Title: Puppies Are People, Too.

Author: TheDizzyGirl

Rating: R (better make it NC-17 to be safe, though)

Warnings: Yaoi! (if you don't like it, leave)

Pairings: SxJ, MAYBE YYxY eventually, and any others my twisted brain comes up with (laughs evilly)

Disclaimer: I here by state that i do NOT own Yugioh, or any of the characters mentioned in the story...sadly...T-T...just the plot.

Summary: Jounouchi Katsuya has it rough at school and at home. The only person that could make his life worse is his biggest rival, Seto Kaiba. Constant fights between the two, and insults thrown at Jou cause him to withdraw from human contact. But what happens when Jou starts getting uncontrolable disires toward the CEO, and Seto starts having feelings toward Jou? After learning the truth about the blond, will Kaiba realize Jou has human feelings, too?


Jounouchi Katsuya stumbled into his third story apartment wearily. The neon clock over the microwave shown 12:03 in the moring. He hadn't ment to stay out that late, he had school tomorrow and unfinished homework. He, as quietly as he could, shut the door and locked both the key lock and the dead bolt. The trash that lived in the area couldn't pick a dead bolt lock, thankfully, though he doubted any thieves would bother the third floor, but just to be safe. Careful not to wake his abusive father, Jou quietly tiptoed past the couch he had crashed out on. He was hammered to hell and back, no doubt, about a dozen empty beer cans lay scattered all over the floor. The blond would most likely get it bad, if not in the morning, the following evening. He managed to make his way to his messy bedroom, then steping carefully over clothes and scattered CD's, made his way to his unmade bed. He was so tired. He yawned and streched, removing his shirt roughly, throwing it to an open space on the floor. Next, off went his jeans, discarded, as well, to the dirty floor. Now clad in only boxers, he slid under his red sheets and plad covers, welcoming his good friend, sleep...


Seto Kaiba roughly shoved Jou up against the wall. "Ow! Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Shouted the brown eyed teen. "Shut it, Mutt." stated the tall blue eyed young man, inches away from Jou's face. "Dammit, i'm not a mutt, assho-" The blond was cut off abruptly by a bruising eager kiss from the older teen. Jou's eyes widened in terror, then his lids grew heavy. Seto nibbled on his lower lip gaining passage into the warm cavern that was Jou. Moans escaped the younger teens troat vibrating his senses to the core. Kaiba explored the new found haven with his slick tongue, gliding every now and then over Jou's. The CEO abruptly haulted his assault on the blonds mouth and backed up slightly, calmly. Lustful brown eyes pleaded with azure ones not to stop. "Please, Seto..." begged Jou. Kaiba smirked, taking in the sight of the panting teen under his control, wanting him, needing him. In two seconds he was on Jou once more, attacking his neck this time, with merciless urgency. Seto sucked and nibbled eagerly, branding the mutt his. Moans and light pants managed to escape both boys mouths. The CEO trailed light kisses lower, unbuttoning the blonds shirt with ease as he went. He stopped and nibbled lightly on Jou's collar bone, grinning at the noises that caused. Lower now, he found one of the light brown nubs and teased it playfully enjoying the gasps he was causing. Lower, Kaiba traced along the ridges of the teens slightly muscular abs, stopping to dip his tongue in his navel followed by another long moan on Jou's part. Thebrunette tucked a finger in the waist band of the blonds pants, looking up to seek approval. Jou exhaled deeply and shuddered at the thought alone. This was approval enough for Seto, and he quickly unfastened the button and zipper, removing the restricting pants in one even stroke, boxers and all. Jou gasped as his weeping arousal was released from it's prison. The brunette's face hovered only centimeters over Jou's throbbing manhood. Jou looked down and their eyes locked as Seto took him in swiftly all at once. The blonds eyes rolled back in his head and loud moans raced past parted lips. He perposly banged his head on the wall behind him, knees growing weak. Kaiba grabbed Jou's hips to keep him from bucking into his mouth. Jou looked down once more and shuddered, the sight alone was almost enough to bring him off. Seto raised up, now holding only the head in his hot mouth. His tongue teased the tip, and he licked up the shaft.

"mmmmm...oh..." The sleeping blond panted as he gripped the red sheets engulfing his small frame. "oh gods...s..seto...uhhhh...mm..."

He took him whole into his mouth once again. Jou grabbed the CEO's hair and tangled his fingers in the brown treases. His grip tightened on Seto's hair and his hips bucked uncontrolably...


The blond shot up with a gasp. Wide eyed he stared at the neon red numbers on his clock. 6:00. For the first time in his life he didn't feel like hitting the snooze button. He slamed his alarm off, them groaned unhappily down at his unwanted erection. He shot out of bed and skided down the hall into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror, worry striking his normally tough features. Was he feeling ok? He pulled down the skin under his eye, then opened his mouth to examine his throat. Nope, not sick. Then what the hell was wrong with him! Suddenly it hit him like a shot! The dream! His eyes widened in terror, face turning pale white. "oh, fuck..." He shut his eyes tight then lowered his head. "oh, fuck no... please no..." He splashed his face with ice cold water, his arousal now softening.

After getting dressed, Jou noticed he had an exceptional amount of time left on his hands before he had to make a dash for school. He would have to start getting up when his alarm went off every morning from now on. His father, to his suprise as well, wasn't there. Maybe now he could actually have breakfast for the first time in years...and avoid a beating. The thought of food excited him and he hurried over to the fridge. To his disapointment, he open it finding nothing but ketchup, old tuna, milk, beer and a rotten banana. His heart sank. "How apatising..." He stated sarcastically to no one in particular. His stomach growled loudly. "ok, ok, we'll see what's in here..." He said opening the pantry. Peas, Mac & Cheese, and to his delight, instant Oatmeal! "Oh happy day!" He stated gleefully as he grabbed the box off the shelf. The teen pulled out a packet, carefully read the directions and got out the milk. He pulled out a measuring cup and carefully poured 2/3 cup into a small blue bowl. He then ripped open the mix and emptied it in with the milk. Skimming over the directions once more, he popped it into the microwave for the approprate time. Drumming his fingers inpatiantly on the counter, his mind wandered to the events that took place in his head the night before. Just remembering it made him feel tingly in the pit of his stomach and... lower... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! "No!" He shook his head fircely. He didn't like this feeling one bit. He opened the microwave door and pulled out his prize. He retreaved a spoon from the draw and dug in. Not one bit! Finishing his meal he looked at the clock, sighing, back on scheldule. He grabbed his books and bolted out the door in a flash, belly full and happy...in more ways than one...

"Damn you, Kaiba..." He murmured, remembering the dream as he rounded the corner at the end of the street too quickly, and bumped into a hard chest, falling backwards. 'Oh please no...' he thought. Jou looked up into the insulted eyes of none other than Seto Kaiba.

Sorry about it being so short(sweatdrop) It's my first time writing a lemon yaoi fic and I just had to get the idea down on paper and see if anyone would actually read it. Let me know if i should continue this? If so, then i promise the next chapters will be longer. gomen, gomen... Review puh-leez! (puppy eyes)