Okay I'm trying something new here I'm going to attempt to write a DarkxDaisuke (KradxSatoshi?) fic. However, since I have about 4 fanfics to work on, this story will be a little bit on the slow side...


This will be Shonen-Ai, so if you don't like boyxboy love then I think you should push the back button... now...



Sentences in italic- Flashbacks

Daisuke's POV

"NIWA-KUN!" I heard someone call my name.

"KONNICHIWA HARADA-SAN!" I shouted to the younger twin. "I didn't know you were in my in my lunch period..."

At first she smiled then she started to giggle like a manic. "You're right, I'm not..." She said after getting a hold of herself.

That made me back away a bit. "Um... then what are you doing here?"

Suddenly a huge flaming background appeared out of nowhere behind Harada-san. "TO MAKE SURE THAT DARK WILL NOTICE ME, THAT'S WHAT!"

I sweat dropped.

"What, don't you have faith in me?" She questioned me, looking as though she was going to cry.

"No... It's not that... it's..." I looked at where her crush was sitting. She does realize that Dark's the biggest bully in school right... right?

Harada-san sighed dreamily. "He's so hot, I would do anything to meet him..."

"Even skipping class, Miss Harada?" A teacher patted on her left shoulder from behind. "What do you think you're doing?"

"GOMEN, GOMEN, GOMEN! I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!" She bowed over and over, begging for his forgiveness.

"Do 5 laps around the track and I'll think about it!"

"Yes sir..." She groaned as she left the cafeteria. No wonder she was skipping class, Gym was her worst subject! Oh well, I sat in a near by table and got out my bento.

"ITADAKIMASU! Thanks for the food!" I said as I ate a California roll with my chopsticks.


I turned around to see who it was. It was the Dark again, bulling another student. I gulped down the roll along with a bit of fear in me.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" He growled at his victim. "You owe me 5 bucks from last week!"

"No I don't I already paid you 5 bucks from yesterday!" I could see the fear in that poor child's eye.

"Well you must have paid the wrong person because I didn't get it!" Dark was about to 'kill' him.

I had to do something. "HEY! LEAVE THAT POOR BOY ALONE!" I shouted from the other side of the room. I froze. What have I done? Well, I did say I had to do something... He had a very evil glint in his eyes.

"You think you can tell me what to do?" He was coming closer to me.

"You're going to pay for that comment!" He ran after me, so I ran for a place to hide.

'Why me?' I cried to myself. Better think of something quick though, he's catching up on me! Hey wait, I know where to hide! The trash can! I quickly jumped in and hope the bully doesn't find me.

"Alright, where did that little runt get to?" I heard Dark said in the middle of the playground. I slowly opened the trash can lid up. Um... I think he's gone. I looked down. Why did there have to be some lasagna here? Then the lid opened, someone threw a rotten banana on my head. I sighed to myself, why me?

"Niwa-kun?" I looked up and saw the older Harada-san. "What are you doing hiding in a trash can?"

"Um...looking for my pen?" I laughed a bit. I must look like the biggest idiot in the school.

She blinked. "Okay..."

I sweat dropped knowing what she is thinking right now. "Can you help me up?"

"Sure, Niwa-kun..." I grabbed her hand and got out of the trash can. "Um... Niwa-kun... you do realize you have some lasagna on your-"

'Don't remind me.' I cried to myself again. It hit me! Why was Harada-san looking at my-

"THERE YOU ARE!" It was Dark.

"... AHHHH!" Back to running...

After running for about the whole lunch period, I went to my English class nearly passing out and I made it in time too.

"Um... Niwa-kun... there's some-" The younger Harada-san said, who was a seat behind me.

"I know... there's some lasagna on my-" Then I noticed something again. Why was she looking at my-

"CLASS!" The English teacher shrieked. "TEST!"

Something tells me today wasn't going to be my day... I didn't even study... but hopefully it will be easy...right? Why does something tell me I'm wrong? As she passed out the test... a slam came into the door. I gulped. Why you may ask? Because there, standing at the doorway, was the one and only Dark.

"You're late..." She stopped passing the test while she was right next to me.

"Well, sor-ry for being late..." He sat in his seat, before taking a long and evil glare at me. I sighed again... yup today wasn't going to be my day. The test was surprisingly easy... yay... someone up there must really like me!

"How did you do, Niwa-kun?" The younger Harada-san smiled. "I thought it was hard! I think the teacher hates me, that's why she is torturing me!"

"I think I did pretty well... " I said. "If you think you did bad, you can always retake it."

She looked at me with a pout. "But Niwa-kun I don't have to retake tests, I have a date!"

A date? When did she have a date? "With who?" I questioned, blinking.

"Dark!" She shouted really loudly. Everyone was amazed and looked at the bully. He just grinned.

When did Harada-san have a date with Dark? I was amazed as well. I wonder what she did to make him be her boyfriend.

"I will promise myself to make sure that Dark will noticed me, so I made a date to make sure he does!" She sounded really proud, but that explains the whole date thing. Everyone went "ohhh" and gone back to what they were doing. Dark was still grinning like a mad man.

"Good luck... " He winked to Harada-san. "You'll need it."

She was blushing. "Thank you... " I don't think she noticed that Dark kinda insulted her intelligence... but I'm not saying anything...Since this was the hour-long period I might as well go to the bathroom. "Um... sensei may I please go to the bathroom to... um... "

"To wash off the lasagna on your ass?" Dark commented as he was smirking. Everyone in the classroom started to snicker, save the teacher...I couldn't help but blush a bit. So what, now he was looking at my-

"Enough! Take the bathroom pass and go." The teacher handed me the bathroom pass and I left the room silently.

Why was lasagna so hard to wash off? Of course after you sat on it. I guess life is just like that. I think it took about 40 minutes or so to get it off, even though there was still some stains on it.(1) Wiping the seat from the leftover lasagna and sat back in my chair. Why did the atmosphere suddenly become dark? I heard Harada-san sigh behind me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning around.

She showed me her test paper. Realization hit me. "Oh...you got a D I see..." I sweat dropped.

"This is horrible! Now I'll never get another chance to go on that date with Dark!" She cried. "Maybe Riku can pretend to be me..."

"Demo... Harada-san-" I started.

"It's perfect!"

"I think it's a bad idea-"

"But this is an emergency!" She whined, interrupting me again. "Plus, it's not going to affect my grade that much anyway!"


The teacher came up to me. "Oh you're back, here's your test..." She placed the piece of paper flat on my desk.

"I got a... B..." Well it was better than failing... right?

Sensei got back to her desk and plopped into her chair. "Well seeing that Daisuke was the only one that actually passed the test... the rest of you are going to have to retake the test!"

The whole classroom groaned. Um... yay me? So the school bell rang and I went to my Math class. Hopefully Dark wasn't there... the fact that he was after me is kind of scaring me a bit.


Here lies my writer's block... so tell me what you think... but this will be pretty slow on the update though...at least I made everyone (expect Dark because he's a bully) in character...I think. Thanks for editing this Ryuueiki!

1) Lasagna's hard to wash off right?