Past is past

Past is past

Pokémon characters and etc. are all property of Nintendo, Game Freak, 4 Kids T.V. No copyright infringement intended! (I'm just borrowing them for an ickle while!)

Notes: Okay, this is my first attempt at a fan fiction, so please, be kind! It's set in the future, about nine years from the cartoon show (Making Ash and Misty about 19) Ash is a Pokémon Master and head of the Pokémon League (Yahoo Ash!) Himself and Misty are engaged (aw!) and…mmm… somewhere unimportant! Brock's off on his owny-oh (poor fellow!) breeding Pokémon, probably!

I think that's about it for the notes, if I think of anything else I'll add it, and if I'm still confusing you, you can e-mail me!

On with the fic………….

Past is Past

"Ash, where are you going?" Misty yelled as she ran down the front steps of their house.

"I have a league meeting. I'll be back early tomorrow." Ash called back as he climbed into a black convertible.

"What?! It's our anniversary tonight! I thought we were going out?" Misty said sadly as she reached the car.

Ash looked confused for a moment before inhaling sharply.

"God Misty, I completely forgot!" Misty looked down at her hands and played with the ring in her left hand. Ash took her hands in his and squeezed them.

"I'll make it up to you, Misty, I promise. As soon as I get back we'll do what ever you want, ok?"

"You're still going?" Misty accused pulling her hands back.

"Of course, it's an important meeting!" Ash replied, seriously.

"More important than me?" Misty questioned angrily.

"I didn't say that! I just meant……"

"What, Ash? What did you mean?"

Ash struggled to respond.

"What's the meeting about?" Misty asked hastily

"Huh?" Ash was confused.

"About? What's the "important" meeting about?" Misty was fuming now.

"Mmmm………well…."Ash stuttered.

"You don't even know! You just come when they call. They probably only want your approval on another line of stupid Ash Ketchum action figures or some trashy Pokémon Master lunch boxes!"

"Hey Misty, those "stupid" action figures and "trashy" lunch boxes are what keep you here in the lap of luxury, ok?" Ash retorted indicating to the extensive gardens and lavish mansion. "Think about that before you go ranting and raving again!"

Misty was so angry she could barely form sentences. "You think you keep me?" She screamed " I don't need your hand outs, Ash!"

"For God's sake, Misty, you're twisting everything! Why don't you calm down and we'll talk about this tomorrow, ok?" Ash leaned forward to kiss her on the lips but Misty turned her head and he had to be content with a peck on the cheek. With that he got in the car and disappeared out of sight.

Misty watched him leave. Suddenly she collapsed to the ground, hugging her knees tightly against her chest. She cried allowing all the tension to drain from her body. Abruptly she stopped and looked up with a new determination.

She looked down to the glistening diamond ring on her left hand. She thought back to the day Ash had proposed. She had never seen him so nervous in her entire life, not even in his battle against Gary to become Pokémon Master. She smiled at those memories. But that was all they were; memories. Things had changed between them. It had been so gradual she had barely noticed it. She never say Ash now days.

A single tear trickled down her face as she got up and went into the house.

Next Day:

Ash took a deep breath before entering the house. Misty had been right. He had been neglecting her, being Pokémon Master had gone to his head.

But all that was going to change. In his right hand he carried an enormous bouquet of flowers, lilys, and orchids interspersed with baby's breath, their sweet sent surrounded him as he ascended the steps to their home. He shifted the caterers, hotel and honeymoon brochures from his left hand so he could open the front door.

The first thing that hit Ash when he entered the house was the almost tangible silence.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Ash lay the brochures on a table in the hall.

"Pikachu!" Ash turned to find the small electric pokémon bounding down the hall. Pikachu leapt into Ash's open arms and hugged him with all the strength he possessed.

"Woah Pikachu, you ok, buddy?" Ash asked, laughing at the dramatic actions of his favourite pokémon.

"Kachu" Pikachu replied sadly.

"What's wrong?……………..Where's Misty?" Ash asked with a sickening feeling nesting in his stomach.

Pikachu's ears drooped and tears glistened in his eyes. Ash inhaled sharply. He felt he was going to be sick.

He immediately turned and sprinted up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. He burst into their bedroom unsure of what to expect.

But what he saw was the last thing he had expected.

All of Misty's belongings were gone! The wardrobe doors were open reviling his clothing but empty spaces were all that was left of Misty's. The drawers that had contained her underwear and personal items were completely barren. It was as if she had never been there, as if she had never existed.

Ash felt a lump in his throat as his eyes began to fill with tears. Something caught his attention. Out of the corner of his eye he could see something glistening and shining in the sun. Ash walked over to it and picked it up.

Her ring! He felt numb. He examined the small ring carefully. The gold band glistened in the sun, but the beautiful blue diamond seemed to cast it's own light.

The second Ash had seen it he knew it was the perfect ring for his Misty. He had never seen anything like the blue diamond before in his life. It was one of a kind, an enigma, unique, just like Misty. He carried it around with him for over two months, building up the courage to ask her. He would take her out to expensive restaurants, fashionable parties, exotic locations but no where seemed right.

One weekend while visiting his mother back in Pallet, he and Misty decided to give their pokémon a rest. To let Misty's water pokémon out they went to a small stream at the end of Ash's garden. They sat together laughing about the past while the pokémon played amongst themselves.

Ash's mother had always told him of the spectacular view visible from that part of the garden, until that day he had never paid attention to her.

The garden was located on a hill over looking the Viridian Forest. The stream flowed down the hill and grew into a river that meandered through the forest like a sliver ribbon. Pidgeys chattered quietly all around them, their twinkling voices soothing and peaceful. The setting sun cast long shadows and the sweet smell of lilys and orchids surrounded them.

Misty, sighing contentedly, awakened Ash from his daydream. They were lying on their backs, their weight supported by their elbows.

Misty rested her head on Ash's shoulder as she observed the beautiful scene before her.

Ash looked down at her. The setting sun played across her hair creating a spectacular halo, perfectly framing her beautiful face.

He slipped his hand into his pocket and fingered the box containing the ring. He inhaled slowly and deeply.

"Misty?" His voice was high pitched and squeaky. Misty laughed as she turned to face him.

"Yeah Ash?" She asked pleasantly.

Ash swallowed. His mouth had become extraordinarily dry all of a sudden. His hair was drenched in sweat. He kept his hands behind his back, hiding the box. He almost felt he was going to be sick.

"Ash, are you ok?" Misty asked upon seeing his altered state.

Ash nodded, suddenly inarticulate.

"You sure?" She persisted.

Ash inhaled deeply. "It's now or never, Ketchum" He though to himself.

"Misty, you and I……….."Ash looked her in the eyes, a deeply concerned look lay within them.

"What I'm trying to say….or ask, rather is…..if, you know, you wanted, 'cause….'cause it's totally ok if you don't . I mean I'll understand…'ll be ok, ok? Anyway back to the point, which was……mmm…." He looked up at her again. Her face was full of compassion, if not slightly confused. Ash produced the ring box from behind his back and lay it before her.

"Misty, will you marry me?" He opened the box and presented the ring to her.

Misty's face filled with amazement as she stared at the precious stone.

"Oh Ash" She proclaimed. She looked to his face, finding it questioning and almost scared.

"Of course I will" She squealed as she threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. He returned the hug, breathing a sigh of relief. Ash pulled away from her and removed the ring from its box. Shaking, he placed it on Misty's finger.

"Mrs. Misty Ketchum! I like the sound of that!" Ash smiled widely at her.

"Hey, what about Ash Waterflower, eh?" Misty joked.

Ash smiled shyly at her before moving forward and kissing her.

The garden erupted into a series of squawks, calls and howls as the pokémon began cheering and applauding their trainer's.

It had been the happiest day of his life. Even better than when he had become top of the Pokémon League and he though nothing could top that.

Ash looked down at the ring as hot, salty tears began to trickle down his face. Bitterly he read the inscription:

"Ash and Misty forever"

Hehe! Poor Ash, eh? That's just the first in the series, so more to come! I hope you enjoyed it! Please review if you have the time! Thank you!