Here's an update. Kinda sucks. Just...extends the annoying angsty not happy and ridiculously in love thing...but...hey it's middle earth! one must work for happiness.
Chapter 13
Lorelie and Haldir had fallen asleep side by side that night. Haldir's arms never once leaving her being. Both woke in the morning with a slight, comforted smile on their lips, and until they took in their surroundings neither knew why. Immediately Haldir released her, not wishing to cause her to begin her tears anew.
"Haldir?" Lorelie stretched, yawning his name confusedly.
"Yes Lorelie?" He responsed in his usual clipped tone of voice.
"What does Melamin mean?" She smiled, and stood, stretching her limbs.
"Oh, so you recall last evening do you?" He asked with a small quirk of a smile.
"I do, for the most part." She responded, reaching her hand down to Haldir to assist in his standing.
A wicked smile crossed his lips, and taking her hand, he gently tugged her towards him until she sat in his lap.
She had a small, sad, and questioning smile on her lips, that he ached to touch.
"Melamin, my love. A term of endearment obviously my dear." He turned his head to look out at the still rising sun, and the birds that soared by on that beautiful morning.
"My dear? My love? Well Haldir, you certainly have changed." She said, her voice suddenly taking on an indifferent tone.
"May I assume Rana, and the entire village have perished?" She asked, as she stood walking over to stand by the edge of the flet.
The mood soured rather quickly, Haldir thought, a frown forming on his handsome face.
"You may, thought I have not laid eyes upon Rana among the dead. Nor is she among the few survivors. Lorelie, we should talk." He stood, and moved towards her.
"Please," She put a hand up, palm facing him in a motion meant to stop him from coming any closer.
"I need time, and I need peace before we can discuss anything properly, without emotion clouding our conversation."
His heart sank, and he nodded dejectedly. Sucking in a substantion amount of air, he quickly moved to the edge of the flet, moving past her without a glance.
"May I assume you are capable of getting yourself down without any er shall we say accidents occuring this morning?"
Immediately he knew he should not have said what he did, but it was simply his way. His only method of protecting himself. Cold indifference. He was well known for it among the other elves of Lothlorien.
"Yes." Was her only response, and soon Haldir was out of sight.
Lorelie sat in that flet for some time, legs hanging over the edge pondering her situation, and desperately searching for any way out of it. For being so high, she could not have felt lower than she did at that moment. Her mother's death had been difficult for her, but she had had Rana then.
Haldir's rejection had been difficult, but she had Rana for comfort then as well. Now what did she have? Rana was gone, and Haldir was, well she was confused about Haldir. She needed time to figure the entire situation out.
But with the possible hope of a future with Haldir, why then did she feel so much like running far away, to some place where only humans lived, with no elves for miles and miles around?
"Hellooo?" She called down into the woods, hoping someone would hear her call. When after several minutes none had replied, she figured she had better find a way out of that tree, or die up there. Haldir would certainly not come back looking for her, to help her down.
She leaned over the edge, looking down thought her better instincts told her that was a mistake. Locating the rope that one used to gain access to the flet, she grabbed it, and pulled it up some. Standing at the edge, the rope running between her legs, and wrapped lightly around an ankle, she held tight and stepped off the flet.
She discovered that idea of hers did not work very well as she began sliding quickly down, her hands burning from the rope so badly she knew she would have to let go. Hoping she had slid far enough down by then, and that there would be a nice patch of leaves at the bottom, she let go.
Only to land in someones arms.