Disclaimer: I don't own csi

Rule breakers

Rule #1- Never dip your pen in the company ink.

Catherine had been at this job too long. She's seen too many office romances head south, head ugly and land in grief to want to test those waters.

And for a long time she was able to resist temptation. Of course it helped that she was married. But even after the divorce was final she resisted having an office romance. Instead she contented herself with playing the role of mother/sister/confidante to "her" boys. She was the one they came to when they needed a shoulder to cry on, an ear to bend or just words of advice. Sure, she may have flirted, but everyone understood that nothing would come of it. It was fun and harmless and no one got hurt.

But then he came along. Warrick Brown. And one by one the letters of that rule disappeared. Each smile, each flirt would wipe them away and slowly, very slowly over the years whole words vanished. Until she could no longer tell what was keeping her from pursuing something more than friendship.

Because the flirting meant something with him and they both knew it.

Because they both knew there could be something possibly wonderful between them, if they were brave enough to chase after it. If they were strong enough to hold on to it, smart enough to not blow it and willing enough to break every rule made by God or man to find out where itwould lead them.

The end