I'm too late, she's gone but…..

Disclaimer: I don't own GS/GSD and I hope Bandai could give me some of their shares.

Kira Yamato, former legendary ace pilot of the almighty Freedom was positioning his sight sorrowfully to the pale moon on the verandah of the orphanage.

He sighed thinking of a certain blond, who was his sister, a strong courageous girl that fought for the sake of peace for all beings in the world. She now left for her marriage with a political figure by the name of Yuuna Roma Seiran.

It hurts him that he couldn't do anything to safe her from the wedding ceremony. It's because she objected his action that could lead her people to confusion.

She assured him that she have everything goes well and under control but he doubt it will. With the parliament members against her, he can't help but to feel hurt when she lost in her debates with other politician that was aired in the news.

Nevertheless, he hoped that the red knight could come back to solve the whole issue and bring peace to where it had been. If he could, he wanted to solve this whole situation himself but he has no power to do so.

The Archangel and Freedom were handed back to their respected nations. They were either being self-destruct or used for this coming war.

Cagalli, I hope you're safe and sound even though you're married to that not-meant-to-be-married person.

Kira started to ponder about how live is going to go in Orb, since he knew that Orb might ban all coordinator when it's officially allianced with EAF.

Lacus was back in Plants with Waltfield-san and Reverend Malchio. Kira decide to overstay in Orb to make sure everything was alright before he go but he was concerned about his sister.

After some time he brushed off those thoughts and when to bed.


Athrun just arrived Orb's atmosphere; during the return he was srambled by Orb's defense force.

"Orb control, do you read me? I'm Alex of the Attha household, ID 285002. I repeat, do you read me." Athrun was frantically trying hard to contact the control system.

Cagalli who was in the administration centre caught this happening. She contacted the control tower to allow the unknown mobile suit to ascend.

She was now baffled on how to face her lover since she was a married person now.

Saviour descends on one of the military ports of Onogoro Island. He got down of Saviour with his civilian clothes that he wore all the time.

"I'm Alex of the Attha household and I would like to meet representative Attha." He stated his reason of presence to the officer that approached him.

"Sir, the representative has been expecting you too. Follow me to the administration building."

"Thank You."

Athrun got into the vehicle that was prepared to bring him to the building.

After a while they reached the place.

"Representative Attha will be in her office, that is the 3rd floor," informed the officer.

"Thanks, what's your name?" Athrun asked.

"Kazuki, Kazuki Kei of the 8th commanding squad." The young boy said before he left. He had almost the same height as Athrun, dark red eyes and sand-coloured hair.

(AN: Looks like Kei Kusanagi of Onegai Sensei, he's soo cute even the his VA was Hoshi Souichirou (also Kira's VA).)


Athrun was now in Cagalli's office. Somehow, he felt a hostile environment in there.

"Cagalli," he called as he saw her. He moved to her and looked at her for while before trying to hug her.

"Athrun…… I'm married, " she uttered faintly before looking aside.

Emerald eyes started to wet with tears but it did not trickle down. He clenched his fist to prevent it from trembling with shock. He expected that he could stop her wedding but he was too late.

"So….what….what about us?" he said shakily.

"I….I don't know. Just forget the past Athrun, forget…. me…."

Cagalli could have cried after making the statement but couldn't. She must held it back and be strong to face this affair.

"That's not possible Cagalli, I…uh..Didn't you promise that you'll wait for me."

I'm too late…….she's gone. She's gone and it hurts……it really hurts me…

Athrun cried, he lost his control over his emotions. He was deeply hurt and tears were trickling down his face. He blamed himself for letting this happen to Cagalli.

"I…. I'm …uh ….um…" Cagalli was speechless.

Sorry Athrun, I'm so sorry but I couldn't say it loud. There's something important that I need to protect …… and I had to marry Yuuna.

She didn't guess that Athrun would be so wounded by this matter. She also blamed herself for making such a hasty decision but…it was the parliament that proposed the alliance with EAF. She failed to stop them and was puppeteered by them.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing the bastard Yuuna Roma Seiran. His presences certainly bring an evil aura in the room.

"My..my, Ath…. Alex long time no see. How's your visit in Plant? You even brought back a new mobile suit. Eh, you're crying, why?" That bastard smirked evilly when greeting.

Athrun glared at him. He swore he could just kill him by pulling the trigger of his gun that was inside his pocket. But this would lead to more problems.

"Nothing's wrong I'm fine, representative Seiran. I came to report the conversation I have with chairman Dullindal to representative Attha."

Why the hell am I being so little when he's around? Why am I such weakling?

"That's a good news. I'm almost getting a little jealous with your existence near my wife." Yuuna scowled.

"I…I wouldn't dare to do anything with representative Attha. I'll excuse myself now."

Cagalli looked at the retreating form of her lover but can't help to keep staring at him. She wanted him to stay but she was now with her husband and couldn't do anything about it.

Yuuna accompany Athrun to the door, he whispered something to him.

"Hey, I got some great videos of us during our wedding night. I wouldn't mind sharing it to you."

Athrun was suddenly mad but manage to keep it in control.

How could he treat Cagalli like a whore? You son of a bitch, how could you….

Athrun did not respond anything and left. Yuuna smiled victoriously, he managed to fumed him. He left the room leaving Yuuna and Cagalli.

Yuuna glared at Cagalli, he put on a scary face when looking at her. The blond was scared. Out of nowhere an arm flung across her cheek bruising it, he slapped her.

"You whore, Didn't I tell you not to see that freak (AN: Athrun's a coordinator you know) again? I hate it when you didn't obey me." Yuuna grimaced.

"You…." Cagalli tried to protest.

"Ah….. what could the citizens of Orb react when they saw their strong-willed and innocent-looking princess in this video," he threatened with smirk, His hands flashing the disk that contains their sexual acts.

You….you bastard…. One day I'll ….I'll

" Dar…. Darling I'm so sorry for it, please don't treat me like this," Cagalli cried, she hated herself for so weak.

"That good Cagalli, If you continue to be a good girl I'll treat nicely." Yuuna whispered in her ears then blew it.

"Yes…yes Yuuna…-sama"

Yuuna felt like he on top of the world, he laughed sarcastically aloud.


That's for now. It's sad to see Cagalli's state now but this threat was popular in dramas and movies.

Kazuki Kei (looks almost like Kira too.), my character. He will get into action in future chapters.

By the way, please inform me which fic of mine that should be updated more frequently(that means you favourite). Caught Between, Grape juices or Lemon Juices or I'm too late, she's gone but…..it is to plan my time to type them.

Athrun will be meeting Kira. Savior was seized by Orb, with no weapons and power, how will our heroes deal with it? Be sure to tune in to next chapter of I'm too late, she's gone but…..