Edward was known for hiding his emotions from others, not wanting to burden anyone with his problems. But right now, it was all that he could do to keep them tucked in the deepest, darkest depths of his mind.
He felt like shrieking Roy's name in the heated passion he was in now. To tell Roy to fuck him harder, but he didn't. He didn't want to sound like he actually wanted Roy, hell, Roy was the one using him for release. That's all it was about, the satisfactory of the release. But even as he lost himself all over the older man in a sticky, white mess, did he want to be away from his scolding kisses and tingling touches he laced his body with.
How many times had he found himself in this same situation? More then once, I can assure you, and yet, every time he realized that he loved this man, he denied it. Left the idea in one of the shadowed corners of his mind to remained hidden. That never worked, for it always found a way to surface in one of these heated situations.
Sweat dripped off his face as Roy leaned forward and furthered himself inside him. It hurt like hell, but the pulsating feeling in him ignited pleasure, that overthrew the pain. Edward opened his mouth in a silent scream as Roy found the right angle, making the pleasure almost overwhelming.
Roy placed a kiss on those parted lips and raped the inside of his sweet mouth greedily. God, why did Ed taste so damn good? Roy was embarrassed to find that he actually wanted more of Ed. He wanted to hear him scream out his name asking for more...but the odds of that happening were slim. Edward was not one to do those kind of things, no matter who the person was or the such.
But, it sort of hurt, too. Roy...was in love with Edward...but could never tell him how he felt. It would be just plain out embarrassing, a middle aged Colonel in love with a sixteen year old state alchemist. And who's to say Ed would love him in the same way? Roy sighed, breaking the intense kiss.
Soon, Roy reached his climax and pulled out of the boy. He climbed off of top of him and proceeded in cleaning himself up. No one was to know about their secret meetings and so they had to be short and sweet, but sometimes both of them wished it would last longer. Not that they would actually say anything about it. Before leaving, Roy turned to Ed one last time, smirking.
"You were great…for a pipsqueak, that is"
Ed snorted, " Yeah, the same goes for you, you shitty colonel"
Surly, there would be a day when they would realize that they loved each other, but as for now, the idea was left in the dark.
( /blushes/ Yes...I can't believe I wrote it either, but...hey it's 3:30 in the morning and I was bored, so sue me. But if you think it's good, review and maybe I'll make it more then a oneshot! If not, hey...more time to right other things, like /shrugs/ I dunno, anything I guess. /waves/'re probably sick of me talkin' so...I guess I'll leave. /waves again/ G-night!