A/N: HI! Welcome to my newest story! ) Don't worry, my pet will be updated on Saturday. (hopefully)
Edit April 2009: Zomygawsh, so this story so totally SUCKS. I was reading over it to finally finish it, and I was boggled by the...terrible-ness. SO Here's to fixing it up a little bit! I have done some pretty major changes. Katten really bothered me so I changed her name, character design and everything. Sorry if you guys don't like the changes, but my brain couldn't handle how close Katten and Amarante from My Pet are in personality and everything.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha... or Yoda or Kermit.
Honor and Glory
The first step
I suppose you have heard the tale of Kagome-the-Well-Hopping-Girl, and Inu Yasha; well it's a never ending story. They will never get to the ending because many people believe it isn't the 'right' ending. I'm taking it upon myself to relay to you the true ending of Kagome's tale.
It takes place not in the Feudal Era, but in modern day times. In a truely anticlimatic battle, Naraku was killed. Kagome killed him with the help of Shippo who was about to be decapitated by the evil hanyo. And when I say that Shippo helped Kagome I mean not so much that he aided her, but rather that his near death experience made her so furious that she made the Shikon no Tama explode in Naraku's face.
Kagome was then given a choice; she could either stay in the Feudal Era or her modern era. Either way the well would have to be sealed. Kagome consulted her best friend, Inuyasha, and his mate, Kikyo, who had become human once again when the shikon became whole. They came to an understanding and after many tears Kagome departed for the modern era after making Shippo promise to find her there. She said good bye to Sango and Miroku and their little daughter named Kagome. She said her farewells to all she knew, Rin, Kaede, and Kouga, and then jumped down the well… Never to be seen in the Feudal Era again, never to see any of her friends again.
Kagome stared in the mirror, her large blue eyes blinking as she brushed her long raven blue locks of hair. Even as she preened in front of the mirror, it was obvious she was not a morning person. She was wearing a t-shit that was clearly backwards, the pockets of her blue jeans were hanging out, her belt was inside out, and her socks and shoes were mismatched.
Kagome yawned and stumbled to the small kitchen in her apartment where she slowly ate breakfast. Tokyo was bustling with people, and Kagome could hear cars honking and people yelling from her open window.
"That's right, I have to call Momma this afternoon." Kagome said as she snapped her fingers. I'm not exactly sure what reminded her to do that; the workings of Kagome's mind is a mystery to everyone… including herself.
After slowly finishing her cereal Kagome glanced to the clock on the wall and promptly had a heart attack. It was 9:52 and she had a class at ten. "I'm LATE!" She screeched as she flew into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, righted her t-shirt, and got a matching pair of shoes all at once. She rushed out of her small apartment, slamming the door so hard that the single hanging picture on the wall swung back and forth. The picture was a blown up photo of Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Kikyo, Kouga, and Sango. It was the only reminder of her well hopping days beside the pink jeweled necklace she constantly wore around her neck.
Kagome sprinted across the campus at roughly the speed of light, avoiding the track coach who retuinely tried to recruit her for the track team. )Really she should have accepted, she surely would have gotten a scholarship or something.) She slid into her room just as class started and sat down at her seat, panting and heaving like some sort of dying and overheated dog as her tongue rolled out of her mouth.
She took a large swig of the water bottle she carried with her in her backpack before taking out her notebook and folder. The class, the history of warring Japan, lasted only two hours, and Kagome's stomach rumbled as she headed toward the cafeteria.
Rubbing her stomach as she entered the large building she quickly handed her student ID to the worker.
"Four dollars left." The student/worker snapped before taking the next college student's card.
Kagome paused as she slipped her card back into her purse, and considered her options. Kagome always spent a ridiculous amount of money on food. (It's a wonder she isn't as large as an elephant by now.) The last time Kagome ran out of money her mother had warned her she would have to get a job if she kept this constant, ravaging eating up.
"No!" Kagome loudly moaned as she came upon this realization. "I have to get a job!" She miserably pouted as she walked up the steps and stared at the buffet as if it was her last meal. "I'll just have to make this count." She stubbornly said as she gravely adjusted the strap on her purse and unbuckled her belt to the lowest hole.
One hour, two pizzas, and four hamburgers later Kagome slowly waddled out of the cafeteria, earning odd looks as she went. I suppose she might have tried feeding herself to death, at the very least she was going to have the most horrific stomach ache in world history.
"A job." Kagome moaned as she toddled to her apartment, barely squeezing through the doorway. "What kind of place is going to hire me, an unfinished history major?" She said as she collapsed on the couch that buckled under her giant mass.
"Only a boring museum," Kagome groaned as she left her head rest on the back of the couch. "I suppose I could try to find a museum with exhibits on Feudal Japan. At least then I wouldn't have to learn much…" Kagome trailed off.
She heaved a groan and glanced at the clock; 1:30 it read. "I should start the search," She gloomily said as she slowly waddled over to her computer. After a few quick commands her chirpy, overly happy computer was off searching for museums in the Tokyo area.
"Hurray, 26 museums, surely one will hire me!" She joyful cried as her computer happily gurgled with her.
I must give Kagome credit, she never does seem to be dispirited, at least she wasn't until the next day.
For the rest of the day Kagome slugged about, went to her evening class (calculus… an utterly detestable class.) and ate some 'meager' emergency rations she had kept at her apartment. (Meager meaning a pack of ramen noodles, clam chowder, and a bag of chips… Kagome, unfortunately for her in this case, always ate more when she was nervous or under stress.) She then showered and went to bed, having horrible dreams of her mother, brother, and grandfather dancing around her room singing "Kagome, go get a job. Kagome, you need to get a job!" Eventually they were joined by bunches of bananas, a bowel of ice cream, and a large pot of oden.
The next morning Kagome happily awoke, in spite of her dreadful nightmares, to a beautiful Friday morning. When I say 'awoke' and 'happily' I really mean Kagome was in a state of simiconciousness that did not include punching and/or kicking walls, people, and fuzzy little poodles that happened to stumble in her way as she walked to the museums in a zombie like state.
Kagome straightened up as she entered the first museum, the Tokyo Museum of Art and History, very promising I do say so myself.
After speaking with the clerk at the information center Kagome navigated her way into the offices. She knocked on the door that had a sign on it which said 'Hiring', and cheerfully smiled as the door opened.
"Hi! I'm here about a job?" Kagome chirped.
The man who opened the door frowned. "We're not hiring." He said while flipping the sign so the 'hiring' part didn't show. "Go away." He promptly closed the door in Kagome's face.
"Well, I never!" Kagome huffed. "Ohhhhh If I had a subduing necklace you would be in a six foot crater." She stormed as she exited the building and marched off. "I'll just have to get a job at a museum that is more polite and suitable for a young lady like me. A place that will adore my many wonderful talents." She sniped.
To bad for Kagome that the next 14 Museums were much like that one.
"I hate government projects." Kagome groused as she glared darkly around while running her thumb over the shikon. "The workers are all very snobby." She complained to herself as she took the cappuccino she had ordered from a small café and walked out into the street, sipping her warm drink.
"To bad Shippo isn't here, and Inu Yasha, Miroku, and Sango too." Kagome thoughtfully said as she gazed into a skyscraper capped sky. "I wonder what happened to them… Shippo never did come for me…" Kagome said as she heaved a sigh, her eyes watering slightly.
When Kagome had returned to the modern era for good she had eagerly awaited Shippo's, and possibly Kouga's return for over half a year. When no bright eyed fox turned up, and when no dashing whirlwind of a wolf returned Kagome had been forced to assume the worst. Never since her last day in the Feudal Era had she seen her demon friends, and it had been several years since her return; Kagome knew Shippo would have surely found her by then.
With a great amount of regret Kagome slowly pushed her friends away from her thoughts. The time to grieve was over, and although she deeply and greatly missed them, and longed to be near them again Kagome had to step forward and ensure that she would be fed for the rest of her college career. She would remember her times with her friends in the sanctuary of her apartment; not in the busy and poodle filled streets of Tokyo.
Kagome wearily eyed a white poodle as it scuttled by her, being dragged by its owners. "Those things aren't natural." She muttered as the small animal growled at her, looking as intimidating as possible while wearing a large pink bow and being nearly half naked.
However, Kagome shook her head and bravely stormed the poodle infested streets as she ran about, searching for a job. In no less than ten minutes Kagome reached a museum.
"Hello!" Kagome said, giving an award winning smile to the secretary of the Museum of Japanese History. "I'm wondering if you guys have any openings for a jo-" The door was firmly slammed in Kagome's face.
"That is starting to get annoying." Kagome said with a dark glare as she walked down the streets, heading off to the next museum. To bad for Kagome, again, the next six museums were much like that one.
"Hello, I'm here for a job." Slam, another door closed.
"Greetings, are there any job open-" Slam!
"Hi, I was-" SLAM.
"My name is Kagome; job openings, are there any-" SLAM!
"Job-" SLAM!
"I'm Kagome, let me speak dang it!" Another door crashed into poor Kagome's face.
Kagome wallowed in self pity as she rode the subway. "Perhaps I can find work at a circus by using my archery talents?" Kagome whimpered. "I know! I'll try calling mom!" She said as she snapped her fingers.
Kagome quickly dug out her cell phone and dialed the phone number and waited for someone to pick up.
"The Higurashi shrine, Sakura speaking." Came the cheerful voice of Kagome's mother.
"Mom! How are you? It's Kagome!" Kagome said with a smile plastered over her face (as if that would help) as the subway stopped.
"Kagome! I'm doing well! How is school?" Sakura happily asked.
"It's wonderful. Did grandpa like that gift I sent him? I picked it up at a shrine we were visiting as part of one of my history classes." Kagome said with a tempered smirk as she left the subway car.
"I wanted to talk to you about that!" A slightly exasperated Sakura said. "See here Kagome, it's wonderful that you want to buy your grandfather gifts, but buying him a book on The various ways of protection spells and sultras was rather inappropriate and you know it! We've had to drag him down from the roof five times since last week! The neighbors have been traumatized and they're trying to sell their house again!" Sakura scolded her daughter but found herself smiling as laughter bubbled up from Kagome's throat.
"I'm glad he liked it! I really wanted to give it to him since I know Souta's birthday party is coming up soon and he needs some entertainment." Kagome slyly said as she exited the subway station.
"Kagome you are too much sometimes." Sakura said with a sigh.
"Excellent! Speaking of to much-"
"No, I am not sending you more money for your lunch program." Sakura calmly said, easily seeing through her daughter's tactics.
"Wahhh! Momma you're so mean!" Kagome cried as she walked down the street.
"I warned you Kagome! It is not normal for a college girl to go through $400 of food in a little over a month." Sakura firmly said.
Kagome sniffed. "Fine, well I have to go because I'm about to enter a museum where I shall spend the rest of my life in bondage (if they accept me) because my dear mother wouldn't let me eat."
"Good bye Kagome." Sakura dryly said.
"Bye bye Momma." Kagome said as she halted at a street sign.
"Good luck. And don't send us anything more for your grandfather. I'm not sure how much more of this… dancing I can take." Sakura said as Kagome could hear her grandfather… yelling through the phone.
"Oh, he's on the roof again. Bye Kagome! Dad the neighbor's dog is not a demon, and one of your dances is not going to purify it!" Sakura yelled before hanging up.
"It was worth a shot." Kagome said with a sight as she darkly glared at the newest, and the last museum of the day. (Kagome decided to battle the depression of door slamming by going home early and taking a hot bath. Surely the other museums could wait until tomorrow.) "The Museum of Feudal Japan." Kagome read before snorting. "Sounds interesting, but I'm betting I'll get thrown out again." She grunted as she walked in, reading the information on the pamphlet about the museum. "'The Museum of Feudal Japan was founded four years ago by the wealthy business man, Seiko Taisho.'" Kagome paused before acidly adding. "All for a large tax break I'm sure." She then continued reading. "'He was intent on shedding light on one of the most mysterious and unknown eras, the Warring Era of Japan.'"
Kagome gazed at the entrance to the offices. A tall man with long hair was standing near one of the doors, talking on a cell phone. Kagome's nerves prickled as she narrowed her eyes upon getting closer to the young man. The roots of his hair were the blue of a starry night sky, but the tips of his hair looked like frost had slowly worked it's way up the long strands of hair. His eyes, which she saw as he glanced over at her for a second, were similar to his hair in that they were also the color of a dark night sky, and the very rims were a soft silver. "Youkai!" Kagome's nerves screamed as she walked past him.
"Kagome, girl, the lack of food is making you delirious." Kagome told herself as she rolled her eyes and marched into the office section of the museum where she bravely faced the secretary at the front office; at least she didn't have a door to slam in her face. "Hi, I'm here about a job?" Kagome meekly said, all but giving up hope over ever being employed.
"We have no openings now." The secretary snapped as she typed furiously away at her computer. The old lady vaguely reminded Kagome of a female version of yoda with her wrinkled skin, small beady eyes, and somewhat greenish hair. I believe she might have been a relative of Kermit the frog.
"Are you sure? I'm a history student from Tokyo university…" Kagome trailed off, the sound of a door opening faintly echoed in the room.
"I said we have no openings!" The secretary glared at her.
Kagome sighed. "Thank you for your time." She muttered, about to turn around.
"Janna, I recall just telling you earlier this morning that we did need to hire tour guide for one of our newer exhibits." Came a wonderful, savior like, feminine, and silky voice.
Kagome whirled around to stare at the lady who had sparked the hope of eating once again in her heart. The woman was tall with long brown/black hair that fell in thick waves to her lower back. Her sidebangs were pulled to one side of her head...giving her an oddly familiar look even though Kagome had never seen her before in her life. The lady smiled, and gold eyes gazed at Kagome from behind silver spectacles. While the lady wore a black beaded skirt and a plain white blouse, it occured to Kagome that she looked younger than Kagome did.
"I'm sorry Miss!" The secretary sputtered.
The lady,smiled, beckoning to an ever thankful Kagome. "You may come into my office now if you wish to have a job interview, otherwise I could always reschedule if you have something going on…"
"NO!" Kagome jumped. "Now is fine, now is good! Now is best!" She laughed.
The lady smiled. "Very well, then please follow me," she said as she walked down a short hallway and opened her door. "Please take a seat," she said as she seated herself in a large computer chair behind her desk and waited for Kagome to close the door.
The office was medium sized, but very comfortable and expensive looking. The desk looked like an antique, and a large computer hummed on one side of the desk while expensive paintings and various plaques and degrees hung on the wall. The young lady was obviously a well schooled.
The instant Kagome shut the door the young woman threw off her black sandals and folded her legs underneath her self, looking more comfortable and relaxed. "So you said your name was Kagome? What's your last name?" she asked, sounding more informal and far less sophisticated now that she was lounging in her office.
"Higurashi, Miss...?" Kagome supplied, leaving the sentence hanging.
The Miss looked interested for some odd reason and a gold light gleamed in her eyes. "Please, call me Kata. Why did you try to apply for a job here?" Kata asked, whirling around in her chair.
"To tell you the truth I've been trying to apply at museums all over Tokyo." Kagome sheepishly said. "This place was the first one that allowed me to actually say something before slamming a door in my face."
Kata laughed, a child-like noise. "Yes, I'm sorry about that secretary. She is the sister of one of Seiko Taisho's, our founder, associates," Kata said as she scrunched up her nose. "I'v been wanting to get rid of that old bat for a while," she added.
Kagome nodded. "Yeah, I bet that's a problem, a business man owning this museum I mean. I'm guessing he always wants his deadbeat relatives working here." Foot in mouth disease Kagome, she will really regret this later.
Kata smirked, looking distinctly canine. "It's happened before, although usually he is pretty good about it. You said you were a history major?" she asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, I attend Tokyo University."
"Very good. How well are you versed in knowledge of the Warring Era?"
"Extremely well." Kagome assured her.
Kata nodded, taking her word for it. "We would hire you as a tour guide for a new exhibit, it actually has yet to be unveiled to the public. The display is about a rather mysterious and fairy tale- like event that took place about 500 years ago in the middle of the warring era."
"What 'event' is it?"
Kata smiled. "I'm glad you asked; have you heard the tale of the hanyo named Inuyasha and the miko who accompanied him everywhere?"
"No, her name was Kagome."
Here Kagome bit back her tongue and the desire to correct the historian. Kikyo was Inu Yasha's mate. They must have gotten the facts wrong.
"You are correct though," Kata continued. "The Miko I speak of, the one who shares your name, was merely a friend. The priestess you mentioned before was a dark priestess who he supposedly married. However, the new display is all on the adventures of Inuyasha and Kagome, and the key players in the drama that they acted out."
Kagome grinned. "I assure you I know their story backwards and forwards. I doubt I'll need to learn very much about them."
"Oh?" Kata said with a smile.
"Yep," Kagome said.
"Then I shall give you a short quiz. What major part of history did Inuyasha and Kagome contribute to?"
"They collected shards of a jewel called the Shikon no Tama. The miko, Kagome, was the one who originally broke it. She spent several years with the hanyo, trying to recover all the shards."
"Who was Naraku?" Kata questioned, her gold eyes gleaming.
"He was an evil hanyo that also wanted the shikon shards. Eventually the miko disposed of him."
"Well it sounds like you have a good picture of the story," Kata praised. "You're hired, if you would please leave your home information with the secretary I'll call you sometime this weekend to let you know when you need to come in for training Kagome Higurashi," she said with a smile.
"Thank you Kata...um, I'm sorry, what was your last name?" Kagome asked as she and Kata stood and opened the door.
"Oh, you can just call me Kata," Kata said with a grin as she leaned against the door frame while Kagome entered the hallway. "Only my uncle calls me by my last name," Kata said with a roll of her eyes.
"Your uncle? Who is he?" Kagome asked, pausing for a moment.
"Seiko Taisho," Kata supplied before turning around and closing the office door.
HAH! (Just so you guys don't freak out on me I'll tell you that Kata is not in any way angry at Kagome.)
Before you start speculating on HOW Katten is related let me tell you this… SHE IS NOT INUYASHA'S KID! Nope! (Sesshoumaru isn't really even her uncle. They are distantly blood related… but Sesshoumaru was very fond of Kata's mom)
Also just to let you guys know I have a writing twitter account! The user name is: KM_Shea
Also I bit the bullet and put one of my own original stories in ebook format for sale on Amazon! If you want to read the chapter sampler you can go to amazon and do a search for it as "My Life at the Magical Beings' Rehabilitation Center" or "My Life at the MBRC!"