A/N: Hello, everyone! I'm back! This is Love Fool's sequel. I want to play around with Shuichi and Yuki's love life and so I thought of making it hard for them! Hahaha… I'm so bad! Anyway, I hope you'll like it!

Especially For You


Shuichi slowly inched his way towards their bedroom while trying to make as little sound as possible. Sweat slowly trickled from his forehead to his chin as he gulped. For sure Yuki would skin him alive! This was the nth time that he had broken a promise to the novelist. He wasn't sure if Yuki will forgive him this time around. Because Shuichi knew that he had stretched Yuki's patience to its limit.

But it wasn't as if Shuichi was trying Yuki's patience. Oh no. Of course he wouldn't do that. He loved Yuki Eiri with all his heart and would do just about anything for him. But it's so hard having a career and having a lover. Shuichi didn't know that having both in his life would be so taxing.

Shuichi shook his head as he tried to make sense of the situation. Maybe the wrong was on his part. Maybe he just didn't know how to balance his time. Maybe he just didn't know how to keep his promises in line. And maybe, he just didn't give his best to make ends meet. He sighed sadly as he remembered the untouched dishes on the table.

Earlier that morning Yuki had asked Shuichi to go home early as he wanted to have a decent dinner with him. He said that he'll cook something special for Shuichi. And so Shuichi found himself nodding happily at his lover's proposition. He gave his word that he'll be at home by seven pm. Yuki smiled and gave him a goodbye kiss as he went out to do his own business. Shuichi was in cloud nine at the moment before he realized that he'll be late for his own meeting.

At NG Corps, he lost track of time. They were recording their sophomore album and Mr. K had been breathing down their necks harsher than usual. It seems like Mr. President had been harassing Mr. Producer for a very good output which resulted to Mr. Producer harassing Mr. K for the best output. Needless to say, everyone in the band was hyped up and tense while making some songs.

And then Mr. K suddenly had this spark of inspiration. He thought that having a duet with ASK's Aizawa Taki would be a good way to promote the album this very early in the making. Not to mention that Aizawa Taki's input could be valuable too. And so without so much as a second thought about how Bad Luck might feel about it, Mr. K called Aizawa in, and they all started to make the ultimate song.

Time had passed by without their knowing. They were having the time of their life – bonding and then writing the song. Shuichi hadn't known that Aizawa can be candid. He thought that the lead vocalist of ASK would have a stick up his ass or something of that sort. But they had fun making up melodies and putting words into it. Even Fujisaki who had been aloof with Aizawa then had started to warm up to him. It was possibly because of the effort Aizawa put in to be nice. He still had that arrogant air around him, but as I said before, he's trying his best to tone that down.

And before Shuichi knew it, it was already 12:30 am. Way past 7 pm. Way past his dinner with Yuki. Excusing himself to Hiro, Fujisaki and Aizawa – Mr. K and Sakano-san had already left ages ago – he hurriedly went home only to find out that the lights were off and that Yuki had tired of waiting for him.

He didn't know whether to wake Yuki up and apologize to him or wait until morning and then apologize to Yuki. Either way the novelist would be steaming mad. It wasn't that often that Yuki would set a date between them. And when he did, what did Shuichi do? He forgot all about it!

Shuichi was feeling really guilty about this. Yuki had come out of his shell, slowly and steadily. When he first met Yuki, the novelist was aloof and cold. But he had changed so much. Yuki courted him and he even sang at a concert just to win him over!

And what did Shuichi do to repay him? He broke his promises over and over again! But it's not as if he had deliberately broken the promises. With his tight schedule and the upcoming album, everything was really erratic. One moment he was free, the other he was not. But still, he can make a difference right?

He can see that with each passing day, Yuki had been reverting to his old self. The cold and aloof one. Shuichi doesn't want that to happen and so this time, he'd really put in some effort into this relationship… He had to, or else the caring and loving Yuki could be lost once again.

"So you finally decided to come home?" Yuki asked Shuichi from their bedroom door. He was not looking angry or anything. In fact Yuki was looking stoic. Like he did not care whether Shuichi came home or not. Shuichi was not happy about this. Was he too late? Was Yuki really reverting to his old self again?

"Uh, Yuki, look I'm so sorry about tonight…" Shuichi started in his most sorry voice as he took steps to close the distance between them. But Yuki cut him off as he took a step back. As if avoiding any contact with Shuichi.

"I don't want to hear about it."

"But Yuki! Let me explain." Shuichi was getting desperate when he saw Yuki looking so cold. He didn't even flinch or showed any emotions through his eyes. Yuki took another step back as he regarded Shuichi coolly.

"What? You're going to tell me that you lost track of time once again?"

"But it's true! You know were working on our album!"

"Oh. So working on your album is more important than me?"

"You know that's not true! You're more important than my career!" Yuki looked at him as if he just said a lie and that he knew about it. Shuichi racked his brain for a come back.

"Look Yuki, tomorrow I'm going to have the day off… I'll make it up to you then." Shuichi said hurriedly as he placed a hand on Yuki's arm when he finally closed the gap between them.

"I have work tomorrow." Yuki said in a cold tone as he shook Shuichi arm off. He walked towards their bedroom without a back glance on Shuichi.

Shuichi sighed, defeated. This was the first time he had been brushed off by Yuki. And what the hell was he thinking? Was he wishfully thinking that Yuki would drop everything for him when he asked him? Of course Yuki had a life of his own… And he hadn't been doing the same thing to Yuki too, so what was he expecting!

Shuichi slid down on the floor, a tear escaping his eye. Tomorrow, he'll make it up to Yuki. That's a promise.

End Prologue

A/N: So what do you think? Should I continue?