Disclaimer: Not mine, though if John doesn't want to work for them anymore, I'll have him.

A/N: This is what I think might have possibly been going through Munch's head in a scene in Parts. Particularly the one where he and Elliot are talking to Amy Solwey when she's lying down.

"You would let me die?"

The words cut straight through me as I realized I had threatened her with jail and the fact that NTTC would take her off the donor list. This was the woman I had gone to, begging to take the kidney that was a match. Telling her why. Why she had to take it. Why we were the same. Why she couldn't die like that.

This was the woman I had almost cried in front of. The woman I had held hands with just because. Just because she was there. Just because I needed that contact. Just because I needed an assurance that she was still with me. Still breathing.

No, I couldn't let her die now. I couldn't.