Do not own YGO, just Cati and the other OCs.
The Day I Met Seto Kaiba

Cati's POV

There he was, the boy I'd known forever and a day. Seto Nizumi, the boy-next-door.

The two of us had had several adventures together when we were younger. Our parents had been friends, my mom and his parents. The day his mother died giving birth to his brother, I had both cried over the loss, and smiled at the gain. Neither my mom nor his dad were home most of the time, so Seto and I raised each other, as well as his brother.

When the accident happened, we were separated. I lived on the streets while he'd gone to that horrid orphanage. I saw him once while he was there. On that day, he was afraid for his brother, and that we'd never see each other again. That day I swore I'd find, and never leave, them again.

I had kept track of them. I knew they were now Seto and Mokuba Kaiba. The day Seto had taken control of the corporation, I knew I would soon return. So, today I am.

I walk up to the doors of the corporation head held high. Just because I've lived on the streets most of my lifedoes NOT mean I should act likeI'm unsure of myself. Damn. The guards won't let me in. Hey. Hold on. That kid over there looks like Mokuba.

"Hey kid! Is your name Mokuba?" I call out.

"Yeah. Why?" He asks.

"Don't you know who I am?"

He stares at me for a minute. Then he closes his eyes to think.

"Not your name, but the face is familiar."

"Can I see Seto? Is he here?" I ask, hoping Seto will remember me, at least.

"He's knee-deep in work, but sure, I think he could use a break." Mokuba said, still eyeing me, as if still trying to place me.

Mokuba's POV

I thought I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn't place her. She must have known me, the way she acted, and called Seto by his first name.

As I led her towards Seto's office, I remembered something. A voice. Her voice soothing me to sleep with a lulliby, with Seto helping. I hoped Seto would know who this girl was.

I opened the door.

Okay. that's all in this chapter. Hope you like it so far. R&R, please.