A/n: Thanx to all who reviewed. You rock! Ok, peeps, here it is, the final chapter. Don't cry, it has a happy ending. And without further ado, here is chapter 7, enjoy.


They arrived back in Stars Hollow at around 9:00. Rory went to Lane's. They were going to spend her last night together.

Lorelai had said her 'goodbye's, so when they returned to the small town, Luke took her directly home.

They sat in silence for awhile, neither moving form the old truck. After five minutes, Lorelai couldn't take it anymore and hat to break it.

"You know, Luke, your stuff is already here and we do have to leave pretty early tomorrow. Well, early for some of us anyway. So, maybe you could…"

"I'd like that," Luke replied to her unfinished question.

"So would I," Lorelai responded.

After they had gotten out of the truck and joined hands for the short walk to the front door, Luke asked casually, "Not that I mind, but why do we have to leave so early?"

Lorelai looked at him. "You know, I'm not sure. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. And I can't get going before six, so that is as soon as possible." She chuckled.

Luke shrugged. "That's good enough for me."

"Oh." A thought popped into Lorelai's head. "Did you bring coffee?"

Luke had to smile. "A duffel bag full."

"Aw, you're my hero." 'You always have been,' she added mentally.

They had reached the porch now. Lorelai led Luke to the porch swing. She didn't want to go in just yet.

"I hop you don't mind," Luke started, "but I left my cape at the diner."

"Nah," Lorelai answered, "it was getting tattered anyway."

Luke caught the subtext and hugged her close to him.

The couple was soon drifting into sleep. Before it became too deep, Luke thought they should head inside. "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

Lorelai kept her eyes closed as she spoke. "Too tired. Can't move."

Luke stood and took Lorelai into his arms. "Super Luke to the rescue," he whispered.

Lorelai wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mm, Super Luke," she mumbled.

Luke brought the sleeping Lorelai upstairs. After he had stripped her of her shoes and her dress (somehow she managed to sleep through it) he removed his own clothes, leaving him in only his boxers. He slipped into bed beside his sleeping angel and wrapped his arms around her. Instinctively, she scooted closer to him.

They slept the night cuddled together in a warm embrace. Words such as comfortable, content, happy and perfect floated through their sleep-induced minds.


The jeep was packed, the 'goodbye's were said, the only thing left was to leave. And that's exactly what they did.

They hopped planes, trains, boats, and drove a little too. They traveled from country to country, not staying in one too long. Finally, they had decided that London would be the last stop.

Britain was a beautiful country. And London, its capital city, was just as beautiful as the rest. It wasn't home, but it was the best they were going to get.

Sitting in her favorite chair, Lorelai's thoughts wandered to the day Luke asked her to marry him.

It was a few months after they had left Stars Hollow. Their country of choice: France, Paris to be exact. Rory was off with a boy she had met and Luke had decided it was the perfect time.

He made her a candlelight dinner. When she got home from the odd job she had chosen for the time they were there, her jaw dropped. The small apartment was covered in red, white, and pink roses. The lights were off. The only light was the few hundred candles surrounding what the roses didn't.

The dinner was romantic and peaceful. She couldn't have guessed what was to come; Luke was so calm. Then the conversation stopped and silence enveloped them. Luke stood from his own chair and kneeled by hers. He took her hand in his and started to speak.

"Lorelai, I've been waiting for the right time to do this, and I think now is it. I love you. I know I can't give you everything you deserve, but I'll give you everything I have if you'll agree to be my wife. Lorelai Gilmore, will you marry me?" He pulled the ring form his pocket.

Lorelai stared at him, her expression of shock. But it quickly faded with the smile that appeared on her face. "Yes." It was almost a whisper, but since you could have heard a pin drop at that particular moment, Luke heard it loud and clear.

With a smile to match hers, Luke slipped the ring on her finger.

"It's beautiful," she told him.

"It was my mother's. She told me to give it to the love of my life. So I did." Luke looked down as if her were a little boy telling a girl that he like her.

Lorelai didn't know what to say to this. So she said the only thing that popped into her mind. "Luke," He raised his head to look at her. "I love you."

He, of course, knew this, but every time she said it, it brought a smile to his face.

This, of course, was seven years ago. Lorelai played with her ring as she thought of all that had happened since: Rory married Skye, the boy from Paris, she and Luke had a wonderful baby boy, and there was another on the way. She and Luke had not yet married though. And she knew now that it was time. Time to go home. That is what she had been waiting for. She wanted this wedding to be special. She wanted it to be at home.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of a door and Luke's voice calling, "Honey, I'm home."

The two-year-old by her side dropped the plastic toy he had been playing with at the sound of his daddy's voice.

He began to run down the stairs, but Lorelai called out to him, "William, wait for mommy." The blue-eyes boy stopped and waited for his mother as per her request.

On their arrival at the bottom of the stair case, the toddler ran into his father's arms.

"Hey, buddy. Did you miss me?"

The boy nodded his head wildly.

Luke noticed the look on Lorelai's face and knew something was up. He slowly lowered his son to the ground. "Why don't you go play while me and mommy talk?" He pulled off his blue baseball cap and put it on the child's head. He had a fascination with his dad's hat. In other words, 'He has strange passions."

As the squealing little boy ran off into the house, Luke looked to Lorelai. He didn't need to say anything, his eyes asked the questions his lips could not form.

"It's time," was all she said.

Luke knew what this meant. For one, she was only three months along, and for two, the look in her eyes left no questions to be asked.

"You going to tell Rory, or should I?" His voice was smooth and calm.

"I'll do it. It's my responsibility."

Luke just nodded, gave her a kiss, and picked up his tool box. He made his way out to the two-stall garage and set it down.

He had gotten used to this life, but it wasn't his life. This place wasn't home. He smiled. 'We're going home,' he thought.


The conversation with Rory went much like the one they had had when Lorelai asked if Luke could come along on the trip. "Are you sure?" she asked after Lorelai told her she wanted to go home.

"Yeah, babe. I am."

"So, you'll be happy at home?" Rory put emphasis on the word 'happy.'

"Yeah, I will." Her answers were short.

Rory was silent for a minute. "Then I guess we'll get packing."

"You don't' have to come, Rory. You and Skye-"

Rory cut her off. "Have traveled wit you guys since Paris, and this is no different. Plus, he's never been to the U.S. He wants to see my home town." Rory smiled into the phone.

"You really go a keeper there, you know that?" Tears were slowly making their way down Lorelai's cheeks, leaving a trail behind.

"Yeah, I do. So do you mom." She laughed. "I guess the saying is true."

"What saying?" Lorelai made her way over to the couch. She sat down and fingered a picture of her, Rory, and Luke. The picture had been taken in Madrid. Out of the literally hundreds of photos they had taken in various countries, this one was her favorite.

"That girls always marry their daddies." Rory answered.

Lorelai bit her lip as more tears spilled down from her eyes. She knew Luke had been Rory's father figure for years, but she had never actually said it until now.

A month later, everything was packed, the house along with the furniture in it was sold, and the plane tickets had been bought. Finally, the trip was over. They were going home.


The group arrived in Hartford at midnight on June 2, seven years from the day they left Stars Hollow.

Lorelai didn't want to wait, so as tired as they were, they rented a car and drove to the small town of Stars Hollow.

Lorelai and Rory were crying silently. Even Luke had tears in his eyes. Skye held his wife of five years close to him and William climbed into his mom's lap to wipe the tears from her face.

Luke stopped in front of the diner. It had been arranged that until Rory and Skye could afford their own hose, they would live in the apartment above the diner.

The young couple stepped out of the rented six-seater van. "See you guys tomorrow," Rory said as she and her husband grabbed the last of their bags.

"Yep, see you then." There were still tears that would every once in awhile roll down Lorelai's cheek.

Luke reached into his pocket. He had kept the key to the old hardware store for reasons unknown to himself or anyone else. "Her, you're gonna need this."

Skye smiled and accepted the key. "Thanks."

As her husband unlocked the glass door, Rory said goodbye. "Bye, Mom, Luke." She ruffled William's hair, "Bye William."

William raised his head form his mother's chest. Sleepily, he said, "B-bye, Rory."


Luke pulled into the driveway of the yellow house he had fixed numerous things in. "We're home," he announced.

"Yeah, home."

The couple slowly made their way up the walk to the front door. William was asleep in Lorelai's arms, so she carefully handed him to Luke. She, too, had kept her key, though the reason was not unknown. Slowly, she unlocked the door and stepped inside.

The house looked exactly how she had left it. There were a few more dust bunnies, of course, but other than that, exactly the same.

Lorelai let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "Luke, there's something missing."

Luke too stepped into the house. "What is it?" he asked, concerned.

She turned to him, "You," she replied simply. "And Will," she added. She put her arms around his waist and traced a finger over her little boy's arms. "Yeah, now it's home."

William was put in Rory's bed, and Luke and Lorelai went up to hers. The bags were left until the morning.


Luke woke up when he noticed the warmth he had gotten used to wasn't there. He stumbled his way downstairs to find the kitchen light on.

Now that the ground was flat, he had less trouble getting to the kitchen than he had had getting down the stairs


Lorelai turned to look at him. "Hey, what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I'm planning," was her short and simple answer.

"Planning what?" Luke finally noticed the yellow legal pad on the table.

Lorelai turned back to the paper. "Our wedding."


One year later, a pregnant Rory sat in the front row of chairs that had been set up in front of the gazebo, holding her five-month-old sister, Mariah. William sat to her right and Skye to her left. Emily sat to the left of William. The rest of Stars Hollow (well, not the rest, but a lot) filled the rest of the chairs on either side of the aisle.

Lane's band started 'Here Comes the Bride' and Richard walked his daughter down the aisle. Lorelai had chosen not to have a maid or maiden of honor or any bridesmaids. First, because Rory was too pregnant to fit into a cute dress, and second, she already had her best friend standing up there with her.

The music stopped and the preacher began his speech.

Lorelai Gilmore and Lucas Danes were married on June 2, 2015. it was the second wedding for both, but the only one that really mattered in their hearts.


A/n: And that's it. I know it's a bit longer than the rest of the chapters, but I wanted to get it all out there. Please don't ask about the names Skye and Mariah. I really couldn't think of any, and I really like those names. Oh, and I did the math. Mariah would be around 5 months old and the year they got married is also correct. Ok, so what'd you think? Good? Bad? Will it win a prize anytime soon? What? Please review!