Call Me Irresponsible

Shalan's Say: HEEY! It's beeeeeen fooooreeeeevvveeeerrr! Dances how are ya'll doing? I just thought I would put you out of your misery! Here's the next installment of Dirt and Dust after two years of waiting! SOOORRRRYYYY!!!! XDDDDDD Hope this chapter makes up for it! XD you had to wait two months for chapter twenty three and now you've had to wait TWO YEARS for chapter 24! Sorry! Also I must address the fact that there are several incongruencies in my writing of this story... I apologize... and I will get down to business as to fixing that... thank you for your understanding... I understand that I haven't updated the story since November of 2005... and for that patience I must as you for... I will give you a cookie!

Rae sighed lightly as she stared out the window. She sat in the passenger seat next to her future husband. He stared straight ahead, not speaking to her as they drove. Traveling to her uncle's house, she sighed again and Ed looked over.

"Are you alright?" His hand rested itself on her thigh gently and she looked over, her black hair was curled, flipped back away from her face in a Farrah Faucette style. He smiled a little and she leaned on her elbow. "Rachel?"

"Yeah I'm fine… Just thinking about what Roy's gonna say to this." Rain smattered against the window of the car as they pulled into the front yard of her uncle's house.

"I love you." He whispered and she looked over at him.

"I know…" She looked away again. The older alchemist knew there was something wrong here.

"Rae…" He reached over and turned her head towards him, the cold metal of his automail made her flinch a little.

"Edward… c'mon… you don't have to be so… I love you too," she finished as his golden eyes bored into her azure.

"That's better…" he pulled her over and kissed her on the lips, relishing the taste of her lips on his.

"Sorry… he's not going to be happy…" her eyes were half lidded as their lips met again. "Ed stop… or we'll end up staying in the car all night…" She chuckled softly but he didn't listen. Their lips met again in a kiss that fogged up the car windows. "Stop," she commanded and he whimpered. "If you don't I'm going to tear your clothes off right here and screw you in the front seat."

"What's wrong with that?" He asked as their lips met again.

"Edward." She warned. "We have to go see my uncle, I don't think he wants to see you naked or do you not listen?" The blonde alchemist pouted. "Can't you wait?" She laughed.

"Your uncle can wait…"

"Not when we're sitting in his driveway," she lifted her eyebrows and he pouted again. "You're cute but it's not gonna work… now get out of the car and keep it in your pants for just a few hours while I reason with my uncle," the raven-haired beauty stepped out of the car with a last kiss from her fiancé.

"You are so going to get it after we get through with this," he trudged off after her.

"That kiss is all you're gonna get if you don't shut your mouth." This comment shut him up.

"You are horrible to me, when I am so loyal and trustworthy," the blonde continued and she shot him a dirty look as she knocked on the door.

"Rachel!" Roy opened the door and immediately frowned. "Edward." He sounded less than enthusiastic.

"Roy!" She hugged him. The senator frowned down at her as he allowed them into the house.

"What is this?" He motioned to her tummy. She flushed, he had noticed right off the bat.

"I'm pregnant," the raven-haired woman announced. A crash could be heard from the kitchen and Rae looked in, peering in to see Hawkeye standing there in long, simple white dress.

"You…" Roy's eyes immediately went to Ed. Edward held up his hands as if to say 'she started it'.

"Roy! Let's not get hasty… are you serious?" Riza trotted in. Apparently she also did the cooking for the senator.

"Yes…" The young woman smiled and the two embraced.

"This is so amazing! I can't believe it," Riza placed a hand on the baby bulge. "Isn't it… Roy?" The two women were looking over at the raven-haired man. He was staring at Ed with a look that could kill.

"That look ain't gonna kill me Mustang so you can stop trying…" the Elric waltzed over to his fiancé and carefully placed his left arm around her waist.

"This is ridiculous!" Roy threw his hands into the air. "When the hell did this happen?" Riza put a hand on his arm carefully.

"Nearly four months ago now… after our fight…" Rae flushed scarlet and Ed cracked a smile. He felt his heart squeeze as Rae looked up at him. She was beautiful beyond belief.

"This is ridiculous!" Roy seemed to be, for once, at a loss for words. "Then…" he took a deep breath. "Are you two getting married?" He looked between them.

"We've been engaged for a couple of weeks now," Ed smiled, they were weakening him.

"Get out of my sight…" Roy waved a hand at them, feeling that this was going to be his worst headache yet. "Forget dinner… get away from be before my head caves in…" Rae tugged Ed's hand.


"NO!" He shouted at her and Ed felt an almost primal anger boil his blood. He pulled her closer to him. "Rachel just get," he pointed at the door and the two scurried out. Riza mouthed 'I'm sorry…' from within before they shut the door.

"That went well," Ed blinked. Rae looked over at him.

"He'll get over it," she whispered as they got into the car. He looked over as he shut his door, she was pale, he remembered the doctor telling them to be careful of putting her into stressful situations.

"Rachel?" He reached over again and placed a hand on her face. She looked over at the blonde alchemist with a smile.

"I love you," she whispered and he leaned over, kissing her forehead, his arms wrapped around her. She leaned into him with a heavy sigh. "I just get the feeling that there are more obstacles in our way then we can ever possibly get over…" She looked up and his amber eyes were glowing with affection.

"I love you… and you love me… that's all that matters… call it irresponsible as you might but… it's still true," he leaned down and kissed her, well knowing that not everything was all right.

HAHAHA! I have kept you waiting for a while my friends no? Well… here you go! And just so you know… I have another in the works. THAT'S RIGHT! You may end up with TWO WHOLE UPDATES in TWO DAYS after TWO YEARS! XDDDD I love you all…
