N/A: I hope you all enjoy this! First of all almost all the characters are really OCC for humor purposes. Anyway I just wanted to tell you all to check out my other two Naruto fics Behind the scenes of Naruto and Calling all Ninjas. I also invite you all to join my C2 community LOL Naruto (or at least subscribe!). Contact me if you want to become a staff writer or you want to submit a story. Thanks! (Oh and if anyone was wondering for some strange reason the answer is no. I don't own Naruto. I only own my computer and stupid ideas.)

Chapter 1

"What the heck is taking so long! He should be here by now." Naruto screamed impatiently. Team 7 was waiting for Kakashi behind a newly built building in Konoha. As usual Kakashi was late and Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were waiting for him. Naruto walked impatiently around in circles. Sakura sat on the ground trying to ignore Naruto and day dreaming about Sasuke. Sasuke leaned silently on the wall minding his own business, same as always. Kakashi had told them to come at exactly 6:00 PM and it was already 7:10 PM, they had been waiting for more than an hour.

"When Kakashi-sensei gets here I'm going to..." Naruto was quickly cut off. He tilted his head as he stared into the night. Was it his imagination or were three ninjas that looked very much like Gaara, Kankurou, and Temari entering the building they were waiting by. Now that he thought of it, he could have sworn he saw Hinata's team enter the building and a little later Shikamaru's and Neji's team. What could be going on in the building?

"Yo!" Naruto snapped out of his thoughts as Kakashi approached them. Their silver-haired teacher seemed as calm and cool as ever as he walked over to where Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were waiting.

"What took you so long! We've been waiting for over an hour!" Naruto huffed madly. Sakura just frowned but it was obvious she was just about ready to strangle her teacher. Sasuke being Sasuke stood silently with no expression of anger or annoyance.

"I'd would explain it you but we're already late. Let's go." Kakashi beckoned his three students to follow him. Obediently Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke followed their teacher.

Kakashi lead them into the front of the building and they entered it's large solid metal double doors. "What are we going to do here?" Sakura asked as she walked along side her silver haired teacher.

Her question was answered as she stared around the room. There was a big stage set in front of the room. In between the maroon curtains of the stage was a stand and microphone which was illuminated by a lone spotlight. Set in front of the stage was round tables. Sakura's eyes grew wider as she saw who was sitting at the tables. One was occupied with Neji, Tenten, Lee, and Gai. Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai sat at a table. The next one was occupied with Ino, Chouji, Shikamaru, and Asuma. Then next to an empty table was a group of four mysterious men in trench coats and hats. The most surprising was that the farthest table was occupied by Gaara, Temari, and Kankurou. By the look of the stage and tables she was sure they were in a Karaoke bar.

"Over here." Kakashi motioned his team to sit at the empty table next to the four mysterious men. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura quickly took their seats. Naruto seemed to forget about his earlier anger, he seemed excited about whatever was going to happen. Sasuke as usual sat motionless and expressionless. Sakura still seemed puzzled about why they were there in a karaoke bar.

"Why are we doing here?" Sakura asked again. She was well aware that they were in a Karaoke bar but did that mean what she thought it meant. "We're not going to..."

Kakashi nodded his head before the pink haired ninja even finished asking her question. "You got it. We are going to sing Karaoke. I thought that you guys needed a break from training so I decided to bring you to the opening night of The Konoha Karaoke Bar. I'm actually surprised that everyone else came to." Kakashi surveyed the room and all the ninja sitting at round tables.

At Neji's table he and Tenten were rolling their eyes as Lee and Gai were hugging and crying. Hinata, Shino, and Kurenai sat quietly as Kiba played with Akamaru. Chouji was eating as usual, Shikamaru looked extremely bored, Ino was fixing her hair, and Asuma was smoking. The four mysterious men were whispering to each other. On the farthest table Temari, Kankurou, and Gaara looked like they were having a three-way stating contest, with Gaara winning and his sibling staring nervously.

Naruto gave an excited yell. He quickly turned and whispered something to Kakashi. Kakashi listened intently and nodded his head in approval. Standing up so fast that his chair fell to the floor Naruto ran out of sight, with Kakashi walking close to his trail.

"He's going to do what I think he's going to do?" Sakura exclaimed with horror. Naruto wasn't going to sing Karaoke and make a complete fool of himself. Sakura thought to herself for a moment, then again what did she care if Naruto made a fool of himself. At least with Kakashi and Naruto gone this meant that she had Sasuke all to herself. Completing forgetting about Naruto and Kakashi she decided to stare and drool at Sasuke.

Suddenly there was a loud squeak, everyone looked up at the large stage. "Testing, testing." It was Naruto and was smiling brightly holding a microphone. "Hello people! To start things off I, Uzumaki Naruto, will sing my own theme song!" To this the whole crowd either grumbled or sat silently, except for Hinata who went into hyper blush.

Naruto stood on the stage bowing his head as the music started to play. (The song Wind starts to play in the background)

Suddenly the CD stops. "Stop! This isn't my theme song!" Naruto quickly returned the microphone to it's stand and hopped off the stage. The maroon curtains closed behind Naruto. The crowd whispered to themselves. Did Naruto have another theme song?

Suddenly Sasuke slammed his fist into the table and stood up. Sasuke was known for being calm but he just couldn't take it anymore. Why was it that only Naruto had a theme song. "Does Naruto have another theme that I don't know about? I mean he already has Wind. That sneak. Everyone knows I'm so much more special than him. Then why does he have another theme song. I'll get you for this Naruto!" Quickly Sasuke ran out of out sight.

Sakura opened her mouth to stop Sasuke but before she could say anything a familiar tune started to play. She turned her attention back to the stage. The maroon curtains opened and there was a lone shadow standing in the middle of the stage. A familiar song started to play. As the song started he lifted his head slowly and a spotlight illuminated the stage. (Pokemon Theme song starts playing.)

I want to be the very best,

Hokage no one ever was.

Sakura's mouth opened as he stared at Naruto. Naruto wasn't wearing his usual Orange Jumpsuit. He was wearing a black shirt with a blue and white short-sleeved jacket, light blue jeans, hand gloves, and a white and red baseball cap. Actually as Sakura stared at Naruto she thought he looked better in new clothes and his song was also pretty catchy.

To learn ninjutsu is my test,

To beat Sasuke is my cause.

Hinata watched in surprise as Naruto sang on the stage. "I-Is t-that Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked the dog boy sitting next to her. Kiba didn't answer, he just nodded his head slowly and continued to enjoy the show. Even Shino and Kurenai watched mildly interested at the singing blonde.

I will travel across the land,

Searching far and wide.

Teach people, to understand

The power that's inside.

Naruto seemed very into the song as the pointed to the crowd starting from the left to right. As his left hand retreated he made into a fist. Naruto seemed to be having the time of his life. Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji, and Asuma even stopped what they were doing long enough to watch Naruto. Even Shikamaru who was usually bored actually seem less bored then usual.

Naruto (Gotta be the best)

Hokage to be

I know it's my destiny


On stage Naruto jumped and punched the air. Lee couldn't help himself, he stood up from his chair and started to cheer on Naruto. "Go! Naruto! Go!" Lee cupped his hands to his mouth and cheered loudly with Gai. Even Tenten and Neji who were sitting in their chairs seemed to be enjoying Naruto's song secretly.

(Oh) Sasuke's my worst friend

In a world I must defend

Naruto (Gotta be the best)

Naruto walked back and forth from the stage and kicking his feet and holding the microphone tightly. The four mysterious men whispered to each other and nodded in approval as they watched Naruto. The whole crowd actually seemed to be responding well to Naruto as he sang his version of the pokemon theme song.

My heart so true

MY courage will pull me through

You teach me and I'll beat you

Naruto went up to the microphone stand and started to danced with it. Temari and Kankurou seemed into the song but they didn't want to show it so much because of a certain red haired ninja. Gaara stared at Naruto blankly, like what he was watching wasn't new and he had seen Naruto sing a hundred times.


Gotta be the best

Gotta be the best, yeah

The crowd was feeling Naruto's song as he pranced around the stage. Suddenly a black haired boy wearing the same clothes as Naruto appeared from the left side of the stage. "Hey that's my theme song! Get him Pikachu!"

"Oh no!" Naruto tired to run away from the pokemon trainer and his pikachu. As he tried to escape he tripped on the cord of the microphone stand. Naruto laid on the stage tangled in the microphone cord.

"PIKACHU!" The yellow mouse pokemon sent a rain of electricity on Naruto. The electricity was so bright that Naruto's skeletal system flashed as he the electricity ran through his body.

"Thank you." A brunt Naruto managed to squeak as he slowly pulled himself off of the stage with his hands.

"PIKACHU!" The electric pokemon sent another rain of electricity. As Naruto crawled away from the stage he was followed by the pokemon trainer. His yellow mouse pokemon sending periodical shocks of thunder.

The crown seemed confused at what had happened, but despite the confusion everyone was clapping politely at Naruto's performance and nodding their heads in approval. Everyone except for Hinata who was gripping the bottom of her chair and was sitting wide-eyed in shock.

A shadowed figure stood near the stage. Sasuke stood with his arms folded across his chest. He leaned at on the left side of the curtain with an evil smile on his face. If they thought that Naruto's performance was good, his would be unforgettable.

To be continued...