No Boundaries

By Seiyaryu

All disclaimers required applied.

(Chapter 1.5: Dispute)

Dojo: Hold up! Hold up! (Begins reading The Xiaolin Showdown Official Rules Book) Okay, so there's seven of you–

Jin: Actually, there's only six people in this. The Fan of Zantetsu and I are main objective here, Dojo. You know what? Screw the rules for this showdown...The Xiaolin Dragons can stay as a team for this one.

Dojo: Jin, you know the rules...

Jin: (groans) I call for a Showdown Team Trio then. The teams will be the Xiaolin Dragons, Chase Young and Jack Spicer.

Dojo: (shuts the book) Okay, we're ready to go!

Chapter 2: Insects

The cracked floor of the temple beneth them gave away, only to give birth to rocky cliffs. Wires, no thinner than fishing line, connected the cliffs like a giant mettalic spider web. The monks, dressed in their battle uniforms, were grouped on one of the larger cliffs while Jack and Chase stood on the opposing one. Jin, armed with the Fan of Zantetsu, positioned herself on the platform smack dab in the middle. Wuya and Dojo overlooked the showdown from a small shelf above the other cliffs.

"Gong Yi Tan Pai!" As the Xiaolin Dragons in-training quickly devised a battle strategy, Jack Spicer made the first move. Using his treasued Heli-bot, the evil boy genius nosedived towards Jin.

"Stupid brat," Jin leapt up, throwing Jack off. "Fan of Zantetsu!" With a quick snap of her wrist, the opened metal fan sent a shockwave towards him. Jack yelped as he felt it hit his body, but when he looked at himself, he was fine. His Heli-bot, unfortunatly, felt the Wu's power as it was shredded to metal rubble. "Jet Bootsu!" Jack barely made it to another cliffside.

"Now, Raimundo!" Omi yelled. The Dragon of the Wind sent a gust of wind at his friends' feet, giving them a boost. Kimiko activated the Star Hanabi, but Jin barely dodged the flares that flew at her. With Jin distracted, Omi slipped his way around and carefully perched himself on a group of wires. "Tornado Strike--Water!"

His target dodged the deluge and landed to his left. "'Tornado Strike'?" She mockingly said, "You mean to tell you're only at the Apprentice level? Not making too much progress, are we?"

"Lepoard Strike!" The little monk charged at her.

"Crow claws at Viper!" Jin knocked the air out of the Xiaolin Dragon of Water with a swift kick and sent him flying.

"I gotcha pardner!" Clay hollered, "Third Arm Sash!" The Shen Gong Wu caught the monk by collar and set him down next to Clay.

"Why are you not fighting, Clay?" Omi yelled angrily at the cowboy.

"I told you guys before," he answered calmly, "I won't fight a girl. It's not just right."

Raimundo yelled at his companions from a cliff above theirs, "Clay, for the last time, chivarly is dead! Hey Dojo! You could've told us what her Shen Gong Wu does before the Showdown started!

"I didn't think a Wu would be here so I didn't bring the scroll with me!" Dojo hotly answered.

"I thought you knew what every Shen Gong Wu did!"

"Well you thought wrong. Now hurry up and join the others. It looks like they need your help." The dragon squeaked as he saw her approach Raimundo from behind.

"How true, Dojo." Jin's fingers closed up on the Brazillian's throat as a smile crept up on her face. "They need all the help they can get. And as for you, Dragon of the Wind, I have much in store for you." She released her grip, leaving Raimundo gasping for air.

"Sword of the Storm!" Jin struggled to keep her hold on the ground. Then she used her Shen Gong Wu to break the earth, and Raimundo quickly called off the storm as the rolling rocks passe him. "Wh, where did she go?" He looked around in disbelif.

"Right here." The Brazillian whipped around to only have Jin's kick make contact with his jaw. "I guess the Wind element still can't fight back even after 1500 years." Wipping the thin trail of red dripping out his lip, Raimundo struggled to get up. Jin didn't make easier for him because she pinned her foot on the square of his back. "If I were to take care of you now, victory won't taste as sweet. Hear me now, Dragon of the Wind." His emerald eyes were locked on the malice-laced amethemyst eyes of Jin. "When you come to me crying blood, lose a limb or two, and your face dirtied in the mud, I'll be able to say 'Ah, I'm glad I let you live.' So long as I am around, I will make you wish never became a Xiaolin monk."

"How like you, Jin," Chase Young appeared from behind. "You haven't changed at all." Jin removed her foot off of Raimundo and faced her new opponent.

"You're the one who's really change since the last time we met, Chase." This time, she didn't bring out her Shen Gong Wu. After all, Chase was the last person anyone could think of who would use a Shen Gong Wu in a showdown. After dodging a few of Chase's attack's, Jin countered with a kick aimed for his chest. Her opponent, however, was much quicker. He moved back a step and caught her foot in mid-air. With one foot sweep, Jin was on the ground. Oddly enough, she didn't fight back at all, and let Chase Young remove her Shen Gong Wu and a shackle with little objection. She gave a small chuckle as she looked at him. "You won this one."

In one flash, the temple scene returned. Omi helped Raimundo up. "It appears Jin has really kicked your backside."

"Could it be you meant 'kicked you ass'?" He was not in the mood to hear the young monk get his slang messed up.

"Oh, I did not know you had a donkey, Raimundo."


"Not too shabby Xiaolin Dragons in-training, but you're still weak." Jin clasped the shackle on her wrist again. "Keep your Shen Gong Wu. Shall we get going, Chase?" The two Heylin warriors silently walked out together while Wuya and Jack tailed them from behind.

"Dojo," Kimiko said as the others glared at the dragon, "Why didn't you tell us about her? We could've won! Now we look like idiots for sure."

The dragon gave a sigh, "I wish I could've, but I can't. For some reason, Dashi made me swear that I didn't tell anyone about Jin."

"And why's that?" Clay asked.

"I don't really know. Dashi was somewhere else and I had to hide the Emperor Scorpion at that time."

Omi sighed in defeat. "We should return to the temple now. I only hope that Master Fung will know what to do next." Disappointment weighed heavily on everyone's minds as they made their way back.

"This is most disturbing news." Master Fung did not look at his apprentices.

"Who is Jin exactly, Master Fung?" the youngest monk asked.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you much." He brought out the same book he pulled out. "In this book, Grandmaster Dashi wrote about those who have tried to destroy the Xiaolin Temple before. He only wrote down that Jin is a skilled warrior and not someone anyone should take lightly. The Dragon of the Wind must be extremly careful if she was to ever to be released."

"I knew it!" Raimundo growled. "She said she would do anything to make me wish I wasn't a Chosen One. But why did Jin just give up when she battled against Chase?"

"Perhaps she..." Omi pondered, "she knew she would lose anyway?"

"I don't think so, Omi," Kimiko replied. "It looked like she wanted him to win. They acted like they met each other before."

"That showdown was so cool!" Jack was showering Jin with as much praise as possible. He then turned his attention to the floating ghost next to him. "Hey, Wuya, how come you never told me about her?"

"Like I said before, Jack, I prefer to keep things on a need-to-know basis."

"Jin, wait up!" The boy genius caught up with the two warriors. "I know we've just met and everything, but how would you like to join me, Jack Spicer? I'll throw in a team jacket!"

She rolled her eyes. "If I'd known the Heylin side was reduced to this, I would've tried to get out 500 years earlier."

"What? Oh c'mon, Jin, give me a chance." Jin twirled around to look at Jack straight in the eye.

"How about 'no', you little whiny brat?" Jack gave a whince when he heard that.

"Enough, both of you." Chase growled as they reached the main hall of his palace. "As for you, Spicer, get off of my property. My cats could always use another chew toy, if you know what I mean."

"Wait," Jin's arm stopped him from advancing towards the boyu. "I need his help for a moment. I'll back once I'm done."

"...Very well then." Jack and Wuya stood there with jaws dropped. Just as Chase left, the ghost quickly followed. When the two left, Jin turned around and asked Jack a simple question.

"Are you getting hungry?"


"I want some Peking Duck and a bottle of Shanghai wine."


Seiyaryu: Alright! It's finally typed and up. I should rewrite the prologue and first chapter a bit. But I'm right now working on the third chapter. I actually suck at battle scenes, so I'm not entirely happy with it.

Yamiryu: Sei, aren't you going to tell them what happened to your Chase muse recently?

Seiyaryu: Not yet. I want to...savor the moment.

Yamiryu: (rolls eyes) Whatever.