Chapter one

Yawn. Boring. Not interesting. Uneventful. I could go on forever. This is my life. I am 16, I have past my exams and I have no where to go. I am stuck in the pit of boredom that is my life.

No one wants to hire someone who can crush a piece of titanium with her little pinkie, by accident. No one wants to hire someone that loves to fight and thus violent and no one wants to hire someone who isn't normal. Oh yes. That's right. I am not normal. I am far from. I, my friend, am a Saiyan. That might not mean anything to you though. You might not know what a Saiyan is. And even if you do, you will not understand what it is like being a minority as small as the Saiyan population.

Let me explain.

At first my people lived on a planet, we ruled it. We had a massive empire and were lords of the universe, worriers to the end. Then, a being called Freeza came alone and decided that we were vermin simply because he said so. He used his strength and enslaved us to do his bidding. Then he had enough with us and simply blew up our planet. So bye bye Planet Vegeta and bye bye Saiyan home world. That was meant to be the end of us I think. But one or two Saiyans escaped through either being captured by Freeza or fighting for him.

One of those that was captured and forced to fight for him was the Prince of Saiyans himself. Prince Vegeta. Then there were his underlings and they were Nappa and Raditz. But one escaped as a boy. He was the future of the world that he landed on. He was supposed to be the end of it. But over the years he grew up, he seemed to save it over and over again. I have lost count how many times. Then his older brother, Raditz, paid him a visit and they both died to save the planet that the younger Saiyan had called home. Earth its called, and he is called Goku, or to the Saiyan Prince, Kakarott.

Using the mystical powers of the Dragonballs, the people and close friends of Goku wished him back to life where he would continue to be their protector. He had in the meantime, married a human woman called Chi Chi, they had a son called Gohan and then Goten, who Goku trained to fight alongside him in his future battles. One of those battles for Gohan was with the Prince himself. Although it was Goku that won and a hate relationship formed between the Prince and Goku. Vegeta then himself took a human as his mate and she was a brilliant woman called Bulma. He had two children. The eldest was his son, Trunks, and the youngest was his daughter, Bulla.

Bulla is my friend and getting back to families.

Goku had a second son called Goten. But back to Gohan for a minuet as you will see how important he is. Throughout his teen years, Gohan met a woman called Videl. They married and had a daughter. Guess who?

That's right (whether you guessed or not I am going to tell you)


Now lets look at the Saiyan count shall we.








In the world there are over 6 billion humans. And only 7 Saiyans. See what I mean about the minority thing?

Well yeah we are small. But at least you know now. Now you will understand what I am talking about and not think I am a whining mess.

I am not upset because I am one of few. Nor that I am Saiyan. Just that I am alone. I know that I have my family and yeah, Bulla is my friend. But not a close one. She is 3 years older than me so there is a bit of an age gap for us to be, how do you say? 'Bestist Buddies'. So no, not a great connection there.

Come one people.

I need excitement.

I need the thrill my blood burns for.

I need to get out of bed and get out there and live.

But how can I if people keep giving me funny looks because I have a big black bushy tail and a six pack at 16?

I cant that's what.

Oh well. Another day, another disappointment. Why do I even get up in the morning?

"Pan honey, its breakfast time. Get out of bed right now or I will call Goten round and let him pour water on you again."

Oh yeah... That's why...