TaraYuki-Uesugi here! And I am back with ANOTHER friggin fic! Yes, I AM insane!

For all the Fame Unwanted, Family Unwanted people, don't shoot me! I promise I'm still working on the last Chapter. It's coming along nicely but I'm taking my time cuz I want it to be its best. It should be out by the end of June……..hopefully lol

Ok people, this is another Delia/Shtara collaboration. Delia came up with this FANTASTIC idea and I couldn't stop my brain from rushing with ideas to write it! She is a friggin genius and I love her lots! Also I wanna thank Shuuichi Shindou-Uesugi cuz she's awesome with her killer beta skillz. She beta-d it extremely fast. I love you! You guys both totally Rock!

Disclaimer: Bite Me!

And now………….on with the show…………

"Mr. Uesugi, I thought you'd like to know that Kentaro Yukimura's latest book is finished. Would you like to look at it before it goes to print?"

"Nope. It's a piece of crap. His books are always crap."

Mizuki smiled. "Then why do you continue to print them?" she asked.

Eiri Uesugi owner and president of Golden Publishing Company snorted as his hand ran over all his pocket s in search of his pack of cigarettes. "Because his fans seem to like that crap called a book. And as long as they like it, it's more money in my pocket."

Mizuki smiled and shook her head. "Uesugi-san you are so tasteless." she said as she tucked the manuscript under her arm and prepared to leave. "No, I'm truthful." he finally found what he had been searching for and placed one of the unlit sticks in between his lips. "I'm going out to lunch with Tohma. If my sister calls tell her to go to hell, if my brother calls tell him to drop dead and if anyone else calls tell them I died."

Mizuki nodded and smiled. "If Seguchi-san calls tell her you're with her husband and to call his cell, if Tatsuha-kun calls tell him you'll call him when you get back and if anyone else calls tell them to call back in an hour. Got it." She smiled at her boss who glared in return. "Whatever." Eiri said as he began to walk away.

"Oh Uesugi-san, one more thing. Don't forget you have to pick a winner for the poetry contest Golden publishing is holding." Eiri turned around and faced his assistant confused. "Poetry contest?" Mizuki rolled her eyes. "Yes, the poetry contest, remember?" Eiri looked to the sky. "Nope." Mizuki sighed. "We're holding a poetry contest at one of the local high schools. You're supposed to pick the winner and then present the award at the school next week. It's great publicity for the company. The deadline is tomorrow" Eiri turned around and began to leave. "Whatever. You pick the winner I'll just present the award next week." Mizuki chuckled to herself. "I figured you'd say that. Have a good lunch." and she was on her way to finish up her work.

Eiri exited the tall black building and crossed the street to his car. Once inside he started it up and rolled down the windows. He looked out the window at the tall black, glass building with the words Golden publishing written in gold. He smiled to himself as he lit his cigarette. He was doing pretty damn well for himself for only being 22. He owned the most popular publishing company in all of Japan. Every author wanted to be signed with Golden because they knew how to market their writers. But only a select few and the most popular ever received an invitation to sign with Golden Publishing.

He owned a mansion that was just on the outskirts of Tokyo. Eight bedrooms, eight bathrooms, waterfall, pool, two acres of backyard and a 23 car garage which was entirely full. Eiri had more cars than he even drove. His favorite was the one he was currently sitting in. His two door, silver, drop top Jaguar XJ220. It was his favorite out of his whole collection because no matter where he went, everyone looked. And although Eiri hated attention, he loved being envied. Eiri pulled off ready to go meet his brother-in-law for lunch.

Eiri's love life was……interesting. You could say it was non-existent. Now, he's had many girlfriends but none of them lasted longer than a week. You could hardly say that was a love life. His sex life was great though. Lay'em and Leave'em was his motto. He never kept them around long enough to let them get close. He liked to play with them. He found it amusing that he'd take them out to dinner and actually called them or invited them over to his house for a good fuck. They always thought they had him wrapped around their finger when he did this. They always thought that with each passing day, they were getting that much closer to his bank account. But by the seventh day, after the sixth day when they had sex, he'd call them and tell them to fuck off and get a job because he's not taking care of them. And that was it. Each relationship went the same way. It was a game to him and he enjoyed every minute of it.

Eiri pulled up to the restaurant and climbed out of the car, enjoying the envious glares he and his car received. "Good afternoon, Uesugi-san." the Matre'd said as Eiri entered the restaurant to more looks of envy and lust. "Seguchi-san is waiting for you. Right this way." Eiri nodded and followed the Matre'd to the table in the back ignoring the whispers and stares he received.

Eiri wasn't famous. He tried to stay out of the public eye as often as possible but you wouldn't know that by the way people looked at him when he was in public. His blonde hair and golden eyes caused a stir no matter where he went. People couldn't quite place whether he was Japanese or not so they'd whisper and stare; contemplating on the subject. It didn't hurt that Eiri was also extremely attractive.

"You're late." Eiri's brother-in-law said with a smile. Tohma Seguchi was Eiri's sister's husband. He was the former lead keyboardist for the biggest group Japan has ever seen; Nittle Grasper. Now he owns his own record label called N-G productions. His biggest star off the label? None other than the former front man of Nittle Grasper; Ryuichi Sakuma.

Eiri has known Tohma since he was young. The older male always took care of him. He sometimes speculated whether or not he even really cared for his sister or just married her to stay close to him; considering the fact the he sees Tohma more than his sister even does. He found he really didn't care. Anyone willing to marry Mika and be around her on a daily basis voluntarily had some serious balls in his eyes.

Tohma was the one that helped Eiri start his business. He gave him the money, found him the building, helped him name the company and found the first people to sign to the company. All when Eiri was just 18. When Eiri was a child he always loved to read books. He had told Tohma that when he graduated from high school he wanted to work at a job where he'd make lots of money and be surrounded by books. Tohma, not being one to disappoint, decided that Eiri should start a publishing company. Many people were skeptical to sign with Golden Publishing at first because of Eiri's age, but after their first meeting with him, they'd soon realize that the boy was mature and wise far beyond his years. They also knew that if Tohma Seguchi was backing him up, then there couldn't be anything wrong. To Eiri, Tohma is his only and best friend. Though you'd never hear him say it aloud.

Eiri snorted as he took his seat. "Mizuki wouldn't shut up." he replied and motioned for the waiter to bring his favorite drink; red wine. He and Tohma have been coming to this restaurant everyday for the past four years. "Hmm." was Tohma's only reply as he took a sip from his own wine glass. "How are things coming along? I know Yukimura's book is going to print." Eiri chose to ignore how the hell Tohma knew that Yukimura's book was going to print. "Yeah, it's crap just like all his other books."

Tohma smiled. "If you think it's crap, why don't you just drop him from the company?" he asked. "Because his crap pays my bills." Eiri answered as his drink finally arrived. Tohma laughed. "What happened to only publishing high quality books?" Eiri took a sip from his glass and replaced the cup on the table. "I grew up." he replied. Tohma shrugged and decided to change the topic. But before he could ask a question, he was interrupted by Eiri's cell phone ringing.

Eiri sighed as he answered the phone after looking at the caller I.d. "What Michigo?" Tohma watched as his brother-in-law rolled his eyes and snorted as the female on the other line screamed at him. "No, I don't want to give us another chance. We were never a 'couple' in the first place………….. You're going to sue me? For what?... Breaking your heart?" Eiri snorted again. "Go ahead and try you greedy bitch. That's why I dumped your ass anyway. You were just trying to get into my pockets…………Ok…………Ok……….you do that" and Eiri clicked off the phone.

"Girl troubles?" Tohma teased. Eiri glared. "I think she's the craziest yet." he said as he called for the waiter. "Yes, sir?" the waiter asked. "Yeah, take this and get rid of it. I don't care what you do with it just make sure it's destroyed." Eiri said as he handed the waiter the cell phone. The waiter bowed and went to fulfill the task." Another one, Eiri?" Tohma asked. "That's the third one in six months. I can't keep track of your number" Eiri shrugged and Tohma sighed.

"Why do you do that to them? It's not very nice. You can't blame them for getting angry." Tohma said to his friend as their food arrived. "They're nothing but hypocritical skanks. They deserve it." "You should settle down. Find someone that makes you happy. Someone that you can fall in love with." Eiri chuckled. "Yeah, right, fall in love." he said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and began to eat. Tohma shook his head and decided to drop the subject.

"So, are you looking forward to the poetry contest next week?" Eiri rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me. I don't know why I agreed to this stupid thing. I hate kids. They're stupid and I don't want to smile for damn cameras." Tohma chuckled. "Oh come on, Eiri. It's only for a few minutes. Besides, you know it looks good for the company. Like you're giving back to the community." Eiri snorted. "Whatever. None of those brats can write anything decent anyway. It's a complete waste of time" Tohma shrugged. "You never know. Maybe something good will come out of it." Eiri snorted. "Yeah right."

They finished up their lunch and walked back to their cars. "You should really come by for dinner one night. It would make Mika so happy." Eiri "Ch"-ed as he pulled out a cigarette. "Yeah, sure." Tohma smiled and shook his head. "See you later." Eiri climbed into his car and yelled a "Later." out of the window as he headed back to the office for a long day at work.

"Hey guys."

"Fujisaki, what are you doing here? This isn't your lunch period." Hiro said as he looked up from his lunch to look at his younger friend. "I know but I have study hall at the moment and considering the fact that I've finished all of my homework, the teacher let me leave early." Suguru answered as he took a seat opposite his friend.

"Uh, what exactly is he doing?" Suguru asked as he looked at the boy to Hiro's left. The boy had his eyes closed and was swaying to the music that was blaring from the huge head phones that sat atop his pink hair. Hiro turned to his left. "Oh, he's listening to some of our instrumentals hoping that he'll get inspired. He wants to enter the poetry contest and tomorrow is the deadline." Suguru nodded as he watched one of his best friends sway and move to the music looking like an idiot.

"I got it!" The pink haired boy exclaimed as he stood, scaring everyone that was within thirty feet of him. Except for his two best friends, they were all too used to his loud outbursts. He ripped the headphones off his head, pulled out a notebook and began running a hand over his pockets. "W-where is it!" He yelled as he turned out all of his pockets. Hiro and Suguru sighed and looked at each other. "Here we go again." they said in unison. "WHERE IS IT!" Everyone in the school lunch room quieted down and looked at the table in which Shuichi was currently standing on top of. "NOBODY MOVE. I NEED TO FIND MY LUCKY PEN. IF YOU MOVE I WILL HURT YOU." No one moved. Everyone was in too much shock at the pink haired boy yelling on the table.

Shuichi took this opportunity to run around and crawl on the floor to look for the missing pen. "Come on, come on, where are you?" he muttered to himself as he crawled under the third table. "Uh, Shindou-san, is this what you're looking for?" Shuichi lifted his head and looked up at the boy that was standing over him. His eyes went wide as he noticed the object in his classmate's hand. "My pen!" he exclaimed as he jumped up from the floor. He grabbed the pen out of his classmate's hand and hugged it. "Oh, I thought I had lost you for good." he cooed. He walked back to the table where Hiro and Fujisaki sat. "I see you've found it." Hiro said smirking. Shuichi smiled and nodded.

"If it's so important to you then why don't you leave it home?" Suguru asked as he stole one of Shuichi's fries off his plate. Shuichi glared. "It's my good luck charm. I can't write lyrics without it. I have to have it with me at all times. You never know when inspiration hits." Both Hiro and Suguru rolled their eyes. "Shindou-san, why is that pen so important to you?" the boy that had just found the pen asked. "No! Please don't ask!" both Hiro and Suguru cried in unison.

Shuichi smiled, climbed onto the table and crossed his legs as he sat. He looked down at the pen in his hand as would a mother a newborn child, and smiled. "This pen." he began and Fujisaki and Hiro both rolled their eyes and looked away. "This pen is the most important thing in my life…..after singing, my family, Hiro and even Fujisaki." Suguru snorted.

"I got it three years ago right after Nittle Grasper had broken up and Ryuichi Sakuma came out with his solo album. On the day of its release, me and Hiro waited outside with my mom for hours to get an autograph." he continued in a mystical low voice. "Finally it was our turn. I walked up to Sakuma-san and he smiled at me. And I told him how I'm his biggest fan and that I think he's the greatest in the world. And he smiled and said. "You're so cute." And I told him I'm going to be a big rock star one day and I want to do a duet with him and that he'd better watch his back cuz I'm totally going to give him a run for his money. And he said he accepts my challenge. And he said that I reminded him of himself and he gave me this." Shuichi held up the royal blue fountain pen. It was quite old looking and had many scratches on it. "He said it was his good luck charm and that he only used it for lyrics. He told me to keep it and use it to write songs like he does and he's going to see to it that we do a duet together." Shuichi finished as he looked into space with a dreamy look on his face. "We like totally had a connection that day. He even told me where to buy the refill ink ."

"Whatever. Ryuichi isn't all that fantastic when you meet him. I've told you this." Suguru said as he decided to just finish Shuichi fries. "Bite your tongue!" Shuichi yelled as he turned around, still atop the table. "Sakuma-san is the greatest. Forgive us normal people who don't have famous cousins." Suguru rolled his eyes. "You're such a drama queen." Shuichi glared." I don't get to see Saukuma-san often. Only when Tohma has a party or something. But when I do see him he's all weird and has like this little bunny that he carries around with him." "Whatever. I don't care. I don't get why you haven't invited me to one of these parties your cousin Tohma throws so that I can meet Sakuma-san again and then we can connect on another level, ya know?" he said as he finally climbed off the table and back into his seat. Suguru leaned into Hiro and whispered. "He doesn't know that I'm protecting him. If he met Ryuichi, he'd be crushed." Hiro nodded. "Then again, the way you describe Sakuma-san sounds a lot like Shuichi." Suguru sat back and furrowed his brow. "You're right. I never thought about that. They probably would have a connection. They probably share half a brain." Hiro shrugged. "Maybe."

The boy Shuichi had been talking to left sensing one of Shuichi's and Suguru's arguments. He didn't want to be caught in the middle.

"Now that I have been inspired and I have my lucky pen, I can write." Shuichi said as he pulled his notepad close to him and began to write what was on his mind. "I don't get why you want to enter a poetry contest." Suguru said after ten minutes of silence and drinking some of Shuichi's soda. "You don't write poems." "Finished!" Shuichi announced. He lifted the notepad and looked at his work. He smiled. "Perfect." He turned to Suguru. "Lyrics are nothing than poems put to music. There isn't a difference." He ripped the paper out and stood. "Besides, this could be our big break." "How's that?" Hiro asked. "Well since someone we know won't let his famous cousin, keyboardist for Nittle Grasper, listen to us play." He glared at Suguru as he said this. Suguru sighed. "There's no point in us playing for Tohma yet. We're not ready. He wouldn't sign us the way we are now. Face it; we're not good enough yet".

"Crush." Hiro said as he held his heart in mock hurt. "Have you no faith in Bad Luck, Fujisaki?" he asked pretending to be upset. Suguru rolled his eyes. "I have faith that we have room to improve. And I know my cousin. There's no way in hell. Not yet."

"ANYWAY!" Shuichi cut in. "Maybe someone will like my poem-slash-lyrics and want me to write a book or something. Then we'll have enough money to open our own record label and produce our own album and we'll be bigger than Nittle Grasper and Ryuichi Sakuma combined!" Some how Shuichi ended up on top of the table…….again, this time standing and cackling like mad. "That's……..some goal, Shu-chan." Hiro said as he looked at his insane friend on top of the table. Suguru just shook his head and ignored him.

"Shindou, off the table. NOW! That's the third time this week!"

"Oops, sorry Mr. Tanaka" Shuichi said to his principal as he climbed off the table. "Well, I'm off to go submit this." he said waving the piece of paper in the air. He turned on his heel and took off for the school office.

"What do you think the odds of him winning are?" Hiro asked looking at his best friend's retreating form.

"Slim to none." Suguru answered as he finished off Shuichi's soda.

"Me too."

End of Chapter 1

Alright ya'll(I know y'all is spelled this way but I like it my way lol I'm such a brat), tell me what you think. I like this fic. It's going to be cute and funny and dramatic and………yeah. Whatever lol.

The name Michigo of a Japanese Neosoul/J-Soul singer. She sings this kick ass song called "Jump" and I was listening to it at the time I was writing it so I used her name lol

Eiri will be a little OOC in later chapters so don't jump down my throat later, k? lol

Next Chapter: Alright, chapter 2. The winner of the poetry contest will be announced. Eiri and Shu meet for the first time. And it should be……….amusing. It's already written! Lmao I need a life.

Ok guys……..

Until Next Time……………
