Right, I just wrote this for fun. Just read an REVIEW! Flames are welcome- this story is just written for FUN!

"SHUT UP YOU FAG!" Harry yelled at Draco. They were locked in the Potions storeroom- with each other. Draco was experimenting with the many tastes of potions, and managed to mix a Babbling Beverage with a Dufus Drink. He was now humming to himself, and there was ten minutes left to go before the potions actually wore off.

"Jingle Bells, Potter smells, Granger laid an egg-" Harry stomped over to Draco, and proceeded to bash him over the head with a Potions textbook. This didn't help.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Severus! Happy birthday to you!"

"ARGH!" Harry hit Draco over the head again.

"Mary had a little-" BONK.

"Ba ba black sheep-" BONK.

"Twinkle-" BONK!

At this, Draco started singing baritone. Harry grabbed the whole pile of textbooks and started hitting Draco again. This didn't help at all- Draco switched effortlessly to soprano. After another nine minutes of babbling like a dufus, Draco finally came to his senses. "What?" BONK! Harry had dropped the entire lot of textbooks on his head.


"YAY! You're sane again!"

"I was sane before you killed me with books," Draco grumbled.

Harry put a hand over his mouth. "I killed you! That puts you in the same category as Quirrel! Oh the horror- wait! If you're dead, then how come you're talking? ARGH! You're a dead zombie!"

"All zombies are dead, aren't they?"

"NO! Stay away from me, talking zombie!" Harry backed away. "Zombies are scary!"

"BOO!" Draco yelled at Harry. Harry screamed like a girl (A/N- that's just a term. In real life, guys also scream like that. I've had past experience. Trust me. ;- ) and banged into a shelf of potions. One cracked on his head, and a bit of potion slipped into his mouth. Harry started hallucinating.

"Why aren't you scared of me any more?" Draco asked him. Harry was now grinning his bloody head off.

"Because you are Mr. Care Bear! Yay! Woopee! ARGH!" he screamed like a girl again. "A zombie! And it has big ears! NOOOO!"

"What, are you scared of big ears?" Draco asked, also grinning now.

"Yes, Mr. Care Bear! ARGH! The evil zombies with big ears are out to get me!"

"Are you scared of elephants?"

"Elephants?" Harry looked around wildly. "ELEPHANTS!"

Draco stared as Harry ran around yelling crazy things. Just then, he stopped and stared at Draco. "Hello Mr. Care Bear! Would you like something to drink?" Harry offered him a potion. "Um- no-"

Harry walked up to him, and said, "Okay, you can have a drink!" he popped open the jar, and stuffed it down Draco's throat.

"EW!" Draco yelled, and promptly fell asleep. Harry bent down and looked at Draco and blew raspberries at his face before pinching Draco's nose really hard. "HAHA! I got your nose, Mr. Care Bear!"

Mr. Care Bear slept on, snoring like a rhinoceros. (A/N can rhinos snore? I don't know. I just put that part in 'cos I'm hyper. Nods wildly In case you didn't know already.)

Harry pinched Draco's nose again, then pulled his ear. "NO!" Harry screamed. "Mr. Care Bear has big ears!" he grabbed the potion bottle. "I'll have my drink all to myself then!"

He dropped the bottle and sat down in a corner, sucking his rude finger.

"Mr. Care Bear," he said presently. "Would you like something to eat?"

Draco just woke up. "What? What?"

"Okay, then!" Harry grabbed a random potion, popped open the jar, and stuffed it down Draco's throat.

"EW!" Draco yelled, and looked around deliriously. "MUST SMASH THINGS MADE OF GLASS!"

He started pulling off jars from the shelves and smashing them over Harry's head. Harry just stood there, grinning and making rude jokes. At this point, Draco noticed Harry's glasses. "You have glass!" he declared. "May I have your glass?"

"You can have my glass for two dollars," Harry said.

"What's two dollars?" Draco asked. "Oh well!" he put out his hand and Harry looked down at it.

"Well?" Draco demanded. "Your glass!"

Harry gave a lopsided grin.

Draco glared. "Oh!" Harry cried. "That glass!" he started pulling out tufts of hair and putting it in Draco's hands.

"NO!" Draco yelled, chucking the hair on the ground.

"OUCH!" Harry yelled, in mid-hair pull. He let go, and dropped the hair on the ground.

Draco pointed at Harry's glasses. "That glass! I must smash glass!" Harry grinned.

"OKAY!" he pulled off his glasses. "Two dollars please!"

Draco faltered. "What's two dollars? Oh!" he bent down and picked some of Harry's own hair up.

"Here's two dollars!"

Harry smiled. "Yippee! I got two dollars!" '

Draco smashed Harry's glasses on the ground. "Yippee! I smashed glass!"

Just then, both potions on both boys wore off. They were left standing dumbly at each other.

"Hey," Harry said, squinting. "Where'd my glasses go?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't know. I'm thirsty."

"So am I," Harry said. "OH LOOK! There's some pumpkin juice! Snape must've hidden it in here!" There were two large bottles of vodka sitting behind a crate, both without labels. Draco, believing Harry, took both bottles of alcohol for himself.


"NO!" Harry cried. "Me want some!"









"FINE!" Draco gave Harry a bottle of vodka. Harry started drinking, and grinned at Draco. (A/N yes, I know, he's been doing a lot of grinning today, hasn't he? But it works!)

Within a minute, both boys were rating around 9.3 with alcohol.

So, how was it? Please review; this is my first time writing humour. I got this idea from a story I read yesterday- by fishstixsatay. Look up their story 'Place Whitty Title Here'! It's quite similar to this story, but with Artemis Fowl and Holly Short- in a janitor's closet! Anyway- I know their personalities have changed. But that's the only way I can make it funnier.