Chapter 3

Yuki didn't know where to go. He only knew that he needed some space. He needed some time alone. He needed to ponder about and reevaluate his and Shuichi's relationship. Yuki didn't think he could do that in peace if Shuichi was near him. He wouldn't be able to think objectively… In fact, he wouldn't be able to think at all.

Being near Shuichi made Yuki irrational and rash. Like what he did just now. Because of the spat they just had, he left without even saying anything to his lover. He knew perfectly well that Shuichi was a nag and a worrywart. If Shuichi didn't know where he was, he'd worry and assume the worst. But did he even stop and be considerate before running away? No, of course not. He was mad at Shuichi and the only thing consuming his mind was his anger and the need to get away.

If it was any other being except for Shuichi, Yuki wouldn't give a damn. In fact, he wouldn't have gotten into the argument at all. Instead he would throw that person out of his house and out of his life. It's as simple as one, two and three. But this was Shuichi we were talking about. He was the one who melted Yuki's ice of a heart. So instead of Yuki doing the kicking out, he's the one who ran away.

Yuki sighed as he combed his hand through his hair. Where to go? He should've thought first of a destination before he left. But no, he had to be brash and left without so much as a thought. He looked at his surroundings and saw that he was at the park near his apartment. He took a seat in one of the benches, to think where he should spend the night.

Yuki got a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He tilted his head up and gazed at the stars that hung at the black sky. He wondered what Shuichi was doing. When he left, the vocalist of Bad Luck had been dozing fitfully at their couch, looking distressed even in his sleep. Yuki had the urge to just forgive Shuichi but his pride and ego made him stop.

The novelist frowned to himself as he recounted every little thing that added up to his anger at Shuichi. Well, being the proud person that he was, he really couldn't stand being stood up at dates. There were occasions were Shuichi bailed out early so he didn't have to wait. But there were times where he would look like a fool waiting for Shuichi who wouldn't turn up.

The tardiness he can handle. Being in the show business himself, he knew how easy a schedule can be ruined. But being late for about an hour? Well, he was no fucking saint to not be at least irritated right? Yuki took a long drag out of his cigarette as his nerves got worked up.

As he exhaled the last of the smoke, he took a deep, calming breath. And Yuki, being in love as he was with Shuichi, forgave him time and again. Yuki surprised himself with this. If he was his normal self, once slip up was enough. He would've made even with that person and if he really was pissed, he would've given that person a rude little parting gift.

But alas, Shuichi changed him. His lover would only give him a big apologetic smile and then he'd crumble. If Yuki was really pissed, Shuichi would turn on the lost puppy dog look and the water works. And when the novelist saw tears, his heart immediately softens and he forgives Shuichi.

But tonight was different. Yuki had finally had enough. Or maybe, Yuki contemplated, he was just raging jealous. He realized just now that he really wasn't as angry with Shuichi when he found out that the vocalist of Bad Luck had spent the night collaborating with Aizawa Taki. When he found out about that escapade, his tempers flared up and his insecurities came to surface.

Yuki bristled to himself when he thought of Aizawa Taki. That man really was the bane of his existence. He wouldn't admit this aloud but he really was insecure with the vocalist of ASK. He couldn't help but feel incompatible with Shuichi when he knew that those two were more alike that he and Shuichi were. He was afraid that maybe Shuichi made the wrong choice in the concert and that any minute now he'd change his mind and come running to Aizawa.

Yuki sighed as he brought a hand to massage his temples. He had a big headache going on and he needed some good, long, dreamless sleep. He made a snap decision to stay with Tatsuha.

His ototo, who had been living in Kyoto, had moved in town. He had a place near NG Corps where he claims was the best place ever. Yuki surmised it was because of the fact that he got to be near his Sakuma-san at most times. Sakuma had the tendency to just stay at Tatsuha's place since it was near his place of work. On the other hand, his ototo claims that Sakuma does this because the vocalist of Nittle Grasper just wanted to be with him.

His ototo had specifically told him not to visit him at weekends because this was the time when Sakuma frequents him. Well tough luck for Tatsuha. Yuki needed a place to stay and it so happens that he suddenly fancied staying at his ototo's. And besides, Yuki thought to himself, its pay back for all the times when his ototo dropped in at his place without an invitation.

Shuichi woke up fine. He was disoriented and confused, but he figured that it was normal. After all, he drunk himself silly last night and a hangover was expected. But then Shuichi started to feel his temper rise.

Firstly, he realized that his head was pounding so bad he thought that at any moment now, it will break in half. Secondly, his arms felt like it was feasted and pinched upon by a couple hundred of teenage girls. And lastly - and this one ticking him off the most - was that he had straps holding him tight against the bed. In fact, the straps were held on tight that Shuichi couldn't even move an inch.

Scrunching up his face in anger, he looked around the room. He realized that he didn't know where he was. Last he remembered was Teddy the bartender saying him that enough is enough. Other than that… No, Shuichi can't remember a single, damn thing.

Shuichi's eyes landed on the white ceiling. Funny. The bar didn't have a white ceiling. In fact, the bar didn't contain any white paint or coloring or anything white whatsoever. So where was he? Shuichi turned his head to the side and found himself facing a huge bouquet of flowers at the bedside. He narrowed his eyes at the card hanging precariously at one of the flowers.

"Do you like it, Shu?" The vocalist of Bad Luck would've jumped off the bed if he could, he was that startled. He turned his head on the other side and found Hiro-kun sitting at his bedside.

"How come I didn't notice you?" Shuichi asked in a slightly slurry voice. He heard Hiro-kun chuckle and that made his pounding head suffer more.

"Could you turn your voice level down a notch? I'm suffering in here…" He whined. Shuichi wanted to put his hands in his head but realized, for the second time since he awoke that he was immobilized.

"And what the hell! Why do you have me strapped in here!" Shuichi demanded angrily as he struggled against his binds. And even though his own voice added to his headache, he ignored it. He wanted out, damn it!

Hiro-kun sighed as he watched his best friend struggle clumsily about. Mr. K had ordered the nurses to do that to Shuichi because their manager had foreseen that Shuichi would try to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. Mr. K didn't want that to happen as they had to hide Shuichi from prying eyes and to avoid the reporters from getting any comments from Shuichi. Their plan would fail if Shuichi had a hand in it.

"Shuichi, calm down!" Hiro-kun said to Shuichi in a loud voice. If he didn't raise his voice, it would be lost to Shuichi's ears as his whining was getting louder by the minute.

Shuichi must still be out of it, because next thing Hiro knew his best friend stopped struggling and looked up at him with his signature puppy dog eyes.

"Release me?" He asked in a tinny, tiny voice at Hiro. Hiro shook his head as he sat back down on his chair.

"Can't Shuichi, Mr. K ordered it." Shuichi looked like he was about to retort but stopped short. Hiro then noticed his friend scrunching up his forehead as if he was thinking very deeply about something.

"Hey, what happened last night? Can't remember anything after the twentieth bottle…" Hiro winced when he heard the twentieth bottle. Was Shuichi that desperate yesterday? What in the world happened to him?

"Well, Sakano-san says you were in the Neon Lion determined to get smashed." Shuichi nodded.

"That I know." He said in lost voice. His eyes took on a faraway look as Shuichi suddenly remembered the reason behind his drinking. Yuki. Where is he right now? Shuichi asked himself as he tried to focus on Hiro.


"Well, you got into a bar fight. With at least 5 guys. You sent them all in the hospital…"

"I'm at the hospital too?" Shuichi asked when the white ceilings and the flowers on the bedside thing were remembered.

"Yep, but don't worry. You're fine."

"So why am I here?" Shuichi asked confused.

"Well, it will be bad publicity for us. Our sophomore album's about to come up and we don't need this crap about you starting a fight in a club…"


"Shush, Shuichi. You knew you messed up so don't try to cover it up." Shuichi shut up after that. Hiro crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at Shuichi who was looking like a dog kicked.

"So anyway, for the reason why you're here… Mr. K and us had to clean up your mess and we need you to stay put in here."


"As Mr. K said it wouldn't do good if you walked out of the hospital fine and you're victims are all bandaged up or something."

"So I can get out of here once you're done cleaning up?" Shuichi asked solemnly. Hiro nodded.

"Yup. So try and behave yourself here alright? I'll get you out of here as soon as I can."

"Okay." Shuichi answered off handedly. He was already in his own world thinking about Yuki and other Yuki related stuff. While he was confined in here, he decided that thinking of various ways to make it up to Yuki and how he can convince the novelist to forgive him seemed like a good idea.

Hiro looked at the slack Shuichi on the bed and started to feel the guilt creep up his senses. He didn't purposely ask Shuichi about Yuki because he knew that it would set his best friend off. And he wasn't really in the mood to see Shuichi's genuine tears of sorrow at his apparent 'misunderstanding' with Yuki. It just breaks Hiro's heart whenever Shuichi breaks down like that.

Another source of his guilt was the crime he was about to do. For sure, this damage control they were about to enforce would drive the two further apart. He just wished that Shuichi would forgive them after all of this is over.

"Shuichi, I'm going to go now. Me and Fujisaki had an interview to attend. But I'll get back to you, alright?"

"Sure." Shuichi answered distractedly. Hiro nodded to himself. He stood up and made his way out. Before he shut the door behind him, he gave one last look at Shuichi who had resumed to staring at the ceiling.

Tatsuha was more accommodating than Yuki had thought. The minute he had appeared at his ototo's door, Tatsuha had grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside the house. Yuki was surprised at his brother. Not only was he accommodating, his house was also clean! His apartment was spotless and organized. Yuki had envisioned Tatsuha's house to be more bachelor type. You know with the clothes-on-the-floor is a normal thing?

Tatsuha settled him on the table in his kitchen. After practically forcing him to sit on one of the chairs, his ototo started to rattle on and on about how great it is to be with Sakuma-san. And that, by the way, Yuki had the greatest timing ever because Sakuma-san is out on a road trip with Seguchi-san. Because if Sakuma-san was here, Yuki would have to look elsewhere for shelter.

He then continued to regale Yuki with various stories about Sakuma-san. How his idol willingly shares Kumagoro with him at night and the little gestures such as pecks in his cheek when Sakuma would have to go. Yuki tried in vain to listen to his brother but after five minutes of listening he tired. One can only go so far as to listen to Tatsuha's sickeningly sweet stories of Sakuma-san.

"Are you even listening to me?" Tatsuha griped as he noticed his brother staring blankly at something behind his back. He stomped forward, put his hands on his hips and glared at his brother.

"What happened to you?" He asked as he gestured at Yuki's bags that lay forgotten on his feet. Yuki looked up at Tatsuha and gave a little devil's grin.

"Oh no. You can't stay here for long! You'll only disturb me and Sakuma-san!" Tatsuha shook his head wildly as he got wind of what his brother wanted to say. He then started to haul Yuki's luggage from his kitchen floor.

"Tatsuha, I'm going to stay here and that's final."

"Who are you to…"

"If you don't I'm going to tell our father that you are not enrolled in the school you say you are enrolled in and you're just being a bum in here." Tatsuha stopped at Yuki's words. He dropped the luggage he had been carrying and turned at his aniki with wide eyes.

"You will not!" He squeaked. Yuki just smirked, lay back on his chair and grinned smugly.

"Oh yes I will. So just welcome me with open arms and I'll forget about the whole ratting-on-you portion, alright?" Tatsuha grumbled.

"Fine, fine. Where'd you learn to be such an asshole?" Tatsuha griped as he sat down opposite Yuki and pouted.

"You lived with me for about a month. I was bound to be an asshole…" Yuki smirked at his ototo triumphantly. Tatsuha just snorted in reply. After about a minute of staring down at each other, Tatsuha came to a realization.

"Hey, why are you looking for a place to stay anyway! Shuichi threw you out?" Tatsuha asked his curiosity getting the better of him. Yuki sighed as he got another cigarette out of his pocket. Ever since his and Shuichi's relationship started to get rocky, his smoking tendencies had worsened.

"No. I threw myself out." Yuki said flatly as he inhaled some precious but deadly smoke.

"What! Whooo… That's a first." Tatsuha commented to himself as he put a hand to his chin.

"So did you two have a fight or something?" Tatsuha prodded his brother who seemed like he didn't want to talk about it anymore. Well, tough luck. Tatsuha didn't have any means of entertaining himself tonight so his brother's love woes would have to do.

Yuki sighed deeply as he threw the ashes of his cigarette on the table top. Tatsuha winced at his actions but stopped himself short of lashing at his aniki. He wanted gossip and he wouldn't be able to get it if he got Yuki pissed off.

"We had an argument." Yuki mumbled so lowly that Tatsuha almost didn't hear it. Tatsuha frowned. He knew that Yuki had been minding Shuichi's lateness and date stand-ups but Tatsuha thought it was only a minor scuffle. After all, Yuki would always forgive Shuichi and they'd be all lovey-dovey once again. Tatsuha surmised that there was more to it than just that.

"What did you to fight about? Did Shuichi stood you up again or something?" Tatsuha asked with his brows knitted together. The last time he saw his brother flaming mad at Shuichi was the time when the vocalist of Bad Luck set up a date between them and forgot all about it. Yuki had to wait for about 2 hours before finally giving up. He was so pissed that he ranted nonstop to his ototo about it. Tatsuha had thought at that time that maybe Shuichi had gone too far. He had thought that it was finally over.

But as he was proven wrong time and again, the two got back together in less than 2 days time. All it took was a sincere apology and a promise of a whole day to spend together with no interruptions to make Yuki forgive Shuichi.

"Nothing." Yuki mumbled to himself.

"It couldn't be 'nothing' aniki! If it was nothing you wouldn't be here." Tatsuha said exasperatedly.

"Shuichi was late again."

"And so? I thought you were getting used to it?"

"Getting used to it doesn't mean that its right." Yuki grumbled. Tatsuha stopped. He's got a point there.

"You're right. But that doesn't explain why you packed all your bags and…" Tatsuha was cut off when he noticed that Yuki had a glazed look on his face and that he wasn't really listening to Tatsuha.

"He spent his night with Aizawa. That's why he forgot all about our meeting." Yuki said in a suddenly cold voice. Tatsuha realized that his brother was trying vainly to put up his emotional barriers. Much as Shuichi had changed him, his brother still didn't like to show weakness to other people.

"But aniki… Had you spoken with Shuichi? Why he had been with Aizawa?"

"Mr. K said they were collaborating for a song…" Yuki said as he trailed off. He realized that talking with his ototo about it, made his head clear. It made him sort out his feelings and his thoughts. Maybe he had been too brash? Shuichi was working… It was just a professional meeting… Yuki vaguely heard Tatsuha snort.

"Aniki, you prick! You went jealous, did you!" Yuki looked at his ototo with narrowed eyes. What's the matter with being jealous! Shuichi had spent more time with Aizawa than he did with him! Of course, he was bound to be jealous! And besides, he was scared that will all the time Shuichi spends with that Aizawa…

Yuki hid the shudder that went through him at the thought of Shuichi leaving him for Aizawa. He can't take being left behind, so had he unconsciously done the leaving so that it would save him the heart break? Yuki pondered about this. Maybe he did.

Tatsuha sighed as he saw the conflicting emotions passing through his brother's eyes. He was really not used to seeing his brother like this. He was used to Yuki not giving a damn about relations and his other past partners. He was glad that Yuki had met Shuichi because he brought out emotions out of Yuki like no one can. But on the other hand, he was a little bit miffed at Shuichi for hurting his brother like this. He was the only one who made the confident and proud Yuki to be insecure.

"Aniki…" Tatsuha started slowly as he thought of the right thing to say. Based on his observations, he could conclude that what his brother needed was some reassurance. Suffering from lack of time to spend with Shuichi and all that had made him insecure. Since this was all new to his brother, Yuki should be reassured time and again, that he still held the top place in Shuichi's heart.

"I know Shuichi still loves you…"

"I don't know about that." Yuki spat angrily.

"Well I do. He wouldn't pick you at the concert if he felt otherwise, right?"

"He could've make a mistake. And he's correcting it right now."

"Oh don't be stubborn! If he changed his mind do you think he'd still go home to you everyday?" Yuki kept quiet. He didn't have any come back to that. Tatsuha held back a smile.

"And if he doesn't love you, do you think he'd apologize to you after every mistake he made?" Yuki twitched at that. Tatsuha had the ball rolling.

"And remember the time where you blew your top off? He was so panicked that he almost kneeled at your feet to have you forgive him?" Yuki turned his head so that he was not looking at Tatsuha. His ototo sighed and dropped the litany.

"Look aniki. Why don't you give this another chance? Talk with him long and hard about your insecurities… I know Shuichi will understand." Yuki looked at him in the eye. Tatsuha can see under the wall of uncaring façade, his brother was worried.

"And if he doesn't?" Tatsuha gave him a big, brave smile.

"He will. Believe me. And if he doesn't…" Yuki looked at his ototo as Tatsuha lifted the sleeve of his shirt to show his bicep.

"I'll have his hide!" Yuki's blank face broke for a minute to show gratitude at his ototo's loyalty towards him. And just as about Tatsuha was to return that smile, Yuki smirked.

"As if anyone will be afraid of you." Tatsuha looked at his brother with surprised, wide eyes. The prick! And after all that sappy stuff he said…

"Why you…!" And with Tatsuha tackled Yuki to the ground with his supposed 'brutal' strength.

Yuki had just finished taking his bath when he heard the front door open and close with a loud bang. He shrugged his shoulders to show indifference. It was normal in this household. Tatsuha and Sakuma live here so this kind of occurrence was anything but unusual.

"Turn the TV on! Shuichi's in the news, na no da!" He heard the childish voice of Sakuma say. He heard much stomping of feet as Tatsuha hurried to turn the TV on. Curious as to what kind of news Shuichi was in, he went to the living room where he saw his two other housemates glued in front of the television.

Yuki turned his eyes on the screen and saw Fujisaki and Hiro being interviewed by the host. Hiro was looking very angry, while Fujisaki was looking teary eyed. Shuichi was nowhere to be found. Yuki felt his heart began to hammer. Did something happen to Shuichi! He knew it. He shouldn't have left without saying anything to him…

"How is Shuichi?" The host asked Fujisaki.

"For the moment he's fine. But his injuries look bad…" Fujisaki said haltingly on his mic as Hiro patted his back gently. Yuki knew it! If something happened to Shuichi… Yuki then turned to his ototo to ask him the details.

"What happened to Shuichi?" Yuki asked in a sharp, commanding voice. Sakuma looked back at him with worried eyes.

"Shu got into a bar fight na no da! He had to fight five big men na no da!"

"What!" Yuki was about to ask who they were at what hospital Shuichi is in when Tatsuha shushed him.

"Sssh! They're going to say why he got into the fight…"

"If it wasn't for that bastard… Shuichi wouldn't have been in that bar in the first place!" Hiro said angrily as he clutched the mic hard in his right hand. He looked directly into the camera, his eyes all alight.

"Even after being duped badly by him, cheated on… Shuichi still loved the bastard! That's why he got into the fight!"

"So the reason is…?"

"He didn't like to hear his love's name being trashed, so he fought." Fujisaki interjected sadly. Hiro shook his head angrily.

"I swear if I ever get my hands on Yuki Eiri… he's toast!" Hiro whispered vehemently into the mic. Yuki looked at the screen and the proceedings with wide eyes. But after each answer, he started to feel angry. He cheated on Shuichi! He duped him! He was simmering with so much fury that he wanted to take someone on.

Tatsuha looked at his brother a little worriedly. He had a bad feeling about the interview. He didn't like it himself. He knew it was all bull. When he saw his brother's face, he felt cold. Shuichi had pulled the last straw. He wouldn't be surprised if his brother comes back to being the cold, unfeeling bastard he once was.


A/N: Hey, here's chap 3! Hahaha... got into a bit of a writer's block so this came up late! Anyway, hope you like it and drop me a review if you have time, okay?