To the readers: I haven't updated anything in a year. Want to know why? It's called LIFE. Actually it's called high school and college applications, haha. You know I feel awful for not updating but in all honesty, I've kind of outgrown this story. I know it's sad to say but I was writing this when I was 14 and 15 (I think). I'm 17 now and I've moved on to other things. I have several more chapters so I'll post those but after that...well we'll worry about that when we get there. I apoligize for this, I really do.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Teen Titans, but I own this plot. Don't take it or I take your soul. HAH

Chapter 21: A New Light for New Hope

A bomb had exploded, throwing the Titans back at least 200 hundred feet back away from the now destroyed T-ship. They were scattered about 50 feet away from each other.

Cyborg had skidded on the ground, digging up quite a bit in the process with him, and came to a halt with a mound of dirt covering more than half of him. Raven had been shot into a pile of rocks and some fell over her. Beast Boy had been lucky enough to be shot into a tree, which slowed him down tremendously and then fell to the ground 15 feet below. Robin had been thrown off at angle towards a small lake. He had skidded across the surface and had come to a stop at the edge of the lake on the opposite side.

They all had been knocked unconscious when the blast had occurred and none of them moved until the next day when the sun rose.

Cyborg's machine parts had woken him up. He got up on his hands and knees as the dirt rolled off of his back. "Oh man...I'm gonna be feelin' that for a while..." he said as a few things cracked into place and he moved everything around to make sure it was alright. He stood up with his legs widely spaced apart so he wouldn't fall over. He wiped dust off of himself and stood up straight. "Oh man..." he said as his back popped numerous times.

His sensors and scanners came on as he started to walk around slowly. His scanners picked up all three of their life forms; "At least we're all alive..." he coughed/laughed to himself.

"AAHH!!" Raven yelled out as she shot rocks off of her. The sunlight pierced through her robe, warming her and shining brightly into her eyes. "Geez...can this get any more painful?" she mumbled.

"Rae?" Cyborg yelled as best as he could.

She heard him and turned her head slightly in his direction, "!" she coughed as some debris rolled off of her limp form.

He came over rather quickly as his robotic limbs began to function normally, even though they had a few dings in them. "You alright girl?" he asked as he lifted her up and helped her down to the ground.

"Do I look all right?" she asked sounding even more bored than ever.

"You just got shot into a pile of rocks and you're still as humorous as ever!" he cracked a smile.

"I'm gonna go look for the other two. You just wait here and I'll be back in a little bit." He said as he put her down on the ground.

"No!" she grabbed his arm. "I'm going with you!" she said as she pulled herself up painstakingly.

"Raven-" he started as he tried to get her to sit back down.

"No! I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!" she said using his arm to stabilize herself.

"Well, if you fall down it ain't gonna be my fault!" he said as he started walking off in the direction his sensors were indicating.

She finally was able enough to fly instead of walk so she didn't have to use her legs. She went of in one direction where Beast Boy was thought to be while Cyborg went off to find Robin.

"Where would that idiot have landed..." she said to herself as she saw something black and purple on the ground. She flew over to where she thought she had seen this and she found Beast Boy, snoring.

"Oy...figures..." she smacked a hand to her head as she landed over by him. "Okay, you can WAKE UP!!" she grabbed his ear and yelled into it.

"ALIENS!!!!!!!" he screamed as he jumped up, facing away from her.

"Aliens?" she thought. This gave her an idea. She stuck a finger in her mouth and made sure it was wet. She creeped up behind him and breathed on his neck and drew her finger across his neck.

He went rigid and drew himself up before falling down to the ground with a slight thud. "Dweeb." She commented before picking him up with her powers and flying upwards to find Cyborg.

Cyborg was walking normally now despite his slight injuries. He looked around the lake, "Man...Why does he have to go all the way across...ROBIN!!" he called out.

No answer.

"Have you found him yet?" Raven suddenly popped up behind him.

"WOAH!!!" he yelped as he jumped forward about 5 feet. "Girl you can't sneak up on people like that!" he said as he realized who it was and dusted himself off for some reason.

"I just did," she said nonchalantly, "So have you found him yet?" she said as she laid BB down on the ground.

"Well I see you found BB." He said looking behind her, "Robin should be on the other side...could you possibly go see if he's over there?" Cyborg smiled nervously.

"Whatever." She said as she flew by him.

She found him lying there still unconscious. "Robin, wake up!" she said kneeling down.

He slowly stirred and opened his eyes. "What...what happened?" he asked sitting up.

"The plane exploded..." she said as a matter-of-factly. "Do you not remember?" she asked helping him stand up.

He thought for a second, "Oh...yeah..." he looked off at the ground.

"Look, why don't we get back to the tower and get you taken care of? You're not in shape to do hardly anything." She said helping him stand up.

He laughed shortly, "Yeah...right now I feel like I could go back to sleep for about a week." She smiled to the side as she lifted him off of the ground and held his arm around her as they flew back across the lake.

Back at the tower, Cyborg examined everyone to see what all damage had been done. Amazingly, the worst injury was a sprained wrist on Robin's part and some stitches required for a cut on Raven's forehead, except she didn't get the stitches. She had gone to her room to meditate and came back five minutes later with not a trace of the cut on her forehead.

"What the..." all three of the boys' mouths dropped open. "How did..."

"Meditating isn't only just to clear my mind and get away from you all..." she said in her usual tone.

A few days passed in the tower. Somehow, no trouble alerted them and even though the weather was perfect, it seemed so dark and dull within the tower.

Starfire was the life of them all and they all knew it. She was their light when days were dull; a beacon as it were.

Robin was the most depressed out of them all. He had been trying to figure out how to free Starfire from Slade, but nothing would come to him. He spent the majority of his time in his room trying to figure out this dilemma. When rarely he wasn't thinking about how to free her, he would think about all of the sweet memories he had with her and he then he had found a picture of just the two of them. He couldn't even remember when this was taken and he hadn't written anything on the back.

He held the picture in with his index finger and thumb and held it in his lap as he was sitting. When he found it he had been staring at it feeling numerous things for about an hour. He had finally been awoken from his trance when Raven had come knocking on his door asking if he was hungry. He told her, "Thanks, but no." She left not wanting to bother him.

The others were worried about him, very worried. He spent most of his hours sitting in his room with only one lamp on and they hadn't seen him eat in days.

Finally, Beast Boy had had enough. "We are going to make him come out of that room and make him eat something!" he cried as he threw the game control onto the couch beside him and stood up triumphantly.

Cyborg paused the game and looked at him bewildered and confused.

"What in the world?" he said lightly. "What caused this sudden..." he was searching for the word.
"Outburst?" Raven suggested.
"Whatever!" Cyborg said, "You just never really do anything and much of anything!"
"I do too!" Beast Boy said turning to Cyborg angrily.
"Woah, chill out dude! I ain't tryin' to start nothin'." He said holding his hands up in front of him.
"Yeah...well...let's get him out of that room!" Beast Boy said starting to walk to the door.

Meanwhile, a realization came upon Robin. He sat there unmoving with his eyes slightly widened as he tried to figure out if it would actually work. However, a loud banging on the door made him blink and lose concentration.

"ROBIN!! COME OUT HERE NOW OR-" Beast Boy screamed, pounding on the door. Robin shoved the door open and said, "I think I know how to get Starfire back!!"

dramatic ending music haha.
happy for another chapter? tell me how much. i'd like to know. maybe it will inspire me to write another chapter...if i have time. lol.

