Disclaimer: I own nothing, just like the last author you read off of owned nothing, as will the next author you read off of. We should seriously start and I-Own-Nothing-And-It's-Never-Gonna-Change Club or something. That way we'd at least stop writing it over and over and over and…

Notes: As you read this short prologue, you will undoubtedly notice that it seems a strange beginning for a fic. Let me assure you, this is the prologue, and this is how it starts.

No further explanations to the story will be given, and the following, however shockingly you take it, is fully intended. . I hope it catches your attention and intrigues you.

Oh, and the dates are completely made up. I don't actually have any real idea of the age of the tentai, so pretend that, as of 2005, Kuwabara and Yusuke are 17 and Kurama is 18, even though the series was made in 96 (I think)

Ah, yes, I almost forgot. Please read this next line carefully. This story is YAOI and holds male/male relationships. IF you do not like, please do not read and flame me.


The Last One Left



September 28, 2610

How strange it is, this day, the 28, to be the day of reckoning. I finally found the final key to our past, our history. For six hundred years, the ancient war has raged on. The power struggle over our three dear worlds has left none untouched, and nowhere unharmed.

And yet, we fight for a battle that we do not know the cause, nor do we know the reason. Never before has the history of the worlds before the Great War been divulged. All books predating the demons reign over humans were destroyed long ago, and all truths have faded into legend.

To be honest, I stumbled upon the palace by accident. As I wandered the Kerabi Desert, following the nearby readings of a slave caravan, the truth hit me in the face. Quite literally, actually. The shifting sands of the Kerabi desert lived to their name, and as they changed, sweeping in and out like the waves of the forgotten oceans of Ningenkai, they swept away from an entire palace that had long since been buried.

The building is old, predating far past the six hundred mark of the war. I don't actually know how old it is, but trust me when I simply state that it is old. The front, where I was luckily left after the shifts, beheld amazing doors, a clean twelve times taller than any man!

Unfortunately, the sands of the desert and the sands of time together had worn them long past their prime, and getting in was as easy as knocking, as doing so nearly knocked them off their hinges.

As I first entered this magnificent wonder, I was walking down a long, narrow hall, supported by pillars and lined in mosaics depicting ancient battles, forgotten gods and terrible strife. As I walked this great hall, I felt that I alone was in the sole eyes of those gods; that I alone was under their divine scrutiny.

I later found that this hall was once called The Hall of Judgment.

There are many rooms in this palace, so many that I have yet to explore the better half of them. Each holds a new surprise, each a new encountered adventure that allows me the explorations of our past.

Where I sit to write this letter now, however, is the ancient library. Hundreds upon hundreds of books line the walls and shelves packed to capacity in between. Although many of the books are beyond their age and near to falling apart by mere touch, I have been able to read several, and fear to touch more in the event that they might fall to dust!

But from one file I found, and what appears to be the last written work before the dawn of the war, I have learned the truth, the horrible shocking truth of life before the Great War. And so, to pass on what was once lost, what you read now you must never forget.

I will start the story as I discovered the clues, first with the Garden and followed with the account of the horrors that occurred exactly six hundred and five years ago.

Of the recorded mystery in the Gardens of Reikai Palace and the Beginnings of the Great War;

No record of these following deaths has ever been mentioned in any book of the Dead, nor any list of those who died before or after the Great War. The only proof of the lives of the following is written in seven tombstones, located in the Gardens of the Reikai Palace.

Rest in Peace

Urameshi Yusuke

1987 – 2005

The leader who fought for his friends, and the friend who died fighting

Rest in Peace

Wind-Master Jin

? – 2005

The demon who died for his friends, hand in hand with his lover

Rest In Peace

Ice-Master Touya

? – 2005

The demon who died with his lover to save the World they believed in Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Kuwabara Kazuma

1987 – 2005

The hero who died with bravery to the end Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Master Genkai

1953 – 2005

The sensei who knew everything and died to pass it on.

Rest In Peace

Jaganshi Hiei

? – 2005

The Forbidden Child who died for the love he believed in Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Shuichi Kurama Minamino

? – 1986 – 2005

The Last One Left

This is the beginning of the Tale that tells the end...

-Kamariann Glorstirn
