A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I've lacking in the updates. School has been a bit crazy--unlike summer I can't just sit around and write all day. My goal is to be finished by Christmas. Hope y'all forgive me!

Thanks to all reviewers for the last chapter! I'd thank you all personally, but I'm just trying to squeeze in the time to write!

Draco awoke with a start. He hadn't been sleeping easily the past few months, and the stress of last night didn't help his situation. He sat up, leaning against the headboard, and brushed a strand of white-blonde hair from his sweaty forehead. Sunlight was streaming in through the blinds, making patterns on the carpet. He glanced over at Hermione's curled body. Her hands looked remarkably better, though still quite swollen. She was breathing slow and steady, like a newborn finally lulled into sleep. Careful not to wake her, he slipped out of bed pulled on his undershirt and pants. Downstairs, he found Pam cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

"Good morning." She smiled widely.

"Good morning." He nodded at her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"How's the lady?"

"Eh--she's all right, I suppose. She's just, well, without clothing. You could probably tell how badly she was roughed up last night. If I could just find a store…" Draco wasn't quite sure how he would go about purchasing these clothes, seeing as he had no muggle money and didn't even know how to use it.

"Oh, don't be foolish," Pam smiled, wiping her batter-covered palms on the hem of her apron. "The girls next door are about her size. I'm sure they'll have some things. I'll be right back." Pam opened up her closet, rifled threw it for a second, and pulled out a winter coat. She waved curtly at Draco and left the house. Draco looked about the kitchen for a minute. He was amazed by the lull of the muggle kitchen. Everything seemed so slow. He grabbed a piece of bread, holding it in his hand for a second. Then he saw a silver, rectangular object sitting on the counter. Pam had been fiddling with it while they spoke! Draco, grabbed by a sudden curiosity, tried to replicate what Pam had been doing. He stuck the bread into the slot on top of the contraption, then pulled the lever down. He waited, staring at the object. Where was his bread? Becoming impatient, he stuck his fingers into the slot, grabbing for his bread. He winced. It was hot. He elbowed the contraption. Stupid muggles.

Just then, Pam reentered the kitchen from the back door, carrying an armful of clothing. She grinned, cheeks pink from the cold.

"I didn't know what to grab, so I just took what they gave me. There are a few things for you in there as well." She dumped the pile onto the tile.

"Thank you." Draco stooped to the ground and began going through the pile. He picked out a white tee shirt, a red zip-up, jeans, some socks, and a pair of beat up tennis shoes for Hermione. For himself, he found a black sweatshirt. Gathering his choices up into his arms, he set off for the room. br br br br

Hermione was awake when Draco entered the room. He set the pile on the bed. "Have some clothes."

"Where'd you get these?" Hermione held the jeans up in front of herself.

"Pam got them from her neighbors. Muggles aren't so bad, I guess." He shrugged.

"Did you just say that 'Muggles aren't so bad'?" Hermione's jaw dropped.

"So what if I did?"

"Looks like you've made progress, Malfoy." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm a Malfoy. I don't make progress." He answered scathingly, making air quotes.

"I happen to think you do."

"So, where do you think we should go?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione stood up and began pulling on her clothes.

"I mean, we're not staying here. Are you stupid?"

"No." Hermione narrowed her eyes as she zipped up the red sweater.

"I think you should go back to school."

"What? How can you even suggest that?"

"You'll get yourself hurt."

"You're insufferable! I've been here from the beginning."

"Yeah, and you got yourself hurt."

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm not immune to the Cruciatus curse."

"Don't do that. I'll take you back to the school tonight."

"No, you won't. I'm coming."

"Fine. But if you get yourself killed--it's your own damn fault." Hermione flashed Malfoy a toothy grin and stuck out her hand.


"Deal." br br br

Hermione and Draco left the inn several hours later, thanking Pam profusely. The kindness she'd showed them in their time with her had touched them, even Draco. They traveled for several hours, finally coming upon a severely dilapidated motel.

"I thought we were going back to the school?" Hermione questioned as they swooped down to the ground.

"The storm slowed me down more than I'd expected. I thought we'd take a break." Hermione nodded. Her fingers were red and stiffen, frozen as she gripped Draco around the waist. They drew closer to the motel, the neon sign flickering. Hermione noticed that there seemed to be several holes in the wood.

"Nice place." She snorted.

"Don't be snotty, Granger. These places have minimal security, I'm guessing."

"Minimal security?"

"Well how else are we going to break in?"

"Break in?"

"Yes," Draco took a deep breath, annoyed. "Break in. We don't have any money."

"I know, but, it's….wrong."

"I have a sudden urge to call you Granger." Draco hissed through gritted teeth. He tugged Hermione up onto the ramshackle porch. Slowly, he turned the doorknob and they entered the motel. The foyer was small--a broken vending machine sat in the corner and a old man with graying hair sat at a metal desk.

"Sorry kids, motel's closed for the night." The man coughed roughly and took a sip of coffee from a black mug.

"Oh, okay…" Hermione nodded and began to turn away. Draco gripped her forearm. "Where…else…are…we…gonna…stay…?" He whispered quietly. She bit her lower lip gently and spun back toward the man.

"It's just that, sir," she swallowed, "I'm really cold and I could use a place to heat up very quickly." She smiled slyly. The old man grinned, giving way to a view of yellowing teeth.

"Well, I suppose, for the lady…" He beckoned her closer. "I could take you to the furnace for a few minutes." Hermione smiled.

"Oh, thank you! Will you show me to it?" The man stood up, pressed a hand on her lower back and drew her down the hallway. br br

Draco darted behind the desk, to the wall adorned with hooks. He grabbed a key with a big number '5' etched into it. He shoved the key into his pocket. Then, intrigued, he opened the drawer of the desk. A key was hanging from the lock, as if they interrupted the owner while opening it. Inside the drawer lay several stacks of muggle money. He had no idea what any of it meant, but he assumed it would help. He grabbed two stacks and stuffed them into his pockets as well. Just as he returned to his original location, Hermione and the man returned. Her cheeks were flushed from heat.

"Thank you for your help." Draco smiled and put his arm around Hermione protectively.

"Your welcome. Come see me anytime." He winked at Hermione and she tried her best not to gag. br br br

Once outside, Hermione grabbed Draco by the hand. "Well? Tell me I didn't just do all that for nothing!" Draco smirked.

"Do all what?"

"Ugh. Just stood by the furnace and talked--but believe me…he offered a lot more." She wrinkled her nose and Draco laughed throatily. He drew the key from his pocket and flashed it in front of her eyes. "Well, then. Let's find number five!" They walked along the doors until they found the one with a big, red, five on it. Inside, they found conditions even worse than the entry room. One leg broken, the bed was propped up on one corner by an Encyclopedia and the lights didn't work. Once the door closed it was pitch black. Hermione stumbled over to the bed and sat down.

"It's not too lumpy." Draco locked the door and found his way over to her. He sat down next to her.

"Muggles can be very…trashy." He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Not all of us," Hermione pressed. "I'm not."

"Sure." Draco joked.

"Stop!" She poked at his ribs playfully.

"What if I don't?" He grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his. Her breath caught in her chest and they remained silent for what seemed seconds.

"What if I kiss you?" Hermione whispered, teasingly.

"Then I'd kiss back." Draco leaned in toward her, his nose almost touching hers. Hermione wavered, hovering her lips near his. Then she pressed down, her cool lips pressing firmly against his. He dropped his grip on her hand and pressed his palm to her cheek, kissing her back with fervor. This kiss was different than any they'd shared before--it reeked of understanding. Their lips fit together flawlessly, their movements were in synch as nature itself. It was a little bit tender, a little bit harsh, a little bit sweet, and little bit scary. Hermione drew back, sucking in a breath, and wiped her mouth.

"Why'd you stop?" She looked up at Draco--his eyes were dark and cloudy. She kissed his cheek gently and she felt him smile against her lips. It was all coming to her so fast--the first time she'd ever met him and the hatred has flared up. The time she'd hit him with such rage. The time she'd felt sorry for him. The time she'd…loved him. It was then she noticed that her trembling fingers were twisting the ends of his hair. Draco's hand was now clutched against her thigh. She watched it travel up--painfully slow--to the hem of her sweater. His fingers climbed up the front, finding their grip on the zipper tag, and pulled down. br

The sides of the fabric hung loosely against her sides now. Draco was watching her intently, his eyes fixed on the curvature of her collar bone. She slid her arms from the sweater and dropped the red form to the cheap carpet. Draco wrapped both arms around her waist, his fingers dancing on her tailbone, and kissed her neck. She breathed out deeply, the tension building within her chest released. His hands retraced their track, gripped the hem of the white tee shirt and pulled up. Over her smooth stomach, her chest, her head, her hair. Floating gently onto the carpet to join her zip-up. Hermione's eyes focused on the barely-visible pile for a few seconds. She turned back to Draco and pressed her palms to his shoulders--and she was surprised to find bare skin.

"Tricky." She whispered. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, the skin of their bare stomachs touching--hers warm and his cool. Slowly, tenderly, almost nervously, Draco undressed her. Off came the shoes and the socks, her bra dropped to the floor, her jeans were pulled from her smooth legs, her underwear taken off almost unbearably slow. As soon as she was bare, he was as well, done with much more haste. And so they slid under the covers, their bodies uncomfortably aware of the chilly drafts in the room. But with each press, each tender motion, each kiss, they warmed. They brought the world to a slow-motion movement. The world seemed to eclipse over their bodies as they absorbed one another. And for just a few moments they were the only people in the world.

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed! Please review!