(A/N: I'll work on my next FoxFang story sometime in the future but first, here's a sequel to Canary Mansion. I must say that Canary Mansion is one of my favourite stories. This story takes place before Rise of FoxFang. Like the first, Tweety and Aaooga will be in the starring role. If you haven't read Canary Mansion, I suggest you read it before reading this. The first chapter won't have much horror, as it's more of a lengthy prologue; that will come later, possibly next or third chapter. Enjoy the story and, as usual, read and review but no flames please.)

Disclaimer: Looney Tunes and all related characters belong to Warner brothers, not me. I have absolutely no profit motive when I write this. I own some of the characters that appear in this story (you'll know which ones).

A late wedding gift

It was late at night in Looniville. 10 days had passed since Tweety and Aaooga's wedding and all was quiet. They had just returned from their honeymoon in Miami. Daffy hadn't yet given his wedding present on the grounds that it wasn't ready yet. On the edge of town, an old derelict mansion stood. It was the mansion that Tweety and Aaooga had gotten trapped in a few months back. With the help of Sylvester and Penelope, they were able to escape the mansion and defeat the vampire owner. When they escaped, Tweety warned everyone that the house was haunted. Now it stood empty, no one dared to go near. At Tweety and Aaooga's request, the house was to remain out of respect of Lord and Lady Valetta, though the house was falling into a state of despair. On the other side of the town there was another mansion. This one had been built hastily but was now finished. Construction had begun on the mansion three months ago. While the building was rushed, it was a majestic building and all who saw it admired it's beauty. The last of the workers was talking to a black duck next to the mansion. The black duck was Daffy. The builder gave Daffy a document and a key. None of them noticed a rat with blood red eyes and vicious fangs enter the new mansion through a window that hadn't been closed properly.

"Here's the title deed and the key to the house." The builder said.

"Thank you my good man." Daffy replied while taking the document.

"What did you need such a big mansion for anyway?" Daffy asked.

"It's not for me, it's a wedding present for a friend." Daffy replied.

"You mean Tweety and Aaooga right?" The builder asked.

"Did anyone else get married 10 days ago?" Daffy asked sarcastically.

"I see your point." The builder replied.

"No offence taken." Daffy said.

"Anyway, how would two canaries use a mansion?" The builder asked.

"However they want, a playground, a house or a guest house." Daffy replied.

"Or they could just live in it." The builder suggested.

"I suppose they could." Daffy replied.

"Well, give my regards to the new couple when you give the deed to them." The builder said. He then noticed the slightly open window and closed it.

"Will do." Daffy replied. He started to walk off towards Tweety and Aaooga's house, a birdhouse in the park in the centre of the town. When he arrived, he took out a piece of paper, a pen and a box. He wrote a note on the paper and put it on top of the box. Then he put the title deed, key and another note in the box. He then placed the box outside the birdhouse and tied a rope around it. The other end of he rope was tied to the birdhouse with one of Daffy's special knots.

"Heh, now only I can undo that knot. Good job Tweety and Aaooga are prepared. I told them I'd pack their present like this." Daffy said to himself. He then walked off back into the darkness and went home.

The next morning, Tweety woke up at 10:00. Aaooga was still asleep so Tweety was careful to avoid disturbing her. He walked into the kitchen of their house and pulled out a tray.

"I think I'll treat Aaooga." Tweety said quietly. He filled the kettle and pulled out two cups and two bowls. He filled the bowl with birdseed and waited for the kettle to boil. When it did, he made two cups of coffee and placed everything on the tray. He took the tray back to the bedroom and sat on his side of the bed holding the tray. Aaooga woke up soon after. She looked at Tweety, who smiled at her.

"Morning precious, I've made us some breakfast." Tweety greeted. Aaooga smiled with affection.

"Thank you Tweety." Aaooga replied. Tweety placed the tray so they could both reach the food and had their breakfast. When they had finished, Aaooga turned to Tweety.

"Any idea when Daffy's wedding present will arrive?" Aaooga asked.

"No idea. You can never tell with that duck." Tweety replied.

"But it is 10 days late." Aaooga said.

"I know he is. Hope it arrives soon." Tweety replied. They looked at the presents that everyone else had given them. Bugs, Lola and Jessica had given them a canary sized wide screen DVD, Foghorn Leghorn and Miss Prissy had given them some canary sized bowls. Just to name a few but the most memorable one so far was the present from Sylvester, who, after the incident at the mansion, had a huge change of heart and had decided not to chase them anymore. In fact, if he was in the area, he would help them if any cats attacked them. Sylvester had piled together a picture album of everyone when they were babies. Tweety attributes this to Sylvester's change of heart. He also made the recording of the wedding. Tweety picked up the photo album and they quickly scanned through the pictures.

"You and Sylvester were quite good friends back then." Aaooga commented.

"Yeah I know. It's good that we're friends again." Tweety replied.

"Any idea of what made him change?" Aaooga asked.

"I remember there was a time when we were trapped in a log cabin and the only food around was birdseed. I think he tried to go for me out of hunger and it eventually turned into a habit." Tweety replied. He then stepped out of bed.

"I'm going to check the mail." Tweety said.

"Ok, I'll be through in a minute." Aaooga replied. They kissed and Tweety went to the front door.

When Tweety got to the front door, he picked up a load of letters that were on the floor. There were a couple of bills and several happy wedding cards from people that hadn't been at the wedding. After picking these up, Tweety opened the door and saw the box that Daffy had left.

"Ohh, wonder what's in this box?" Tweety asked himself. He looked at the label. It read 'To Tweety and Aaooga, Hope you enjoy your marriage, however long it lasts. Sorry that this was late, From Daffy and Melissa'.

"Finally it's arrived." Tweety said with a sigh. He didn't notice Aaooga behind him.

"What has?" Aaooga asked. Tweety turned around and saw Aaooga standing in the hall.

"Daffy's late wedding present." Tweety replied. Aaooga walked up to him and looked at the box.

"Wonder what took so long." Aaooga said.

"When we see what's inside, we'll know." Tweety shouted. He then noticed the rope tied to the box.

"We need to cut this rope to open the box." Tweety said. Aaooga walked off and came back with a knife.

"I'll cut it." Aaooga said. She cut through the rope and the two opened the box. Tweety reached in and pulled out a note of apology, a key and the title deed for the mansion.

"Dear Tweety and Aaooga, I apologise that this present is late. I wanted to give a better present than Bugs so I arrange this gift in advance. On the eastern side of town you will find a mansion. The mansion has recently been completed after three months of construction. The title deed you hold is the deed to that mansion and the key is for the front door. Our present to you is the mansion. Use it however you please. We wish you the best for your days together. Daffy and Melissa Duck." The note read.

"Wow, those two sure went overboard." Tweety remarked. They took the note, key and the title deed inside. Once inside, they went into the living room and sat down on the couch. They both looked at the note and the title deed.

"Aaooga, are you getting a strange feeling about this gift?" Tweety asked.

"Why do you ask?" Aaooga asked.

"Because seeing this reminds me of that incident at the mansion." Tweety replied.

"You mean with Count Sleety?" Aaooga asked.

"Exactly." Tweet replied.

"Now that you say that, I do have bad memories of that place." Aaooga said.

"It's a nice gift I'll admit. What do you think?" Tweety asked.

"I say that as they went through so much trouble, we use it for something." Aaooga replied.

"Yeah, it's only fair." Tweety said.

"Any ideas on what we could use it for?" Aaooga asked.

"A mansion would be a great place to throw a party." Tweety replied.

"You mean we throw some kind of party there?" Aaooga asked.

"Yep, but what kind?" Tweety asked.

"I suppose a housewarming party, as it's effectively a new house." Aaooga replied.

"Good idea, who shall we invite?" Tweety asked.

"Let's invite everyone." Aaooga suggested.

"Ok, it'll be our biggest gathering since the space jam incident." Tweety replied.

"Shall we call them now or later?" Aaooga asked.

"I think we should have a bath first." Tweety replied.

At the new mansion, the rat that had snuck in was in the basement. The room was empty so there was a lot of space. The rat looked around the room. A sinister smile came across its face.

"Now, I can start again." The rat muttered. Its eyes glowed and in a flash, the basement was converted into a chamber that looked like it was to be used for voodoo ritual. The door to the room disappeared and was replaced by wall. Candles aligned the new room and gave it a haunted feeling. In the centre of the new room there was an altar decorated with gold feathers. The rat's eyes glowed again as it looked around the new room.

"Perfect, now all I have to do is wait." The rat said evilly to himself. It climbed on top of the altar. With another glow if its eyes, a vision of the front door of the mansion appeared in mid air. The rat stared at the image and just waited, continually staring the whole time, as if it was waiting for something.

Back at Tweety and Aaooga's house, Tweety and Aaooga were having a bath together. Since the incident three months ago, Aaooga had requested that the house be given a bathroom just for the two of them. The bathroom had a bath big enough for the two of them to share as well as the standard equipment you'd find in a bathroom. The bath was decorated with gold canaries on the side. The bathroom tiles were a mixture of gold and orange. Tweety and Aaooga were relaxing in the bath while talking about the party.

"When do you want this party?" Tweety asked.

"I'm still a little tired from our honeymoon so shall we have it tomorrow evening." Aaooga suggested.

"Ok, what time?" Tweety asked.

"It will be a big party so, say 6:00 to 12:00." Aaooga suggested.

"That might be a bad idea if Bugs and Lola brought their daughter along." Tweety replied.

"Oh, then 6:00 to 9:00." Aaooga suggested.

"That seems more suitable." Tweety replied.

"Now, who should we invite?" Aaooga asked.

"Perhaps we should think about who not to invite." Tweety suggested.

"There are some people you don't think should come?" Aaooga asked.

"Yep, and I have reasons for my thinking as well." Tweety replied.

"Well, who do you think shouldn't come?" Aaooga asked.

"If Bugs, Lola and Jessica will come, Elmer shouldn't as you know how those lot don't get along." Tweety said.

"True, they'll just be arguing all the time." Aaooga replied.

"I also say don't invite Taz as he could destroy the place." Tweety said.

"And he'll eat all the food." Aaooga added with a giggle. Tweety laughed.

"That's true, didn't think of that." Tweety replied.

"Anyone else?" Aaooga asked.

"If Penelope came, Inviting Pepe le Pew would be a bad idea." Tweety said.

"True, Sylvester would get angry and it would cause a disturbance." Aaooga replied. They kept discussing this for a few minutes and eventually had a list of people to invite.

"So, we invite Bugs and his family, Daffy and his family, Foghorn and Miss Prissy, Sylvester and Penelope, Plucky, Shirley, Buster and Babs." Tweety finally said.

"That's a good mixture." Aaooga remarked.

"Well, I'll give them a call in a minute." Tweety said.

"Ok." Aaooga replied. Tweety wrapped his arms around Aaooga.

"And hope nothing happens this time." Tweety said. Aaooga smiled and they kissed.

(A/N: Again, sorry if I haven't done much horror. The horror will come soon. Hope you like my choices of guests. Please read and review. No flames please.)