Between Darkness and Light There Is…Us

With every fall, there is a chance to rise.

The final chapter in the Between Darkness and Light… saga that will see the fall of Anakin, the rise of Vader, the birth of Luke, Obi-Wan's appointment to the High Council and the unveiling of Ben Kenobi.

In this last installment, the hands of Fate are challenged and history is rearranged in classic Obidala style.

As the story opens Obi-Wan is discovering Count Dooku's evil plans as Padmé deals with Anakin and his ever increasing obsession with her.

Anakin will find out about his Master and his 'Angel', he will find out about Leia.

Obi-Wan will fight his former padawan and he will find refuge in his wife's arms.

Padmé will give birth to a son and will find courage in unlikely places.

In between all these moments of humanity and life there is still one other thing that remains constant…and Obi-Wan will whisper it into his beloved's ear, "…there is us."

I am a mother, I am a woman, I am daughter, I am wife and I am a friend…but I am not steel or unbreakable. I want to fix a crumbling world, I want to shrink away and weep. I want to put back together a shattered boy—man's life…but I don't even know where to start.


Long red jagged wounds make me angry. Angry at this war that nobody wants and that she has tried to prevent. Her creamy skin is marred with cuts and bruises and she is smeared with dirt and sand…


A man stands on a balcony looking into a lush rose garden, the sun is high and he struggles to make out the shape of bent man and…a child? Could it be…?

Anakin stagers back and curses the fragrant air.


Thanks again to all the readers and reviewers! You guys are the best! Maybe the Force be with you always :-) Much love, RaeAnne