A/N: This is my first Harry Potter FanFiction. It isn't what I'm used to writing. I think I have read all the books enough times to get it, though. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and all those people with high authority. I own nothing. This is just a FanFiction.

SUMMARY: There's a girl at Hogwarts that no one ever recognized. Who is she?


The last thing Harry Potter wanted to do on his first day of term was deal with Servus Snape, the Potions master. But it was Harry- and the rest of the Gryffindor's- luck that they had Potions first period.

"Could they give us a break?" Ron Weasly grumbled. "it's first day of term, and already we've got to deal with Snape."

Harry agreed. He turned to Hermione, but she was scanning her new class schedule.

"Well, at least you don't have Divintation until after lunch," she said cheerfully, leaning over to look at Ron and Harry's scehdules.

"What's so good about that?" Ron demanded.

"Would you rather have two bad classes at a time, or two spread out?" said Hermione, smiling her superior smile.

Ron made a face. Harry chuckled to himself.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived at the Potions classroom on time for once. Once Professor Snape arrived they took their usual seats at the back of the classroom. Ron sat down between Harry and a girl with blond hair whom he didn't recognize.

Deciding to be friendly, he leaned over and said, "My name's Harry."

The girl turned and smiled. She responded, "I know."

Harry grimaced. He could have seen that one coming.

"I'm Evangeline." the girl said with a smile. Harry grinned back.

It was then that Snape called attention to the class. While he droned on and on, Harry realized he forgot to ask if she was a Gryffindor or not.

Snape continued to talk. No one much paid attention, with the exception of Draco Malfoy. "Kiss-up," Harry longed to say, but he didn't.

Finally, Snape said:

"Today you will be making a simple Confusion Solution. Please pair up- that means two, Weasly, Potter, Granger. You will find everything you need-" Snape waved his wand and the student store cupboard opened. "-in the cupboard. No messes today, please, Longbottom. I'm not in the mood to be cleaning up after you all."

Snape waved his wand again and the directions appeared on the board. The students began to work.

Hermione and Ron had already begun working, so Harry turned to Evangeline. She smiled.

"Want to be my partner?" she asked.

Harry grinned again and nodded. They set out working.

As they worked, Snape walked around and criticized everyone's work, one of his favorite pastimes.

"Not enough rat's tails, Longbottom. For once in your life, can you not be such a numbskull? Finnigan, what are you doing? I said precisely six unicorn hairs. Miss Paitl, please pay attention to your work and stop playing dress-up."

Snape approached Harry and Evangeline.

"Well, well, Potter. I see you've met Miss Mayer."

Evangeline looked as though she were about to be sick. Harry said, "Yes, I have."

"I do hope that she is as smart as your friend Miss Granger, or else your grade will suffer dismally." said Snape. Then he smirked and left.

"What a jerk," said Evangeline. "Am I glad I'm not in his house!"

"You're a Gryffindor as well?" Harry questioned.

"Yes," she said. "I've just transferred from a different school. At first I was going to drop out of magic schooling entirely- I'm muggle born, since you didn't know- but I decided to keep up my studies since we've moved to London."

"Where're you from?" Harry asked casually as he chopped up his daisy roots.

"United States," she said, adding powdered wormwood to her cauldron. "Montana."

"Oh," said Harry. "I didn't know there were wizarding schools in Montana."

"There isn't," said Evangeline. "We moved to Scotland when I was seven. My Dad was in the navy. Once Dad died, we stayed in Scotland. Mum got remarried. Now we live in London." Evangeline smiled.

"Where's the nearest wizarding school to Montana?" asked Harry.

"Don't know. Washington state, I think. I got my letter when I lived in Scotland, anyway," she said. She was having trouble skinning something. "Ugh," she said. She rolled up her sleeves.

That's when Harry saw the scar.