So I haven't disappeared off unto the unknown... I've just been working and going to college. And when you work over time its amazing how little free time you have. But I have an update (obviously) and I added a new POV to the story... So read on.. ...And then review.

Chapter 37

Melissa's POV

I looked in my mirror over my small vanity one more time making sure it was in place. Then I looked down at a picture me and Twister had taken at the mall about a month ago. I smiled thinking about him.

Never did I imagine I would end up pregnant with his child, much less did I think he would stay around when he found out - but I was wrong. I had always heard Twister was a good guy at heart, but I never had to chance to find out for my self until now. He had always been the skater guy at lunch, and the goofy guy in the back in my geometry class. Even though he seemed to never pay attention, he always seemed to get good grades in math… and from what I heard that was the only class he got good grades in. But now I knew him on a whole different level.

Thankfully my parents liked him, my mom bonded with him right away. My dad was a little more hard to convince but after he saw how good Twister was to me he accepted Twister. My dad himself was Hispanic which helped too.

My cell rang, and I glanced quickly at the caller ID and answered.

"Hola Mrs. Rodriguez." I answered.

"Hola Melissa, are you ready? I'm almost there." Mrs. Rodriguez asked.

"Yes. I'll be outside when you get here." I replied.

"Ok honey I will see you then." Mrs. Rodriguez said.

After saying goodbye I hung up then went to get my stuff. Mrs. Rodriguez was thrilled that she was having a granddaughter and wanted to take me shopping for baby stuff. I was excited as well, it would be the first shopping trip ever made for my daughter. Part of me was sad I wasn't sharing this with Twister, or even my mom… But Mrs. Rodriguez was part of this family as well.

Checking to make sure I had my keys I locked and shut the front door just as Mrs. Rodriguez pulled in the driveway.

I got into the passenger side and was greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Oh hola Melissa, how are you?" Mrs. Rodriguez greeted cheerfully

"Bueno, and you?" I replied.

"Bueno." Mrs. Rodriguez smiled. "How is the baby?"

"I have a feeling she's going to be a handful, I can feel her move often." I replied laughing.

Mrs. Rodriguez laughed, "Twister was a handful when he was little. Lars was the calm baby, you would never have believed the two were brothers when they were little!"

I laughed and looked at out the window as the shops started to pass, I felt excitement and nervousness at once. I was having a baby, and this was all really true…

Twister's POV

It felt weird as I followed Otto out of the bowl at Mad-Town. It was just the four of us like it used to be. It took some convincing for Reggie to come without Lars, but finally we talked her into it.

"Haha, yeah you guys are still to slow for the O-man." Otto laughed skating over to some rails. He leaned against them and waited as everyone came up.

"I vote we head to The Shack now." Sam sighed.

"Sammy, come on we never skate anymore." Reggie stated.

"Exactly my point. We're all going to regret this laaa-TER!" Sam's voice rose as Otto came near to shredding Sam instead of the rail.

"Relax Sam, you didn't think I was really gonna shred you did you?" Otto asked calmly as he skated back over.

"Well…" Sam started.

"Whatever." Otto quickly cut Sam off. "Let's head to The Shack."

I looked over at Reggie and shrugged. We filed in behind Sam and Otto to make our way to The Shack.

"Hey guys I'll catch up with you in a few ok?" Reggie asked after a few minutes.

After Sam and Otto didn't reply, obviously not hearing her, she looked at me.

"Reg you promised to hang with us." I said.

"I am, I'll be right back though." Reggie didn't wait for me to object again and skated off.

I looked up at Otto who was trying to out-do Sam. Sam had leaned up and perfected his moves more, but Otto was still better. I sighed and went after Reggie.

I slowed as I heard her voice.

"No I haven't done that anymore." A pause. "Have you?"

What could she be talking about?

"Lars answer me, this isn't a game. This is your life."

His life?

"Well fine then next time you go drinking I'm going too."

But… Lars had quit drinking after he left that once. He told me so. What was she talking about, his life?

"Well I'm not gonna have you doing that anymore, it's bad for you Lars! You don't understand, don't you care at all? What if you kill yourself?!"

My eyes widened as air was pulled into my lungs. I felt weak all over. What if you kill yourself?! echoed in my mind.

"Ok well we can meet up later and talk about this." Was the next thing I heard Reggie saying. "I love you, bye."

I had to get out of there before Reggie caught me listening to her conversation. I headed for The Shack as quickly as I could.

I was out of breath when I finally sat down next to Otto.

"Where were you? And why are you breathing so hard?" Otto looked at me skeptically.

"I…uh…" I what? Was listening to Reggie's conversation without her knowing and heard things I shouldn't have? So I lied, "I had to call Mel and see how she was doing with my mom."

Otto rolled his eyes, "You and Reg both just need to lay off. …Hey where is Reg?" Otto looked around as if noticing Reggie wasn't there for the first time.

"Hey guys." Reggie skated in, swinging into her seat.

"Did you talk to Larsy-warsy?" Otto asked in a sarcastic baby voice.

Reggie rolled her eyes, "It's none of your business what I was doing Otto."

"Well Twist apparently called Melissa so I guess it doesn't matter." Otto blurted out.

Reggie looked at me, I felt like her eyes were burning through me seeing that I had listened to her conversation and not really called Melissa. But she wasn't and she didn't know.

Reggie's POV

"Hey babe remember this?" Lars asked.

I took the old frame Lars handed me. We had been going through old childhood pictures, things I had forgotten long ago. But once I looked at the picture it all seemed so real…

"Reggie…" Otto, who was 8, walked slowly into the living room with his hands behind his back to where I sat on the couch doing homework.

I looked at him suspiciously, "What?"

"There's something you need to know… but it's gonna make you upset." Otto barely glanced up at me.

"What did you do?" I demanded.

"I didn't do it!" Otto looked at me his eyes big, but his hands remained behind his back. I waited impatiently for Otto to tell me what happened. "Lars broke this…" Otto handed me the locket that had been my moms.

I felt my jaw drop and tears filled my eyes as I took the chain and then the small locket that had been crushed at the top so it could no longer stay on the chain.

"Sorry sis…" Otto sat next to me.

"I hate him." I hadn't felt so angry since my mom had died. I got off the couch and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Otto called after me.

"To talk to that jerk! Now get your homework done Otto!" I slammed the door behind me.

Before I walked across the street I took a few minutes to try and recompose myself. Then I marched over and knocked on the door.

Footsteps.. And then the door opened. "Hola Reggie, are you here to see Lars?" Mrs. Rodriguez greeted.

She called Lars down and we went out to our club house, but I stopped Lars before he opened the door.

"Why did you break it?" I asked feeling like I was gonna cry again.

"Break what?" Lars asked puzzled.

"This!" I held out the broken locket.

"Reg! That's the one from your mom, what happened?!" Lars exclaimed.

"You know what happened!" I yelled.

"Reggie I didn't do anything!" Lars half yelled, looking confused and angry.

"You broke it! Otto told me so! I know you did it! I hate you Lars! I hate you!" Tears were running down my face now but I didn't care.

"Reggie…" Lars reached out.

"No! Leave me alone! Don't ever talk to me again!" Before Lars could say anything I ran. I ran into my house, upstairs and flung the door shut before I collapsed on my bed.

I found out that Otto and Twister had been the ones to break my locket about a year later, but by then it was too late. Lars and I lived separate lives, did separate things. It was what led to Lars torturing us, he knew what had really happened.

"You ok?" I felt Lars hand on my back.

I looked up startled, "Oh yeah."

Lars hugged me close, "It's ok now babe."

I thought about, it was ok now. I kissed Lars, hoping for nothing bad to ever happen like that again.