This was for a drabble-fic challege at jakfanfics of LiveJournal. The subject for the drabble was "Fear", and I chose Jak. :p Naturally.Enjoy!

Fear. Jak's POV

I'll tell you what fear is.

Fear is waking up, not knowing where you are or how you got there. Wondering why your head hurts, and why your limbs won't move the way you tell them to. It's when you slowly realize that you aren't home, safe in your own bed. When you wish you were looking at your own bedroom walls, and not the cold, blood-stained metal surrounding you.

Realizing you're alone.

Fear is staring back into the wicked; piercing eyes of someone who would love nothing more than to hurt you. Knowing they live off of it and breathe it, and will do anything until they have it. Crying, pleading, praying for them to stop. Wishing they'd stop touching you-- trying to get you off, as they violate every part of your being in the worst ways you could ever imagine.

...What about that dark eco? Oh no, you're definitely mistaken. I don't fear dark eco like I once did. While I'm being consumed by the dark eco, he can't harm me. He's too afraid to come near me, then.

I want him to fear me.