Summary- Summary- A plane crashes into the Atlantic ocean sending 6 teens back to the 1700s, the thing is that one of them belongs there, with her family. The catch is her family is being held hostage and is holding them for ransom. What's a girl to do? WillOC JackOc


I know I've changed it a million time's but please just hang on with me…

Chapter One-

We all sat laughing and joking while trying to pay attention to the intense game of cards we are playing at present. It was a difficult thing to play 'Slap Jack' with six people, let alone six people who weren't allowed out of their seats. My sympathy goes out to Ashley and Dana who were sitting in the seats behind us because they had to lean around the seats to even see the cards.

Then again we have had a blast making fun of the man sitting next to them. The poor guy was fast asleep scrunched up against the window with drool falling from his mouth. He was snoring quite loudly, I bet the drivers can hear him up in the cockpit. We got a good laugh out of it, but in the end it was highly annoying. Although I am grateful that he has been kind enough to keep all four of us entertained so well. Without trying to! The man must be talented.

A loud slap filled the air and my hand felt as if it was about to fall off. I squeezed my eyes shut and winced as I lifted my hand up out of the cluster of cards. I examined it carefully and then cradled it with my other hand. It was all red and sore. I won't be surprised if it's bruised.

" I'm out." I said leaning back in my seat.

" I don't think this is fair!" Dana voiced in frustration, trying desperately to find an angle where she could see what was going on. Beside her Ashley laughed and put an arm around her and squeezed her shoulders affectionately.

" Don't worry, I gave up hope long ago." Ashley smiled at her and then patted the top of her head gently. Dana hmphed and sat back in her seat crossing her arms over her chest. I chuckled and pulled out my camera that was in my purse. Shifting carefully in my seat I got the camera ready and aimed it at Dana. She glared up at the camera and stuck her lips out even more.

" Nice, Dana." I said taking the picture and then sat back down. My brother, Lonnie, was sitting on the edge next to the isle too absorbed in the card game to notice anything going on around him. The rest of us had lost and now only Lonnie and Mitch were still in the game.

I glanced over at Gina who was sitting in the seat next to Mitch. So she had to look over his shoulder to see me. She had a mischievous smirk on her face and I quirked an eyebrow at her. She nodded towards the two guys playing the card game. I got an all-knowing look and nodded my head as inconspicuously as I could.

I waited for her to strike before I made my move. She made the signal and we both jumped at them at the same time. I tickled Lonnie's sides and he was squirming in no time, cards flying everywhere. He let out a shrill squeak and desperately slapped at my hands. I was laughing so hard that it was painful for me to tickle him. I leaned back into my chair covering my mouth with my hand as I laughed.

" You little…" He said angrily, his face bright red. I stopped laughing momentarily.

" No need for name calling." I scolded tsking him with a wiggle of my finger. He straightened himself out and leaned back in the chair collecting the stray cards in his hands. He just huffed and turned away from me. I rolled my eyes.

" Don't be such a baby!" I said smacking his shoulder lightly. He glared over at me and then smacked me back. This led to a full out batting match.

After a few minutes I was holding him back and smacking his arm repeatedly. It's only payback for the large bruise forming on my shoulder. The last hit I made as hard as I could. I heard my knuckles crack and I cried out in pain. Clinging to my wounded hand I looked over at Lonnie with a scowl.

" Holy heck! Are you on steroids or something?" I asked stroking my hurting fingers. He chortled.

" Heck yes!" He said mockingly proud. I groaned.

" Someday they're gonna kill you. Yay for me!" I said doing a little dance. He smacked my shoulders and I winced as his fist connected with my already bruised arm. I turned to him and hit him hard on the shoulder.

I sat down and looked straight ahead. Every one on the plane was staring intently at Lonnie and me with a raised eyebrow or a scowl of disparagement. I shrugged and they all began to pay attention to what their own business. I smirked at them victoriously. ' Suck on that evil plane goers!' I thought to myself.

This is my first Airplane ride and I am actually enjoying it. At first I was scared of being here, but now I'm fine with it. It took two days alone for Lonnie to even get me to consider coming and then another day to get me to confirm it. He used all sorts of guilt trips like; 'We can't do it without you! We can't leave our star piano player behind!' 'Are you going to leave your best friends hanging like that?' So I gave in, like always, and here I am. Sitting on an airplane hanging out with all my friends.

To fill you in, Lonnie, Mitch, Gina, Ashley, Dana, and myself are a jazz band and we are going to London to compete in an annual competition. That is the reason for my brother making my life a living Hell for the past two weeks. Of course I am very excited to be going, I mean we are going to be in London for my birthday! How exciting is that? I am just a little apprehensive of what could happen at the competition. What if we pay all this money to get there and back, and then we lose? That can't happen! I dropped a lot of my college money on this trip. Which my mother strongly advised against, but I didn't listen. Now I am starting to think that I should have listened to her.

I wasn't the one to get us all together. I just played the piano and they thought that I would be a good addition. I mean their all two years older than I am for heaven sakes. You see my brother and his group of friends all play jazz music and when they heard me playing the piano they asked me to join. Since I graduated early, I thought it would be a fun opportunity to try it out. So pretty much I was dragged into this!

" Hey Kami?" Dana tapped on my shoulder. I looked over at her and she smiled then waved.

" Yeah?" I asked skeptically. She just shrugged.

" Just saying hey." I shook my head and laughed. That's what Dana is like, she's the clown of our group even when she doesn't try. She is always making random comments and always finds a way to make ever one laugh in the worst of times. Lonnie and I have known Dana since we were younger. Her mother is our mother's best friend, which means that we were together most of the time. If our parents weren't friends and she wasn't my best buddy, we would most likely hate each other. Even though she is two years older than I am.

She is nineteen and has a very pretty face. With long blonde hair that reaches just above her waist with bright green eyes that are always lit up. She is the fashion motif and keeps all of us up to date on the latest fashions. Today Dana is styling a very cute pink mini skirt with a white tank top and a pink jacket.

Gina and Mitch sat hand in hand across the isle from me. Gina, the serious one of our group, is always the one to make us get back on track when we have been goofing off for to long. She is also hopelessly in love with her boyfriend. Who just happens to be Mitch. They have been dating for two years now. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if that in a couple of years they are married.

She is pretty in a exotic way. With high cheekbones and short brown hair that have maroon streaks through it. She has dark brown eyes that are surrounded by thick black lashes. She is wearing a stretchy black skirt that reaches to her knees and a pink tee shirt that has a yellow happy bunny on the front that says 'Make the stupid people shut up!' Gina is seventeen like Dana. Her birthday is in like a month or two though.

Mitchell is quite the opposite of Gina. They are the couple that no one would think could work naturally. They do nonetheless and they are really cute together. Mitch is the party animal who is always getting every one together to hang out and that good stuff. He is one of the easiest people to hang out with and get to know and love. He always listens to when you talk to him. He would make a wonderful psychiatrist I think.

When I first met him I must admit I had a crush on him. That died away immediately when he started dating Gina, who is one of my best friends. That is a rule of feminism, you can't like your girlfriends boyfriend. Well at least I think it is. Anyway back to Mitch. He is very handsome. He just has a face that is just plain cute all the time. Mitch is a tall guy, about six foot two and is very skinny. The sick part about that is he eats more than I do and I am at least ten times as big as he is and more than a foot shorter. Of course that's just an exaggeration.

He has short brown hair with the clearest hazel eyes and the occasional green speck that could make any girls insides melt. He is wearing a pair of jean shorts and a green tee shirt that says ' made in Ireland' with a shamrock in the center. He's eighteen.

In the seat in front of us Ashley is sleeping quietly with headphones over her ears. A small amount of her short black hair was sticking up over the seat in clear view of the rest of us. Ashley is the quiet one out of the rest of us. She is very opinionated but keeps her ideas to herself. She does have a great sense of humor though. Once you get to know her, and become one of her good friends, she teases you mercilessly.

We immediately became friends when we met in my basement (Where they hold practices and stuff.). She is probably the tannest one out of all of us to. I swear that girl gets more sun than any person I know. She has hazel eyes with dark black hair. She is quite the ladies man. I swear she has more dates in a week than I have ever had in my whole life. Right now she is wearing a pair of jeans and a plain white long sleeved tee shirt with a little pocket on the sleeve.

Then there is my brother Lonnie. Lonnie, Lonnie, Lonnie what the heck can I say about him? Annoying, stupid…Nope that's not right. Lonnie is probably one of the greatest people I know. He is caring and always listens to me when I am hurt. In turn confides in me with his deepest secrets and darkest fears. He is at sometimes overprotective since our parents died but what older brother in his position isn't? I don't think I have ever been on a date without him interrogating my date and approving of him beforehand.

Lonnie is the best brother I could hope for and we are very close in personality. We both love to play sports and happen to love reading. He has short dark brown curly hair with a tanned skin. The only thing odd about his appearance are his eyes. One eye is a dark green and the other is a dark brown, he inherited that from mom. He is wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black tee shirt with a pink volcom sign on it.

Then there is me… what can I say? I have long straight black hair that reaches to about mid back. Right now it is back in two French braids on the back of my head. I have light blue eyes and my skin is a bit lighter than Lonnie's is, but not so light that I am a complete whitey. In case you were wondering I am adopted and am not Lonnie's real sister. I was found on a park bench one day and taken to the nearest orphanage where I spent five years. Then the Ramsell's came and took me in. I will be forever grateful too, I hated being in that orphanage. The people were so mean!

I am wearing a pair of black loose men's sports shorts with that reached to the middle of my knee. My shirt is just a plain black tank top that shows less than an inch of my stomach. To keep me warm on some level was a white hoodie zip up sweatshirt. My belly button ring made a small bump in my shirt that made it look like I had an outie or something. On my wrist I'm wearing my black 'I love pirates' bracelet that I got from Disneyland. I wear it with pride, it's my absolute favorite accessory.

On both of my thumbs are two silver bands. It had intricate engravings of a vine with leafs that wraps all the way around the ring and then in the center is a lily. A lily is my favorite flower. My adopted mother, Lisa, bought them for me when it was my thirteenth birthday. I have cherished them greatly over the years. Around my neck was my biological mother's necklace that she put on me before she dumped me on a park bench. It is a pendant that hangs on a thin silver chain. The pendant is the size of about a quarter. " To Kamilia with love, mom." Is written in Italian around the edges.


Some people say that we are the weirdest group of friends they have ever seen. I completely agree. All of us have our own personalities and when we get in fights they last for a couple of weeks. Since most of us are stubborn we don't apologize to each other for a few weeks, sometimes even months. One time we all got in an argument, I don't even remember what for, and we didn't talk to each other for months. In the end we all love each other none the less, some more than others and some less than others.

Now we are all taking a great vacation to London for a competition. It's totally awesome because my brother is eighteen so I don't have to have parental's with me all the time. The only lame thing is that Lonnie's in charge of 'my well being'. Which is totally lame because he's going to be ordering me around most of the time. I know I said that I love my brother, and I do, but he's still my brother. Enough said.

I scowled down at my computer without even realizing it when I noticed that everyone was staring at me with amused faces. Then I realized that it seemed like they were waiting for an answer from me. I shook my head and turned to look over at Mitch.

" What? I am sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said sweetly.

" Apparently." I heard Lonnie mutter and I reached behind me and smacked him on the knee. I heard him grumble something along the lines of, "so violent…" or something. I smiled to myself as they all laughed at Lonnie's comment. When they gained their composure I was waiting for their question. As I expected Mitch was the one to ask. Apparently it was something that the group had when we started this little 'group'. Mitch is always been, and always will be, our public speaker.

" Well Kami, were just thinking that you should do the solo because Ashley is backing out and Gina doesn't do well in front of crowds…" in that single sentence my worst fear had been realized. They want me to do a solo and mess up all by myself! Are they nuts? I shook my head fiercely. There is no way that I could sit in front of thousands of people and play by myself. I would most definitely screw it up for all of them. Then they would hate me and be ashamed to show their faces in public again.

I looked into their pleading puppy dog eyes. They know that always gets to me. This time I am going to stay strong so I shook my head again. Their eyes all fell and they looked at me sadly. I started to animate my words with my hands, having a Jack Sparrow moment.

" I am sorry I just don't have the guts to…." I was cut off when the plane started to shake violently causing us to bounce up and down in our seats.

I grabbed the armrest as hard as I could and closed my eyes tight. After it didn't stop in a minute all of the horrible things that could happen ran through my head. I am going to get into a crash and I am going to die! My mind screamed as the plane started to descend in altitude. Then a firm voice came over the intercom. Little beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and I breathed in and out slowly trying to calm down.

" Passengers we are going to need you to secure your seatbelts we have hit an unexpected storm. Please do not panic in a few moments we shall be in control." That didn't make me feel any better. Everything was going as I expected it to. I am going to go plunging into the ocean and die, like my father. My breathing became fast and I could feel my heart pounding in my ears as fear coursed through my body. My laptop slipped off my lap and crashed to the floor.

I felt Lonnie's hand cover mine and squeeze it for support. This brought a twinge of relaxation to my trembling body. I was shaking in fear as the plane didn't stabilize but keep dropped down towards the ocean below. A flash of light crashed down on one of the wings of the plane and I squealed. The engine started to sputter and then they just died out completely. We at least have one engine. That has to count for something. It felt as if my heart stopped when I heard the other engine sputter and then die.

I couldn't concentrate on anything but the concept that in about five minutes I was going to be at the bottom of the ocean. Tears were leaking down my face and I could hear people screaming while flight assistants tried to shut them up from their chairs. For a brief moment I opened my eyes to see Lonnie biting his hand. In those few seconds we had plunged over a few thousand feet and I was waiting for the end. I whispered my prayers under my breath and then laid my head back on the headrest.

When we hit the water my body was thrown forward and then held back because of the seatbelt causing me to hit my head on the seat rest hard. I screamed. It only took seconds for the water to get to us. It was coming so fast that before I could say anything to Lonnie it washed over me filling my lungs with water and my eyes went dark.

