Hey! Welcome to the first chapter of this story! This is my next big project, so if you've read my other big project – In your prime, Rei- you should know what to expect from this! Huge helpings of: angst, love, sex, suffering and philosophy! Anyway! I hope you enjoy this stories beginning, and I'd be thrilled if you review.
P.s. How much does Fruits Basket 9 rock! Even though I'm confused about Rin and Shugure. Are they brother and sister or lovers? …or both? shakes head If someone can tell me, I'll be very happy!
Kyo let the wind blow over his head, taking any thoughts he had with it. The roof tiles were cold tonight, but recently, Kyo had found being in the house was colder. He felt rejected by the whole house, and would rather spend an evening outside, than inside with all of them.
Stupid fuckers. Just cause I'm the cat….
There was a crash from within the house which made Kyo jump. Someone called out "Haru", and then there was silence again.
Why is Haru here anyway? He can fawn over Yuki any time he wants, so why now? Why when I'm at home? I hate how forward he is!
Kyo suddenly shut off 'that' train of thought, and went back too resting. He was too tired to worry about Haru and Yuki, and then worry about why he was worried at all anyway…
There was just something about Haru that really pissed Kyo off.
Why can't he just leave Yuki alone?
"Go get Kyo in, Yuki!" Shigure called from the bath. "It's getting late!"
"Why do I have to do it?" Yelled Yuki.
"You're the only one in the house except Haru, and I'm much too old to go climbing onto rooftops!" Shigure giggled, which only caused Yuki to get angrier.
"I don't want to see him, let alone talk to him! If he can't come down at a certain time, he deserves to starve!" Yuki turned his back to walk away -expecting to be stopped, but when he wasn't, continued to walk away.
It doesn't matter anyway. He'll come down to eat when he gets hungry. Just like the greedy bastard he is. He's not gonna starve or anything!
Yuki stared talking to Haru, and soon forgot all about Kyo's meal.
"Haru, it's been nice being with you- but we have school in about 5 hours. I really think you should leave." Yuki slipped out from under the sleeping Haru, and tried to wake him. "You can't sleep here. Everyone will guess what's going on!"
"Uhh… Five more minutes, Yuki…" Haru reached across the bed to try and re-pin Yuki, but he was already over by the sink, washing. "Oh, come on now! You really wanna wash away any trace of me so soon? Are you really that disgusted by our relationship?" Haru yelled. He was fully wake now, and was inching closer to turning black by the second.
"Keep your voice down! What if someone heard you?" Yuki hissed.
"Why do you care? Are you really that ashamed of me?"
"Of what we're doing- yes!"
"So that's why you're washing! You reckon you can 'wash away your sins'?" Haru spat. "What we're doing is only dirty because you're making it! If we just went out normally…"
"Get out, Haru!"
Haru got up and dressed without further protest. On his way out he tried to hug Yuki, who just pulled away quickly.
"If you hate me so much, why do you spend nights with me like this?" Haru didn't wait for an answer, as he knew he wouldn't be given one. He'd been asking the same question for 4 months now, but Yuki never told him. Yuki never even told Haru why he kissed him all that time ago.
Yuki pulled his pajama bottoms back on, and slipped back into his now empty bed. He wanted to go to sleep, but his fight with Haru had left him restless.
He wanted to go to sleep so he didn't have to think about Haru's question.
He wanted to go to sleep so he could forget about some of the feelings he had.
Oh my god! Kyo is still on the roof!
Without second thought, Yuki jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. He micro waved Kyo's dinner and started to climb onto the roof with it.
Then he stopped half way up the ladder.
What am I doing? Why the hell am I doing this? I hate Kyo!
But I am worried about him…
"Hey Kyo!" Yuki slowly walked over to the sleeping cat and crouched beside him. On closer inspection, Yuki realized he wasn't asleep. He turned to face Yuki and half smiled. "I made…Well, no actually…I just heated…"
"Thank you." Kyo said. He sat up and took the bowl Yuki offered him. "What time is it?"
"Three am."
"If you weren't so stupid maybe you'd buy a watch!"
"What'd you call me?" Yelled Kyo.
"Stupid." Yuki said calmly.
"That's it! I'm gonna make you pay for that you…" Kyo pushed Yuki- sending him onto his back- but Kyo slipped on the smooth tiles, and came crashing down with Yuki, pinning him under him. "…Bastard!"
Neither of them moved or spoke, but looked at each other in horror.
"Did you hit your head?" Kyo asked, his voice trembling.
"When you fell back. Did you bang your head?"
"No. Don't worry." Yuki blushed and turned away from him.
"You're still in your pajamas, aren't you cold? Don't you want to go back in?"
"I..I'm not cold anymore…now." Yuki looked back at Kyo again. "I'm quite warm now."
"Oh, okay t-then." Kyo realized his knee was very far up in-between Yuki's legs, and he blushed deeply. "So, do you w-wanna stay like this then- I mean- j-just till you go back in!"
"Err… don't you mind?" Yuki muttered. Kyo couldn't hear him, so instinctively moved closer to the source of the noise. Realizing what it looked like he was doing, Kyo panicked and rolled off Yuki.
"Err.. I've gotta get to sleep now. School tomorrow after all." Kyo said. "If you're cold, you shouldn't go around in those stupid pajamas!"
Kyo climbed down the ladder without a word, leaving Yuki.
"Kyo, your dinner!" Yuki whispered.
Yuki rose his knees to his chest and silently cried.
"Kyo, I love you."
Sorry that I couldn't get very far into the story, so this chapter is more like an introduction! Thanks for reading and please review!