HEY PPLZ! This is cottoncandyclouds, and thisis mi veri first stori. Reviews are veri much appreciated.

DISCLAIMER- I do not own the teen titans (tear)

DEDICATED TO- this is dedicated to entniegirl711 for giving me so many great ideas. She is also an OC.


Richard Grayson : Robin. Duh. Basketball star. He is batman's sidekick, for now anyways, and has the HUGEST crush on Kori Anders. His best friends are Victor Stone, Garfield Logan, and Roy Harper. He is friends with all the MAIN characters, those are just his best guy friends.
Garfield Logan : Beastboy. He is the prankster of the group, and desperately wants to ask out Raven Roth, but is afraid of rejection. The rest is same as above.
Victor Stone : Cyborg. He is the football dude, person, and has liked Bea Ellsworth since 7th grade. The rest is same as above.
Kori Anders : Shy girl. A bit naïve. Is a true musician. But she hides her mad skill from everyone. Has, quite and interest in Richard Grayson, but is afraid she is not good enough. She has a sister, who is a, really, bad, person. She went through a lot of trauma in her younger years, but still remains an optimist.

Kali Anders : criminal. Brat. Boyfriend stealer. Hates her little sisters guts. Wants to date Richard Grayson. Hussy.

Raven Roth : Mysterious girl. Only is halfway pleasant to hr group of friends. Hates everyone else's guts. Likes Garfield. She doesn't have any real hope that he will ask her out. She thinks she is to creepy. Great at writing poetry.

Bea Ellsworth : Sweet girl. African American, LOVES Victor. The fun and daring one of the group. She is a talented dancer.

Kamille Moth : hates Kori for stealing Richards attention. Snobby, stupid prep. Desperately wants to be friends with Dani. (OC)

Terra : Kamille clone. Obsessed with Garfield.

Dani : MATCHMAKER! Interested in everything. Will sock anyone in the stomach who tries to diss her friends. Garfield's cousin.

Roy Harper : Nicknamed speedy for his quickness in track meets. Thinks Dani is hot.


Chapter 1: So much for silence

All was silent. So silent you could hear the breeze whisper. So silent you could hear the brooks babbling. So silent you could hear the ocean waves lapping on the shore. So clear, so clear you could see the stars glitter and dance. As the late night turned into early morning the sun crept slowly above the horizon. A new day began.

Most people would be sleeping. But one shy girl was awake. Sitting in the windowsill of her bedroom, absorbing the rare silence. She gazed out the window. Silence. Pure, wonderful silence. The bliss she was experiencing was shattered by a shrill scream that awoke the household. And so the yelling began.

" Kali! Must you shriek with fear, every time the alarm clock goes off?" Demanded the mother of the house.

" YES I DO!" Kali screamed beck as she brushed her long, wavy, black hair into a ponytail. She threw on a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt that read 'Blazin' B' engulfed in flames. Blazin' B, was Kali's favorite band after all. She grabbed her almost empty backpack (which here is signifying that she does not do schoolwork) and darted out the front door, too meet her friends at the local coffee shop.

The girl at the windowsill was much more relaxed than her rebellious sibling. She sat on a stool in front of her Maplewood vanity and began her morning routine. She began by carefully applying black mascara to her long eyelashes. Then she dusted her eyelid with an almost invisible shimmer eyeshadow. After that with green eyeliner she drew a thin green line above directly above her lashes, to enhance her sparkling emerald eyes. She then brushed her long ruby hair into a half ponytail, and dressed in a white t-shirt, that had an inch of lace running across the bottom, a pair of light blue flare jeans, and a green blazer.

She walked cautiously down the stairs, slipping on a pair of brown stiletto heels after reaching the bottom.

" Kori, keep in mind that your mother and I will be out of town for a few days, are you sure you can manage without us?" asked her father.

" Yes father, go enjoy your trip." Kori answered sweetly. And with a quick hug, she grabbed her backpack, and walked to school.

Meanwhile, a mysterious girl across the neighborhood who was called Raven, was preparing herself for school as well.

She applied black mascara to her lashes, and added a thick line of gray eyeliner, finished off with a lavender eyeshadow. She donned a skin-tight, spandex, black turtleneck, that had a tint of royal blue, dark blue flare jeans, and a maroon jeweled belt. She quickly bushed out her short purple hair. Yes I said purple. It use to be a dark brown, but had suddenly turned to a vibrant violet. But it suited her just fine.

She carried a thick novel with her everywhere she went. So if anything bad happened, she would be able to retreat into another world, and forget her problems, for a little while anyway. Raven had gotten into a fight with her parents the night before, so she read as she walked to school.

A few minutes later, a sweet African American girl named Bea Ellsworth, awoke from a peaceful slumber. She dreamt, that the boy of her dreams, Victor Stone had asked her to the prom. Just as he was leaning in to kiss her, her alarm went screeching.

" Mmmmmmmmm." She hummed as she sat up in bed. She rubbed her big brown eyes and got out of bed. She dressed in a Brown t-shirt with the words 'just bee yourself' written pink glittery cursive. She then pulled on a pair of jean Capri's, and pink, low top converse. She brushed her long ,silky, black hair into 2 loose buns. She applied little mascara, and a thin line of black eyeliner

She grabbed her messenger bag off the bed, and ran outside to catch the bus.

Precisely 20 minutes later, in the inner city 3 boys sharing an apartment, awoke in a rather… unpleasant manner. The radio came on so loud, that the room shook.

"DUCK AND COVER PEOPLE!" screamed Garfield, as he grabbed last nights popcorn bowl, put it on his head, and dove under the coffee table. Garfield was a short prankster. He had short brown hair and piercing green eyes.

Victor Stone, a muscular African American, sat up, got out of bed, and shoved a pillow in his short friends mouth.

Richard Grayson, the third boy yawned and said to his roommates…

" Uh, guys? You do realize that we have 30 minutes to get to school, right?"

The other 2 glanced up at Richard, then franticly threw on clothes, brushed their teeth, and combed/spiked their hair.

They piled into Victor's car and sped away to school.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what do you think? Srry that not much happened in this chapter, the next one is going to be funny. I was just tying to introduce the characters. There will be TONS OF ROMANCE in future chapters. Please review and tell me what you think about the story and what I can improve on.

