Hunter and the Hunted

AN: I changed the story a little bit, Al gets his body back and so does Ed but Ed doesn't cross over… you'll find out why… so sorry fans of the other ending!

Date-June 23: Uhhh… see I have been making some changes to the story… so bear with me as I right some things that have been brought to my attention… hehehe… fire won't work in the rain idiot…

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Full Metal Alchemist, or any of the characters included in this story. The only thing I have proper rights to is the story line… yeah.

Summary: Ed and Al have teamed up with a new girl, Mustang's niece, they are sent to investigate the happenings at a mine and get themselves caught in a giant military cover-up from years ago. Does the mine owner's daughter know anything about these strange happenings?

Rae lifted her hair up, sweat was dripping off her face and soaking the light white blouse she had on. The sun beat down on her already burnt figure. Her arms and neck were already burnt, as well as most of the flesh down the front of her shirt, over the past few days she had lost a few buttons, showing off her cleavage. Her face was sweat streaked and her long blue-black hair was pulled up into a loose bun that was slowly falling down. Her bangs clung to the sides of her face. The sleeves of her shirt hung loose and billowing from tighter cuffs on her wrists. She had on a pair of dark blue grimy capris that looked as thought they had once been new but were now practically dust themselves and looked as though they had once been complete pants, they seemed to be military pants but they were missing the skirt bit. Her feet were blistered and festering, her shoes long forgotten miles behind her. She shaded her face and looked up into the sky. The sun was high and shining brightly, beating down on her unmercifully. Her faded hazel eyes were outlined with black lashes that were also crusted with dirt.

'It's been 4 days since I last saw water and three days since I ran out… I don't know how much longer I can last.' She sighed. Fatigue was slowly taking over, her body was too tired to continue walking. Finally, as she attempted to take another step she felt her knees buckle and dropped down into the blazing sand. She released a sigh and finally gave in, collapsing into the sand.

Rae slowly came to. She put her callused hand up to her forehead. It was nighttime now, she had slept through the entire day but now she was more sun burnt that ever. She felt weak, her limbs shaking violently as she stood up. Suddenly she bent over and vomited pure stomach acid into the sand. Slowly she began to walk again, once or twice she almost collapsed again but she willed herself to keep moving. Two dog tags around her neck chinked together as she walked, her throat was scratchy and she felt like she was going to vomit again but she kept moving. She knew that they were after her, she knew that they would come. She flinched as they dog tags came in contact with her burnt skin. As she struggled over a dune she caught a glimpse of a wonderful mirage, the mirage of Central. The moonlight drizzled brilliant silver over the miles of sand casting an eerie glow around her. She stumbled down the next dune then struggled to get up again, her stomach growling ferociously. She continued on, dragging her feet now as she carried herself up the next obstacle. Her feet panged as sand ground the scabs off her feet and caused the blisters to pus.

Suddenly she looked up, she saw a light, two lights… a TOWN! She suddenly, using the last of her energy, burst into a full run, sprinting into the town. She was amazed that she had found such a place, a place that she had only dreamed of for the past few days. She tripped up the stairs to what looked like an inn and knocked on the door, leaning on the frame for support. As the door opened her limbs again shook violently. A tall brown haired man answered the door. He didn't see her at first.

"Hel..lo?" He said as he saw the young girl holding onto the door frame. "Lina! Hurry and get some water!" He shouted at his wife. The entire bar went silent as the man lifted the girl up and slowly set her down at a table, careful of her sore flesh. Across the table from her was a boy with blonde hair. He was wearing a black jacket over a black muscle shirt. His hair was pulled back into a braid, his bangs hung on either side of his face, a stubborn piece of hair stuck up between the bangs.

"Here you go dear." Lina set a glass of water down before her. Rae picked it up carefully with her finger tips and took a sip. Edward looked at her.

"Th-thank you." Rae choked. Sitting next to the boy was another boy, about a head taller than the other. He also had blonde hair. His bangs were brushed to the side. His eyes were a greenish yellow. He had a light tan, like the other boy next to him. He was wearing a white collar shirt with military pants minus the jacket.

"What's your name?" Alphonse asked her.

"R-Rachel... C-call me Rae." Rae said. Lina walked out with a steaming hot basin, a cloth was hanging over the side. She set it down in front of Rachel. Rae nodded in thanks. She dipped her hands into the basin and wiped off her face. Ed watched in amazement as her skin was revealed. Her face was burnt and peeling.

"What happened to you?" Ed asked her.