David leaned back against the fire escape.

"Back where we started huh?" Chris laughed stroking a new bruise on his face.

"Parting shots" David smiled as an explanation.

"He took the car." She smiled nodding to the empty space where David's car should have been.

"Ethan's gunna pick me up." He said, not able to meet Chris' eyes for the first time in their friendship.

"Oh." Chris said, pulling her hand back. "Well."

"Look, you could make it..." David dropped off looking at Chris. In the two weeks since their return she'd gotten the far worse of everything. His father had been mad, but they had fought less. Her mother had gone completely insane, she'd grabbed an electrical cord the last time she was angry at her youngest daughter. Chris was still standing uneasily, her pain easy to read in her eyes.

David could see the gap between them widening. "Ethan would get it." He whispered to his best friend. "He wouldn't be like everyone else is." The rest of the weekend had been so much lighter. Ethan camping out in the guest room with Chris, the group of them eating breakfast for every meal because they were too lazy to even order pizza.

They just talked, the heavy stuff as well as the light. David talked about what happened with his dad, Lizzie confessed to a pregnancy scare that she hadn't told anyone about, Ethan shared stories about growing up, Chris talked about her sisters pregnancy and decision to keep it and how it was ruining her family. Then after they got all that out the mood broke, and Lizzie and David were recalling stories about when they were ten, and Chris was laughing about something her and her sister did when they were young. Ethan took the cake, with his pitch perfect warbling of what a girl wants.

When Chris and David left Chris bit her lips to stop from crying. One breakdown a weekend was way more then enough for her.

And then they were back in LA.

David started going to school again, getting into practice for when he would be going every day again. Chris saw less of a point then ever, she knew she wasn't going anywhere.

And today was the last day they would have together. Surprisingly they didn't feel awkward around each other after sleeping together. And David's stuff was all packed up, now they were just waiting for Ethan.

"HEY GORDON, CHRIS! YOU GUNNA LET ME IN?" He yelled up at them. Chris laughed, moving in to David's apartment to buzz Ethan in.

A few minutes later Ethan was in the apartment, on the fire escape "You guys wanna get baked?" He asked softly, his arm around Chris' waist, not even thinking as he avoided putting pressure on her back. "Because, I am totally sick of sobriety."

Disclaimer: I own Chris.

Author's notes: Its done. Yup, that was the last chapter, no it doesn't make everything perfect, but at the same time I will say that I like the ending. But there wasn't much more to do with the story. I really think that. And its come full circle because I wrote the first chapter of this around this time last year, and like Gordo/David I got shocks of reality. So I don't know where else this could go, If you want more with David/Lizzie when he moves in, I might be able to write it. But I enjoy fucking around with David too much to make him happy. But yes, please leave a review to let me know what you thought of the whole thing! Much appreciation, Cards