ME: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Raven: Idiot :smacks me:

ME::rubs sore face: well then! On with the story

Disclaimer: I don't own nothin'

With Robin gone and Raven still a Titan, Beast Boy was happy. He just needed to tell Raven something….

Beast Boy entered the living room and saw Raven meditating. He loved to watch her meditate. He now knew to never take her for granted. Raven heard Beast Boy and turned around.



"I, um, I'm, uh, glad you're here to stay," Beast Boy barely managed to utter.

Raven blushed and smiled at this. Blushed! And smiled! Raven walked up to him and kissed him. Beast Boy was shocked, but smiled. Unfortunately he also began turning into various animals and jumped around the room shouting.

Raven watched this with amusement. Cyborg and Starfire walked in talking about finding another titan. Cyborg watched as Beast Boy bounced off the walls (literally) and saw Raven still smiling. He smirked. HE eventually stopped Beast Boy.

"She kiss you?" Cyborg asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Beast Boy couldn't contain his excitement and bounced from wall to wall once again.

"Then, good for you."


I need constructive criticism not flames