New Devil

Chapter One: Hell?

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha but I do own the creatures of hell.

(Also in this story Inuyasha and some other people are different in appearance, slightly, and heritage)

In the darkest part of the subway, at the end of a deserted tunnel, the wall shook and crumbled down. On the center of the wall a small black warp grew into a circling black hole but from where?

A woman, with solid black eyes, tan skin that was hot as fire, literally, and short wavy black hair, walked from the warp in the wall and up the stairs from the subway.

A blind man stood out side yelling,

"The end is near! The end is near!" the raven haired woman put her hand on the man's shoulder and curved her lips in a demonic smile. She leaned closer to him and whispered,

"The end is already here."

"Satan! She is the concubine of Lucifer! The man wailed waving his hands in the air. The woman glared then smirked as she watched him. Suddenly the man fell holding his arm. She kneeled down and whispered into his ear once more.

"I am no concubine of Lucifer. Now here is YOUR end" she laughed manically and walked away from the still body.


Kagome brushed her hair and tied it back into a bun. She took off her towel and put on the blue dress laid out on her bed. It was simple but elegant; she slipped on some shoes and went downstairs to the party. Her mother set out some fresh snacks and drinks for her guests and Souta played with the younger children. Kagome hugged her brother and kissed her mother on the cheek.

"Kagome the dress I bought looks wonderful on you" her mother complimented

"Thank you mother" Kagome picked up a glass of punch and took a sip

"I'm glad you came down, but I know this will probably be boring for you since these are older and younger people. If you want I can give you money and you can meet your friends at the mall"

"That's ok mom I think I'll just go upstairs and change, I don't need any money. Thank you, I love you"

"I love you too Kagome" Kagome went back upstairs and changed into a green skirt and tan tank top over a white collard shirt. She slipped on her sneakers and walked back downstairs with her purse over her shoulder.

"Mom I'm going now"

"Ok Kagome be careful, and be back before 7"

"Ok mom, love you"

"Bye dear" Kagome closed the door behind her and ran down the sidewalk to the bus stop.

"Hey, Kagome"

"Hi" Kagome waved to someone from her school as she passed them. She didn't pay attention as she turned the corner and bumped into something hard.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Kagome searched on the ground for the money that fell from her purse, a hand held out in front of her, she looked up taking it and smiling clumsily. A boy with long black hair was who the hand belonged to. His amber eyes looked at her in a bored expression.

"Eh heh I'm so sorry" Kagome dusted herself off


"Well the least you could say is are you ok or something!" Kagome was tired of his seeming arrogance

"You're the one who bumped into me" he argued back

"Well so-rry but you could've moved ya know!"

"If you were running so fast to get somewhere shouldn't you be going?" he growled, annoyed.

"Oh no, the bus!" Kagome ran passed the boy and turned another corner.

The black haired boy bent down and picked up a school ID. On it said Kagome Higurashi, and a picture of the dark haired girl, leaning to catch something.

"Jeez she's even clumsy in this. What a ditz, if she could loose this maybe I shouldn't even give it back to her"

"You should give it back to her. You could've dodged her so it was kind of your fault. She seemed so nice too, but you had to be so mean. You should give it back to her and apologize!" a shorter boy, with light brown hair, sat on the corner of the wall that surrounded the park and lined the sidewalk.


"Inuyasha!" the boy jumped down and hit the black haired boy, who immediately hit the shorter boy onto the ground "Oww!"



"What the--" the Black haired boy backed up


Kagome ran faster seeing the bus stopping at the destined stop.

"No wait!" Kagome got to the stop, too late, the bus was already turning onto another street. She bent over and breathed hard from running so quickly.

"Aw man, now I have to walk" she sat on the benches and closed her eyes "I'll just rest for a minute"


A woman with short wavy black hair walked down the sidewalk, like a seductress or a queen? Her eyes were solid black which no one seemed to notice as they quickly passed her. Some would glance and men would whistle- she wore a skin tight red tank and a black miniskirt with short boots- she looked around with a devilish smile and talked to herself repeatedly.

"Where are you, where are you? Hmm" as she walked she spotted a dark haired girl sitting at a bench. The woman was about to keep walking when something caught her interest.

As the dark haired girl stood and turned (this is in slow motion) the girls appearance changed slightly (you know like that form where you see them but you see someone else too like who they look like). The form this girl looked was a paler woman with solid black eyes and longer, straighter, dark hair. The form wore a long wide black dress with a red trimmed collar. The girl fully turned and looked like herself again but the woman saw it.

"There you are" the woman went to cross the street but a large truck zoomed past, when the truck passed the dark haired girl was gone.

"Damn it all to hell!"


Kagome turned another corner and crossed the street. She walked down more and saw one of her friends.

"Mina! Mina!" a girl with short black hair turned around and saw Kagome, she smiled and waved

"Hey I thought you weren't able to come"

"My mom said I could, plus I finished my studies early too" Kagome smiled and the two walked together to meet their other friends.

"Mom I'm home"

"Oh Kagome I'm glad you're home, you have visitor's; they brought back your school ID. You should be careful not to loose this sweetie"

"I'm sorry mom"

"Go tell them thank you, they seem like very nice young boys"

"Um ok" Kagome walked into the living room to see the black haired boy and a short lighter haired boy sitting in front of the TV.

"Um excuse me" the two turned around and the smaller one stood up with a smile

"Hi my name is Shippo!" he introduced

"Ah, hello Shippo" Kagome smiled

"That's Inuyasha don't mind him he's just stupid" Shippo pointed to the darker haired boy.

"Why you!" the ebony haired boy, Inuyasha, jumped up and went to grab Shippo, but Shippo moved, causing Inuyasha and Kagome's faces to come close together, almost with their lips touching.

"Um thank you… for brining me my ID…" Inuyasha looked at her face and both of them blushed as each turned the other way.

"Kagome would your friends like some tea and chocolate cake?" Kagome's mother came into the room with a tray

"Oh I love chocolate cake! Thank you Mrs. Higurashi" Shippo quickly dug into a piece of cake and Kagome's mom smiled and disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Come on you runt" Inuyasha picked Shippo up (hard to not picture Inuyasha with ears and Shippo with no tail in this)

"But I didn't get to finish the cake!" Shippo reached for the cake but Inuyasha dragged him to the door

"Thank you for coming" Kagome smiled opening the door and handing Shippo the slice of cake.

"Aw but I wanna stay with Kagome!" Kagome smiled and Inuyasha turned around to hit Shippo, when he looked at Kagome's smile he turned away, blushing when she looked back at him.

Kagome straightened the red tie on her school uniform and grabbed her bag before going downstairs where her mother handed her a brown bag, with her lunch, and waved goodbye. Kagome rushed to the bus stop and made it just as the bus pulled up. She got on and sighed with a tired smile.

Getting off at her school she caught up to her friends and walked inside with them.

"Class, today I would like to introduce a new student. This is Inuyasha Tamaoki. His younger brother and he have just moved here so please make him feel welcome to our school" a black haired boy came into the classroom and Kagome was surprised to see him.

"Please sit where you like" the teacher put his hand on Inuyasha's shoulder and smiled but the boy didn't smile back. Inuyasha looked around and the only empty seat was behind her! The Kagome girl form the other day! Inuyasha walked to the third row and sat behind her mumbling.

After class, when the bell rang, all the girls and some of the boys came up to Inuyasha crowding him in and talking nonstop. Inuyasha growled in his throat and was relived when it was all over. He hated being around so many people, since he was a child he had a miraculous sense of smell that no one but Shippo knew about. He scratched the back of his head and grabbed his bag heading out of the school. He looked around outside and found Shippo talking to Kagome.

"Hey Inuyasha, did you know Kagome goes to this school too!" Kagome smiled and waved

"Hey Kagome wanna go get some food with us?" Shippo offered

"Oh I don't know… I don't have any money"

"You idiot we'll pay" Inuyasha interrupted walking past the 2

"Please Kagome" Shippo begged with puppy eyes

"Ok" she finally agreed and followed the two

They sat at a table near the window and ordered cokes and burgers.

"So you two are related?" Kagome asked sipping her soda

"No, were orphans, we came here together because Inuyasha had a temper and the home couldn't handle him any longer and I couldn't handle the home." Shippo blabbed

"Oh my, that's horrible where are you staying?"

"In a small apartment with a friend of Inuyasha's, Miroku, but he's a lecher so we don't hang around him much."

"No, I don't hang around him much, you just follow me" Inuyasha complained

"Oh you poor thing" Kagome hugged Shippo. Inuyasha looked at Shippo and growled quietly, Shippo pretended he didn't notice but couldn't help smile with a plan.

"I'm sorry if I'm prying to deep and you don't have to tell me but… what happened to your parents?"

"My parents were killed in an accident and Inuyasha's parents just left him at the home"

"I'm so sorry"

"Why are you saying sorry? Wasn't your fault" Inuyasha glared but stopped at Kagome's expression "I didn't mean to--" Inuyasha sweat dropped as Kagome's expression turned confused and he just sat back, finishing his burger.

"Thank you for the second lunch Shippo and Inuyasha and thank you for walking me to the bus stop" Kagome waved bye as she saw the bus coming.

A woman walked towards the stop for the bus? Kagome smiled at her until the woman grabbed her and pulled her into the park.

"What are you--NO!" Kagome screamed and jerked away from the woman; a small light flashed and the woman was thrown back even further.

"Yes, you are her, you're the one." the woman made a sure decision and walked calmly to Kagome who backed away. Kagome heard Shippo calling her name as Inuyasha and he ran to the park. The woman looked back at the two boys and glared grabbing Kagome and pulling her to an odd looking warp near the swings.

"No! Help!" the woman jumped, with Kagome, into the hole

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and Shippo held onto Inuyasha's shirt as they went into the odd hole/warp. It was dark and Inuyasha, Kagome, nor Shippo could see a thing. Kagome only felt Inuyasha's hand and the woman's arm holding her. Shippo's grip loosened and he let go of Inuyasha


"Shippo?" Inuyasha went to reach for Shippo, letting go of Kagome in the process, and when he went back to grab her he only felt air. Soon he felt the hard ground against his face and dirt in his mouth.

"Bleh!" Inuyasha spit the dirt out and looked around to find Kagome or Shippo but neither of them were there. Inuyasha was surrounded by tall trees, the sun shone down through them.

"How is the sun still out?"


Shippo reached out for Inuyasha but all he felt was the sting of the ground twisting his wrist to the side.

"Oww!" he held his wrist, luckily to find nothing damaged. Neither Kagome, or the woman who took her, were in sight and neither was Inuyasha. Shippo could here the sound of rushing water probably from a lake or something, but there was no fresh water near the park. Then again it was obvious he was nowhere near the park now, now only if he where Kagome or Inuyasha or anyone for that matter was.

Suddenly Shippo heard the humming of a person coming closer, he got up and followed the humming to spot an old skinny man walking to the same running river Shippo had been hearing. Behind the man was a cave that looked pretty homey with a fire and meat roasting.

"Excuse me sir!"

"Huh? Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry I'll make it right away!" the man panicked and dropped his water

"No, no I'm not here to hurt you. I'm lost can you help me?" Shippo asked, cautiously stepping closer.

"Oh, well I've never seen you around here before. My name is Totosai" the man introduced himself with a bow

"My name is Shippo, umm where am I?"

"Huh? You don't know? You're in hell." He answered surprised at Shippo

"Well that's kind of mean to say" Shippo sweat dropped as the man laughed

"You must be really lost if you didn't know you were in hell sonny"

"This can't be hell, it's so nice and green and there's water not fire!"

"This is only one part of hell not everything is flames and heat, luckily! Though I do much rather lava and large demon skulls for a home but this is all I can get for now" the man half thought to himself

"This guy is a nut" Shippo began to walk away when a shadow flew over him, a large shadow. Shippo looked up to see

"A dragon!"

"Oh no! If you wanna live hurry up and get in here, oh no! Oh no!" Totosai ran into the cave and Shippo followed.

"Why… is there… a dragon?" Shippo asked trying to catch his breath

"A dragon? That was no dragon, those or only found in the south. That was a gargoyle"



Kagome screamed and struggled to get away from the woman, still not being able to see anything, Kagome felt like her eyes were closed but they were open. Finally the woman let go and cursed aloud. Inuyasha had let go and Shippo must've let go of Inuyasha when they were falling? Was it even falling?

Kagome's question was soon answered as she hit hard onto a pile of hay.

"And I thought hay was supposed to be soft" she rubbed her head and looked around to see burning huts? She heard a girl's voice call out a name

"Kohaku!" Kagome looked to see a girl, with long raven hair, and a younger boy who looked like her. The 2 held swords and fought against an odd creature.

"Oh no they look in trouble, then again what could I do to help?" Kagome looked around and saw a sword that looked like it couldn't even cut paper, but it was still a sword eh?

Kagome got up and picked up the sword, running towards the two and the creature.

"Are you ok?"

"Who are you?" the girl asked with more than one emotion on her face.

"I'm Kagome, is there anyway I can help"

"Not with that, but can you please watch my brother while I finish off this dragon?" the girl yelled over the sound of rushed wind

"Sure!" Kagome lifted the younger boys head and placed it on her lap as the girl, who looked a little older than Kagome, went and fought the Dragon.

A shot of fire almost hit Kagome and the boy but Kagome pulled the boy and dodged most of it, unluckily her ankle was burned by the edge of the flame.

"Hot, hot, ow" Kagome tried to blow on the injury but had no time as she dodged another flame blown from the dragon's nostrils.

Kagome watched as the girl jumped up and used two swords to cut into the dragons' neck but it only injured the creature (this dragon is about the size of 2 buses).

"I need to help her... But how… she asked me to watch her brother" Kagome looked around worried when she heard the girl scream. She looked up to see the dragon squeezing her to death with its massive tail.

"Oh no, NO! STOP IT STOP DON'T HURT HER!" everything seemed to freeze until the dragon flew down and let the girl go, safely on the ground. Kagome ran to her with the boy on her back. She kneeled down by the girl and made sure she was ok.

"Please dragon go away please!" Kagome cried as she noticed all of the dead bodies that burned in the village. The dragon froze and then flew away.

"How did you do that? I thought only the… mistress could do that…?"

"I don't know, I don't even know where I am" Kagome smiled awkwardly and helped the girl up.

"Thank you, even if you don't understand, thank you, you saved us both"

"Eh heh, heh, not really I just screamed…" Kagome wasn't sure what was happening, or where it was happening at all.

"My name is Sango and this is my brother Kohaku. That was our home village but now…"

"I'm so sorry for your people" Kagome sympathized, lowering her gaze

"You don't have to say sorry, we were careless and weren't prepared"

"How could you be prepared for a dragon? I didn't even know they existed"

"So you really aren't from around here." Sango examined Kagome's clothing

"I don't even know what or where here is"

"This is hell"

"Well it can't be that bad can it?"

"No, not like a bad place. This IS hell."

"This is where the bad deceased go?"

"Some do but good ones to. It all depends on what you are chosen as. You say a woman pulled you into a hole and brought you here?"


"Well I don't know anyone of whom you described in the south, she may have been from the north or east? For now you can sleep here. Tomorrow we'll help you find your way"

"I don't want to put you through any trouble" Kagome flustered

"No trouble, besides where else are you going to go? We have no village anymore so we might as well help you so you're not killed"

"Thank you" Kagome yawned and Sango handed her a blanket.

Well there you go. I redid this chapter just like I'm going to go redo the next chapters. I hope this story turns out ok after I've taken such a long break from it…

Thanks for reading though