realistic dream; who can really say. After letting my head roll to the side, I began to drift off again, the vision of my cousin's flaming red hair the last thing I saw before fading into the dreamscape again.

Waking up the second time, I forced myself to stay awake a bit longer. I caught bits and pieces of a conversation revolving around the Jocks; something about a deal that had been made. Reno sounded tired, but annoyed while, I think Rufus, sounded angry albeit confused. I smiled at hearing him; it was so typical. When he understood the reasons people did something, but didn't know whether to be angry or understanding, he got that way. The last thing I heard before fading away again was my name. I tried desperately to keep listening, but the ache from the glass bottle smashing against the back of my head was roaring my senses, forcing me back into darkness.

I jerked awake the third time. Not in the way you might be thinking; I didn't look like a zombie, trying to animate myself. At least, I hope not. My eyes flew open and I took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling. The light from before was gone; replaced by the deep, dark blue that the Earth seems to become at night when you adjust to the darkness. Slowly, I let myself relax, a hand raising to sweep strands of blonde away from my face. There was no telling what time it was. Just from the yellow curtains by the window, I knew I was in Rufus' living room; the only clocks in his house were in the kitchen, his room and his parents room.

After a moment of sorting through my thoughts, I finally realized there was a weight just by my hip; thinking it was a pillow or just the blanket bunched up, I reached a hand down to move it or straighten it. As my fingers brushed against the soft strands of someone's hair, I froze. The head beneath my hand shifted, the person probably having been woken up thanks to me, though they quickly snuggled into whatever their head was resting on and drifting back to sleep. Looking down slowly, my breath caught; the strawberry blonde strands beneath my fingers were all too well groomed to belong to just anyone. It was then I realized that what I had thought was a blanket, wasn't; it was a coat. A white coat. Rufus' coat.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly pulled myself into a sitting position, using the backrest of the couch to help me; the sharp pain in the back of my mind wasn't enjoyable, but so long as I didn't rush myself, it didn't hurt too bad. Raising the hand from the couch, I felt the area where the bottle had shattered. Yeah, that was going to be a fairly nice sized bump for a while. Letting out the breath I had been holding, I looked back to Rufus. He was sleeping in the clothes he'd worn earlier, using his arms as his pillow, legs cross to the side under him. That had to be terribly uncomfortable.

Looking around the room, I found myself smiling. There they were; Tseng in the armchair, Rude by the door and Reno…either completely invisible or not here. The smile turning into a frown, I looked around; feeling, you know, a little hurt. Of all people to see me when I'm injured in some way, I expected Reno to be one of the first. True, we might not be the closest, but he was still high on my list of caring relatives.

"Ah, you're awake."

Cursing, I turned to look where the voice came from. Reno blinked and looked towards Rude as he shifted, though the male only rolled over, snoring softly again. Tseng and Rufus didn't so much as snort in their sleep from my outburst. Letting my gaze travel back towards the red head, I frowned. "How long was I asleep?"

"Hmm…a while. It's been…oh, I suppose anywhere from eight to ten hours." He spoke casually, shrugging to himself more then me as he seated himself on the other couch where he'd no doubt been resting. The top half of his blue suit was missing, his white dress shirt only buttoned up to mid-chest. His boots were beside the couch and his blue pants had been replaced with black pajama bottoms; considering I didn't live with Reno, I wondered if those were his or Rufus'. Him borrowing from our boss must have made Tseng gap with scorn. The thought made me smile.

"Thinking of something funny?"
"Eh…well, I suppose so."

For a moment, we didn't really say anything. It wasn't awkward; anything quiet with Reno was either a blessing or him actually considering what he was going to say. It didn't happen often, but we usually listened when he thought about what he was saying. "…I think Rufus has a thing for you."

Alright, never mind, he's an idiot all the time. "What're you talking about?"

"Well, whenever we get hurt, you notice he doesn't sleep by us?"
"…he did by Tseng that one time."
"That's because he didn't want to be alone."

Oh…well, he had me there. The first time Tseng had gotten seriously hurt, he'd been scared shitless. We all had, considering a lot of our enemies fought dirty. And, also considering Tseng had been hurt in his own house, I can understand why he was afraid to be alone. So Rufus stayed there, along with us and I think Cloud and Sora, too; which is usually why he's also careful to watch over for the Rebels. Paying back the debt, as he would say.

"Reno…maybe it's because I'm the girl of the group?"
"That sounds sexist, especially from you."
"I know, but that can't be right. Rufus possibly liking me."
"And why is that?"

For a moment, I didn't know how to answer. I wanted to say it was because he was older by two years or because I'd known him since I was a little girl, but that would have just helped Reno prove his point. My gaze slid to Rufus slowly, watching his back rise and fall in sleep; one of my hands slowly ran over the material of his coat until it was beside him. All I would need to do is raise a finger and I could touch his hair. Instead I let my hand slide more to the side, just barely letting my palm cover the back of his barely visible hand.

"Elena…," Reno paused, as if not sure of how to continue. For the life of me, I wish I could've said something fake. Even a lie would've worked. With a sigh, I lifted my hand from Rufus' and instead used it to push a few strands of hair away from my face.

"You know, " I started, smiling as I looked towards the red head, "We've known Rufus for a long time. Almost…what, ten years for me, eleven years for you and Rude, twelve for Tseng? In all those years, I've been wondering how he sees us. As lackeys, family or maybe just friends."

Reno didn't say anything, so I continued. "I've come to the conclusion that we are in a whole different category. One that only people like Rufus and Cloud and Sora can create. I guess what I'm trying to say is…if he were to return any sort of feelings for me, they would be strictly in that category. However far that category goes."

Putting my hands behind me, I slid back using the armrest; lightly pushing the coat off me and onto Rufus. Easing myself off the couch so I didn't wake him, I stood and shrugged as I looked back towards Reno. "Besides. We all know that the dreams from kids like us are ignored."

I began walking towards the bathroom, Reno sitting up, looking like he was going to follow me. I laughed and held up my hands in defensive pose number thirteen. "Relax, couch potato. I'm going to take a shower. You really don't need to help me with that."

He snorted, but relaxed again, watching until I disappeared from view. Really, I think I would've hit myself if I'd known at the time; the small notion of me putting my hand over Rufus' had woken him up. And he'd heard everything I'd said. I can be really stupid sometimes…

A Rebel Prince

"You knew! You rat-faced bastard, how could you not tell me?"

I was beyond pissed at that point. It wasn't until Cloud told me, before school started, about this little agreement between the groups. Though I had tried to be angry at him, he did call; it wasn't his fault I hadn't bothered to call him back when my mom gave me the message. Plus, he was in the same boat as I. So I took out my anger on the next best person; Riku. Who'd known about it since yesterday. It was a good thing he'd been given a glove in P.E. today because I was showing him just how fast and how hard I could throw the damn baseball. Giving me serious, albeit immature, satisfaction each time he caught it; watching the wince spring to his face before it vanished into a neutral expression.

"After I agreed to trust you." Catch ball. Throw ball. See wince.
"After what I did with you." Catch ball. Throw ball. See wince.
"After…well, shit, after everything!" Catch ball. Throw ball. See…it completely miss his glove?

Riku had moved that time, removing the glove and rubbing his palm, which was a bright red. "Alright, Sora, I get it. I am an asshole. I should have told you. I understand why you're mad. But isn't it enough that I saved you from being stuck with Seifer?"

"Yeah, I'm grateful. No, I'm beyond grateful about that, but why didn't you tell me?"
"…we were kind of busy and that would've killed the mood."
"Killed the…that was Seifer? On the phone yesterday?"

If he'd thought that would help his case, he was so wrong. So very wrong. Though we had indeed continued our ministrations, nothing beyond kissing without shirts had happened. Which I was now oh-so very happy about now. Without another thought, I walked up to him and pushed him; he stumbled and fell against the dugout, frowning as he glanced towards me. We stared at each other for a moment, me glaring and him just staring. It was a good thing we were the only ones back here; anyone else would've thought we were about to have a fight. Which, I wasn't doubting right now.

"This is so fucking stupid. Why are mad? Because I didn't tell you?"
"Yes, that's why. And it's not fucking stupid, asshole."
"I didn't tell you because you would've probably kicked me out of your house."
"What, so it was alright to say nothing was wrong?"
"Because nothing is wrong, so get the fuck over it."

That did it. I literally flung my glove off; if anybody had been watching, this is where they would've screamed fight. My fist flew without me even thinking about it, connecting with the side of his face. Riku stumbled and I brought my hand back to hit him again; only to have him lurch forward, grasping the front of my grey shirt and swing me around, slamming me against the dugout. I winced as I was pressed against the dull grey concrete, though didn't have much time to remember how I'd ended up there. Riku pulled me off the hard surface and spun me around, following through when he pushed me back this time.

I was about to yell at him again, though his mouth closed over mine, silencing me completely. He kissed me with enough force to bruise, leaving me with the impression that my lips would most likely be swollen when he let me breathe. If he let me breathe. Was it possible to die by kiss? I raised a hand and pushed at his shoulder, only to have his hand close around my wrists and hold them above my head, pressed against the dugout.

This would be molestation, I believe, if I weren't a little willing. Hell, I was more then willing; even if I'd been pissed before. His thigh forced its way between mine as he got closer, his free hand pushing under the hem of my shirt and sliding just past the top of my workout pants. I froze and pulled against his grasp, remembering this was a very bad place to start doing this.

As his hand began to slide lower, I forced my head to the side, breathing heavily as I struggled to talk. "No, n-not here."

He ignored me, I noticed, and instead busied himself with my ear, biting the lobe hard. I cried out, taking my swollen lower lip into my mouth so as not to alert our whole class to the naughty things happening across the field. Hearing no one running to check out what the noise has been, I let out a breath, only to have it freeze halfway through my throat as I felt Riku's hand slide around me.

Every thought I had was completely erased. There is no other explanation for it, they just disappeared. As he began to move his hand along my shaft, I groaned and felt myself beginning to slide down the dugout surface; his hand let go of my wrists and he pressed closer, slightly to the side now so as to not disturb what he was currently doing. Which was driving me insane; slowly, but steadily insane.

My now free hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, clinging to his shoulders as I buried my face into the junction of his neck. "Nnnn…Riku…th-this isn't…a good p-place."

"You want me to stop?" His grip tightened to where I could feel the ridges in his fingers just barely, moving his hand faster so I couldn't even wrap my mind around anything other then what he was doing. Did I want him to stop? What, was he fucking stupid? No, I didn't want him to stop. But considering where we were, it was risky doing this…oh. Naturally, I'd remember his advice from yesterday. Funny how I couldn't think of anything, but things involving him right now.

"N-no…but…R, Riku-"
"Then enjoy it and try not to be too loud."

Easy for him to say. "H…how…?"

He turned his face to the side, his cheek lightly resting against my neck, letting me feel his lips pull into a smirk. "You want to use my shoulder?"

I think he had been kidding at the time, but I did it anyway. My hand pulled his sleeve lightly out of the way and I hesitantly let my mouth close over a portion of his shoulder, biting down. I heard him gasp, but he didn't stop, instead picking up the pace enough to where I was moaning and whimpering through my teeth. As I felt myself teetering on the edge of no return, the hand that had at one time been holding my wrists touched my cheek and I let go of his shoulder to glance towards him. He stared at me in silence, lowering his lips to mine and kissing me; all it took after that was the brush of his tongue against the roof of my mouth to send me falling into the abyss.

Truthfully, the space between me completely ruining the inside of my pants and me using him as my sole support was blank. I couldn't see anything other then the black clouds that had invaded my vision. After they had vanished, I was leaning against him, legs totally useless while he licked the side of his hand clean. Yeah, seeing that really helped me think clearly. Once an ass, always an ass, no matter how many times he's turned me on.

"…wasn't I mad at you?" Ah, finally. A solid thought.

Riku paused in his shifting of me and snorted, taking a step back to help me stand on my own; least, that's what I think he had planned on doing. He cursed as he suddenly lost his balance and fell, in all his flailing glory, landing on his back with a thud. Unfortunately, my legs weren't ready to listen to my brain yet and I went down after him, bracing my arms on either side of the jock to keep from totally squishing him. He brought himself up onto his elbows, looking past me; I followed his gaze and eyed the baseball we'd neglected to pick back up. Funny how an inanimate object is in the perfect spot like that.

As I turned back to him, I felt his hand slide through my hair and pull me closer, brushing his lips over mine. At first, I expected him to kiss me like he had before, but soon I realized it wasn't anything like the kiss from today. I wasn't sure how to take this kind of tenderness, especially from someone as unrelenting as Riku.

When he pulled away from me, all I could do was stare at him…and then it hit me. He'd just given me a hand job behind a dugout. And that I was pressed very close to him right now. Riku gave me a smug smile and I glared down at him, pushing him back down as I stood up. "You're a pig."

"Oh, I'm sorry for being male."
"What do you think I am?"
"Well, now I know you're a guy."

I blushed and kicked the jock in the knee, walking away as he cursed and held the abused limb to him. As usual, the immature satisfaction was there. No matter how old one became, it was always funny hearing people complain about such a momentary pain. When I was on the other side of the dugout, I paused, wondering if I should wait for him. Alright, true, he'd pretty much had his way with me so I wouldn't be so pissed. Or maybe it was so I wouldn't hit him again. Either way, he'd still done something for me. Technically.

With a grunt, I settled down by the dugout; the others kids in the class were still throwing the ball around. All with an absolutely horrible form, might I add. Snorting as one followed through with his pitch and fell on his face, I raised a hand to my lips. It felt as if Riku were still kissing me. I couldn't explain it. The way he'd pressed his lips to mine was just so different then how he usually did. Even at my house, when we were alone, he hadn't kissed me that way.

"Hey, you coming?"

I jumped as I heard Riku's voice, letting my hand fall away from my lips when I turned towards him. He had his glove over his hand, holding the ball in it with my glove under his other arm. Glancing towards the field, I realized we were heading inside, our P.E. teacher, Vincent Valentine, watching from the shade of the door. I wonder if he had a skin condition; that would certainly explain why he was almost never out in broad daylight. Or he was a vampire. But I wanted to believe skin condition.

"C'mon, we don't have all day." As I turned back to him, I realized he'd begun moving on without me. Giving a sigh, I jogged after him, slowing to a walk once I had pulled up beside him. We were the only ones left on the field; Mr. Valentine watched us for a moment before putting the door stopper in place and disappearing inside, deciding we'd walk in without his supervision.

Glancing towards Riku for a moment, then around to make sure we were truthfully alone, I directed my hand into his. I felt him tense when I grasped his hand and was about to pull away when he tightened his own grip, his fingers twining with mine. As we got closer to the school, he pulled my hand up to his lips, kissing one of my knuckles softly.

I watched with a smile, feeling that small part of me that questioned Riku's intentions so often beginning to warm up. When we entered the school, we let our hands fall away from each other, going to our separate lockers. It didn't matter how often a part of me doubted him; there was no way he could lie through his lips…

An Independent Leader

"Can you believe her? I call her out in the hallway because her group is talking about me and what does she do? Completely ignores me! If that bitch thinks she can ignore me with that damned smile and not yell back at me, she has another thing coming!"

I honestly think something is wrong with Yuffie. Her current topic of annoyance was Aeris, leader of the Preps. From what the ninja had said, Aeris' group has been talking about her behind her back and when Yuffie yelled at the senior about it, all the other woman had done was smile in apology and walk away. Really, I didn't see the problem. At least no one had tried bitching at Yuffie for yelling at Aeris.

Obviously, Tifa and Rufus didn't see the problem either. They looked towards each other in confusion, Tifa saying hesitantly, "Um…Yuffie, what did you want her to do?"

"Yell back at me! I mean, damn, make me look like a fool by just smiling all sad like when I'd totally bitched at her…"

Rufus sighed, leaning on a hand as he watched us talk, not seeming to really be paying attention. As I studied him, I wondered if something was wrong. It wasn't often he was this quiet. The thought was whisked away though as the bell rang and I looked up towards the clock, standing with my books and following the others out of the class.

It was funny how disinterested Mr. Kuja was in actually making us work the entire fifty five minutes of Biology. Every day, as soon as there were fifteen minutes left of class, he'd tell us to have fun the rest of the hour. So long as we didn't break his shit or do anything totally obscene on the biology tables. I remembered the day we'd decided to test if he was serious and I smirked, opening my locker; there had been one day when Tifa and Yuffie had 'experimented' his rule on the table with Rufus and I pretending to film. Mr. Kuja had taken one look and sighed, burying his face in his hands while gesturing for them to separate. Needless to say, it had been a fun fifteen minutes.

Just as I shoved the last of my books in my locker, the door slammed shut and I hardened my gaze, turning a glare to the person who'd done it. When I saw Leon, the look softened, though became just as frigid again when his didn't soften up. "Starting today, you'll be helping me in the weight room instead of going to lunch."

"Just because we made that agreement doesn't mean I have to give up my lunch to help you with every little thing," I kept up the act, crossing my arms over my chest. Both of us were roughly the same height, so it made it easy to glare face to face with him. Leon rose an eyebrow, a great show of emotion, especially coming from him.

"Is that so? I guess I'll just go tell Seifer you're not abiding by the agreement," Leon shrugged, turning away and starting to walk down the hall. With an annoyed sigh, I walked after him, the kids in the halls either smirking or glaring as we passed. It was easy to see the ones that didn't like me listening to him while just as easy to tell who thought this was absolutely hilarious.

When we rounded the corner and the remaining students disappeared, I let my look soften and walked up beside him. "Help you out in the weight room?"

"It's where I usually go during lunch, so it's believable."
"…why don't you each lunch?"
"I do eat lunch. Just not in the cafeteria."

As we approached the room where the jocks usually worked out, I gave a thoughtful nod. I suppose it made sense. Leon hated being around lots of people and avoiding the cafeteria was just another way to make himself comfortable. Then again, it could also be because he was avoiding Scarlet. The fact Seifer had told her to try going after Leon was just plain disgusting; no telling what kind of disease that whore could give you.

I walked past him when he held the door open for me, letting it slide closed behind him. When he walked deeper into the room, I stared around, raising an eyebrow. I had always known the school was quite adept when it came to their sports education, but I hadn't ever realized just how much exercise the jocks went through to keep their strength up. There were various exercise machines all laid out around the room, including on the walls; I would say where they were for, but the thing I'd ever done for exercise for wrestle with my other friends. Sometimes I won and sometimes I didn't.

When I heard the churn of a CD player, I turned to look where Leon had gone. Stepping around one of the exercise machines that seemed to be focused on strengthening the legs, I saw him in the corner, messing with a stereo. A moment later and I heard the pleasant sounds of Say Anything blasting through the speakers in every corner of the room. Smirking, I walked over to the stereo and poked through the random CD's. "Wow, I'm impressed. You guys like our music."

"What did you expect us to listen to? Aqua?"
"Hey, you never know. Doesn't everyone want a Barbie girl?"
"I suppose. Maybe that's why I like you."

I blushed, turning to glare at him as the brunette sat himself on the edge of a cushioned dumb bell bench. Did he seriously just make a joke? With a frown, I put down the disc's I'd been skimming through, walking towards him cautiously. He rose an eyebrow as he stared up at me and I raised a hand, putting it over his forehead. "Are you okay? I mean, you just made me look like an idiot…"

He stared at up at me for a moment, before reaching up and grabbing my collar, pulling me closer to him. "Least I did it while we were alone…"

I just stared at him, though soon my gaze slid around the room. He was right, we were alone. Which, if I understood correctly was he was implying, worked entirely in our favor. Smirking, I slid forward until I was kneeling over with my legs on either side of his; this made me a bit taller, but was less awkward then sitting beside him.

My hands ran through his deep brown hair, the soft locks parting underneath my fingers. Gripping the strands once my hands were where I wanted them, I made him tilt his head back, my lips hovering over his. We stared at each other from inches away, though he closed his eyes first, his hand lifting to pull me down; once our lips were touching, I knew neither of us were willing to give up the dominance. I smirked through the kiss and I felt him do the same only seconds before he forced us to fall forward, hands braced on either side of me.

With my hands still locked in his hair, I couldn't do much to stop my own fall and I cursed as he took the lead, biting my lower lip so I'd open my mouth. When he'd just barely gotten access, I let go of his hair and pushed him over, rolling on top of him. Before he could do the same to me, I scooted higher up so I was basically sitting on his chest, hands gripping his wrists and pinning them down on either side of him. Before I could adjust my grip to keep them down, he jerked his hips up and I effectively lost my grip, the jock pushing me the way I had him.

He kneeled on top of me, grabbing my wrists and holding them down above me, earning him a rather frigid glare. Leon just smirked and leaned down, kissing me softly. "Don't be mad. You gave me the idea after all."

"Shut up, ass." I cursed myself as he took the chance to kiss me, trying to pull my arms out of his grip. He just chuckled at my attempts and I glared up at him before thinking, screw it, and returning his kiss. Though it had always been nice to kiss someone, whether they be boy or girl, I noticed it felt freaking awesome when you actually liked them. The only girl I'd felt that way about, honestly, was Tifa. Despite the fact she didn't turn me on sexually, kissing her at any time was like getting a glimpse of heaven. It was similar with Squall, but it actually did more for me then just give me a glimpse. I was there, floating in the atmosphere, in a high that I couldn't get down from.

I felt his hands beginning to slide down my arms, freeing my wrists from his grasp, almost hesitantly, like I'd fight back. As I had given in, fighting him was the last thing I wanted right now. Lowering my arms to wrap them around his shoulders, I pulled him closer to me, Leon pausing in his kiss, as if surprised. A moment later and he returned to what he'd been doing, arms wrapping around my waist as the brunette pulled himself so he was sitting instead of laying atop me, bringing me into his lap. I smirked against my lips, breaking the kiss to stare down at him. He returned the smirk, though paused, looking confused for a moment.

"What's wrong?"
"…I think I'm forgetting something…"
"Forgetting something…oh yeah, what about lunch? Not that this isn't absolutely delicious, you know."

I made him chuckle and leaned in for another kiss, but right as our lips touched against, the door opened. "Sorry Squall, but there was this huge line outside of that fast food…place. Oh my…"

Leon turned to look at Zell, who's bottom jaw probably would've hit the floor if the bones in his mouth were elastic. I blushed and slid off the jock, hands covering my face once I sat across from him, back against the wall. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before Zell cleared his throat, the sound high pitched at first. "So…the kid with the flu I probably didn't know a few nights ago was…"

I looked up to see Leon nod and he shrugged when I rose an eyebrow. When did I have the flu? Whatever. Zell looked from me to Leon before shaking his head. "Oh wow…first Riku is acting strange and now you and Cloud are having fun in the weight room. Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I guess we forgot," Leon said nonchalantly, shifting so he was a bit closer to me. It made me smile and I looked towards Zell as he did that 'awww' thing, picking up the bags and setting them beside us. Before I could get anything out of the bags though, Zell held out a hand to me, smiling.

I looked to the hand before towards the kick boxer, just a little confused. He reached forward when I didn't take it, putting both of his hands around mine. When I looked to Leon, he smirked and nodded to Zell. "Well? Introduce yourself."

"…what the hell are you talking about?"
Zell laughed. "We're starting over."

That earned him a raised eyebrow. "Starting over?"

"Yeah. I only know you as Cloud Strife, the Independent Leader of the Rebels; youngest of them all," the way Zell had said it almost made me sound like something impressive. Which just plainly confused me, considering I was just like him, only I didn't try as hard to make everyone feel equal when Seifer wasn't around.

"How do you want to know me?"

"Oh…well…," he paused and released my hand to scratch the back of his head, "Well damn…I just sort of want to know who you really are. I know, I'll start, okay? Then you can get the general idea of what I mean."

Zell cleared his throat and held out his hand again. This time I put mine in his and with a grin, the kick boxer shook it, giving me a small nod. "My name is Zell Dincht and most people around school know me as the kick boxer of the jocks. But all I strive for is to show those that when I'm alone or when I'm only with the other non-leading members of the jock group, you are my equal…and I am yours…"

I just watched him for a second, though found a smile curving across my face. Alright, I know Zell has always been a nice guy. But honestly, even I hadn't thought that so long as Seifer wasn't around, he'd treat me like he would his friends. Placing my other hand over his, the other blonde blinked, looking at his covered before letting his gaze lift to my face.

"My name is Cloud Strife and just about everyone knows me as the independent leader of the rebels, as you've said. And…honestly? All I want to do is show those who find themselves without a meaning in life to realize just how absolutely wonderful they are…"

For some reason, I had the weirdest feeling that this secret friendship would be the downfall of not only the Rebels. But the Jocks as well…

Dark: Ta-da! Was Sora's section alright? Honestly, tell me what I need to improve. This would be my first time actually writing things past making out. Blah...

Sora: It sucked, we hate you, go back to playing Star Ocean...

Dark: ...you know what, keep that attitude and I'll have Albel rape you, not Riku. Anyway, to your reviews!

Mandeth:Yeah, I use spell check, but it doesn't always catch the things with the wrong meaning. I sort of made Sora's mom the type who has to play both roles, so she has to notice things. I mean, wouldn't your mom notice if a friend you didn't talk to for around three years pop back into your life? Reno makes me giggle. He's on of my favorite people in AC. Juniors...oh god, don't remind me. I'm not ready to be older x.x

Serenity Cathedral: Yeah, the war will be vicious. Much fighting between the Suits and the Sluts. I'll try to fit it in with Reno on the next section, but it all depends. Rude might make an appearance or Tseng, but, like I said,it depends. Glad you like me using him, hope you like this chapter!

Largo-sensei: Did what you thought would happen, happen? I didn't even know this was going to happen, actually. Stupid urge to say thanks for over 50 reviews...

darkangel36: Yes, much, much stuff. Confusing, no?

Heir to the World: Maybe, maybe. Knowing Seifer, you never can guess the kind of chaos he can create. Whoo! Party down.

F-chan1: Look! More Riku and Sora goodness!

MyraHellsing: You know what, I am actually really tempted to make it a Seifer/Reno thing, but thatmight mess up the ending. So I can't. Or it would help it...either way, I'm not sure yet. Guess we'll find out.

bliss: Really? Oh my god...my story is like a drug. Is it a good thing that it's addictive or horribly wrong? Anyway, thanks!

Anakin: Oh wow...I'm not really sure what to say to this one.The first time I read your review, I was speechless. Honestly, thanks for saying that.

Youko-Kuronue: Haha, that's funny. Of course I can't hint at what's going to happen, dear. Um...with patience and many dirty thoughts?