Brotherly Life

Brotherly Love (and life) continues!

Sixteen-year-old Emily cautiously pushed open the door to the apartment she shared with her brother Ray. The coast seemed clear. She turned back to face her boyfriend, Brandon.

"Okay, I don't think anyone's home," she said to him, "Let's go in."

They walked into the empty apartment, and Emily quickly checked Ray's room and the bathroom. They were indeed alone.

"Remind me again why we're sneaking around, acting like we're looking for a good place to go have sex?" Brandon asked her when she returned.

"Because I want to make absolutely sure we don't walk in on Ray and Neela having sex," she answered matter-of-factly. True, she had never seen them going quite that far, but she had still walked in on her fair share of make-out sessions.

"But aren't they at work?"

"Yeah, well that's where they were supposed to be every time I've walked in on them," Emily answered, shrugging.

"I have to say, you do take this remarkably well, as opposed to being, say, scarred for life!" Brandon said.

"Well, I never said anything about the not-being-scarred-for-life bit."

Read the next part of this chapter in my sequel, "Brotherly Life"!