A Voice

Part 4

Fionn's POV

I opened my eyes and saw blue hair, it was Bulma. She smiled at me and I looked around. I felt disoriented until I recognised I was in the medical room. I frowned, what happened to me? I looked at the woman questioningly and she seemed to understand.

"You've been out for a day; those knocks on your back were quite nasty. Worse than I first thought." I nodded and sat up feeling fine. In fact I felt better than fine. I felt powerful and aware. I noticed that I had my clothes on which I first appeared in and they were clean. I had a sneaking suspicion that she had changed them for me when I was unconscious. I didn't really mind and stood stretching my legs and arms waking myself up. I grinned unconsciously as I looked around myself. Bulma handed me my new notebook and led the way to the front room. The others were all eating, it seemed Goku and Goten had either stayed or come back today. From the food I could see it was lunchtime, but I didn't feel hungry. Lunch was always a bad time fro me at home. I normally skipped it and just the sight of the food was enough to make me feel queasy as memories tried to take hold.

Bulma tapped me on the shoulder, but for some reason I thought it was my mom and turned hands shaping signs. What is it? I suddenly realised that she had no idea what I said. Vegeta spoke nearly making me fall over with surprise,

"Woman she asked you a question, but I didn't quite catch it." Everyone stared at him in surprise me more than anyone else. I decided to test his ability to understand me. I asked her what is it, I thought she was my mother. Sorry. How do you know sign language? He narrowed his eyes in concentration as he watched my hands dance and then spoke his answer. "An old woman long ago taught me, but I don't know it well. I only understood her because I was her voice. Supposedly for every mute person there is someone out there who is their voice and can hear their thoughts." This was the longest he had ever spoken in my presence and the stunned looks from everyone else showed I wasn't the only surprised one. Bulma spoke,

"You know this way that she speaks?" He nodded,

"I'm very rusty and can't understand it all anyway. I only get the vague gist of it and have to guess what she means." I didn't think they could have been more surprised, but I was shown how wrong I had been by their faces now. I smiled genuinely. I even felt tears fill my eyes and had to turn away from them. I could not let another see me like this. Someone touched my shoulder and I tried to turn away. I saw blue and guessed it was Bulma. I had to escape and so took the only route possible and ran. Voices called after me,

"Fionn come back." I didn't stop running until I got to a dead end.

I looked around and found myself in what looked like a gym or something. I didn't know why I thought it would be a gym it just seemed gymy. There were no machines to exercise on or anything. I went to one of the walls and slumped down. I could not cry I wouldn't let myself. I had not cried in years and I wasn't going to start now. Is this how pathetic I had become? I cried when someone showed me the least bit kindness and tried to understand sign language. I leant my head on my knees and stayed there. Soon I could feel someone coming close. I didn't know how I knew I just did. I looked around and saw what looked like a chamber where I could hide. I darted in ignoring the signs and rushed to a corner to hide. I huddled up trying to make myself as small as possible. The person came unerringly towards where I was hiding. I calmed myself taking deep breaths and fighting back the tears. My head flew up at the sound of the door being locked. No one had come in, but they were locking me in. I raced to the door and started to hammer on it. I was unable to cry out and once more cursed my lack of voice. I heard a cackling noise from just outside and a voice spoke,

"I'll get rid of you once and for all. I can't have anyone helping these Z fighters. You're too powerful to let loose." My eyes widened as I heard the words of whoever it was. I wanted to scream in anger at them for doing this to me.

Firstly I was brought here without my consent and secondly I had a tail, thirdly I didn't know anyone and fourthly I was trying to be killed. This was so unfair. I shook my head bitterly when had my life ever been fair? I hit the door again and that was the extent to which I could show my anger. Without warning I suddenly felt as if a ton of bricks was sitting on my chest. With a gasp I slid down the wall fighting to breathe. As I finally began to catch my breath the pressure grew in intensity and I heard a roaring in my ears. I lay on the ground gasping like a fish out of water. Please let someone hear me. Please let someone find me. Help!


FallenTruth: dun dun dun. Will Fionn be saved in time? Will the secret attacker be revealed? Will Fionn ever find her voice? Find out next time on.Hehehe!