Chapter Nine: The Wedding and the reception

It is finally here the day our happy little couple gets married! Also my photo album on is back open so you can see what the dress looks like!

If you want to know what city won you have to wait till you get to the bottom of the story!

The two days went by too quickly for Hermione and Draco. Hermione decided that she wasn't going to see Draco until she walked down the aisle. Draco didn't like the idea of not seeing Hermione, but he could live with it since they were having a muggle and wizard wedding together.

Draco walked around his room in his Ralph Lauren (Chelsea) Tuxedo. His tie and vest were the color of his eyes, which made them seem brighter. Draco decided not to gel his hair back, instead he decided to pull it back in a low ponytail. "God why am I nervous? I know she won't leave me at the altar, but maybe she has changed over the eleven years we haven't been together." Draco said pacing around the room.

Severus walked up to Draco and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Draco, trust me she will not leave you. The first time she did it almost killed her. She told me that she hated what she did but she had no choice because your father was after her and Alex. I think you should go check up on Alex, he is just as nervous as you are Draco." Severus said.

Draco smiled and walked into Alex's bedroom, which he had added not too long ago. "Alex do you need help with your tie?" Draco asked

Alex turned around to face his father. "Yeah I need a little help. I normally use a spell to tie it, but I left mom told me not to this time." Alex said trying to tie his tie.

Draco just chuckled then helped his son. Alex was wearing the same tux as Draco; they looked like they could be brothers except Alex had brown bangs (think of Rouge in X-Men). "There, you look perfect." Draco said ruffling Alex's hair. Alex just laughed and playfully punched his dad's shoulder.

Blaise came in a couple seconds later. "Draco its time…. you need to get into the great hall." Blaise said

Draco nodded and he left the room with Alex right behind him. "Alex, I need you to stay with Blaise and everyone else in the wedding party. You come out after the flower girl, ok?" Draco said, straightening his tie and then Alex's.

"Dad I know what to do." Alex said as he grabbed the pillow with both rings on it.

Draco took a deep breath then went into the Great Hall and took his place at the end of the aisle.

Hermione, on the other hand, was in her room looking at herself in the mirror. She was wearing her Mary's blue flirty organza gown with apron back skirt featuring "perfect fit" elastic side panels, double spaghetti straps that criss crossed in the back and off-the-shoulder straps. The bodice and hem were accented with 3-D Venice lace flower appliqués that cascaded onto the top of the skirt. She was smiling at herself. "I really do look like Cinderella, and I am going to marry my prince charming," she whispered dreamily.

"Hermione, do you have something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?" Ginny asked giggling.

"Yes I do happen to have all that stuff. Something old would be the gold chain I am wearing, something new is the engagement ring on it that Draco gave to me, something borrowed are the diamond earrings that I am wearing that your mother let me borrow for today, and something blue would be my dress and my blue garter." Hermione said laughing. "Ginny, I can't believe that I am doing this. Were you this nervous at your wedding?"

"Of course I was nervous. I mean how many times does the famous Harry James boy-who-lived-twice-savior-of-the-magical-world-king-of- Gryffindor-house Potter get married to Ginerva Cosette formally-controlled-by-Lord-Voldermort-though-a-diary-only-girl-in-her-family-helped-defeat-the-Dark-Lord Weasley get married? At least you didn't have the press and half the wizardly world at your wedding and the day after your first kid was born. You'll be fine, just breathe and smile." Ginny said fixing Hermione's hair.

The two were talking about Ginny's seven children when Nymphadora Tonks came into the room. "Hermione its time to go," she said.

Hermione grabbed her bouquet, which was made of all red roses except for three white roses in middle. Hermione walked out of her room and headed up to the doors that led to the Great Hall.

Draco stood by the altar shaking a bit. Albus noticed this and smiled, "Draco, my dear boy, there is nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine." Albus placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Then suddenly the doors opened and music started to play.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids started to walk down the aisle. Blaise was walking down the aisle with Ginny, Ron was walking down the aisle with his wife Luna, Harry was walking down the aisle with Lavender Brown, and Severus was walking down the aisle with Tonks. They all went to their places and waited for Hermione to walk down the aisle.

The door closed again and Draco was now more nervous than ever. After what seemed like a lifetime the doors reopened. Hermione was walking down the aisle with Arthur Weasley. "Arthur, I just wanted to thank you for walking me down the aisle. You and Molly were always a second family to me." Hermione said quietly, looking at Draco as she walked.

"It is an honor Hermione, you are like the daughter we never had," Arthur said as he and Hermione stopped at the end of aisle. "Other than Ginny, of course." He joked. Hermione giggled. Arthur squeezed her hand gently and went to his seat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman together in holy matrimony. These two were students at Hogwarts when I was the headmaster there. I watched them grow into adults. I was sad when they didn't get married after they were done with school. It also broke my heart to see Draco without Hermione." Albus said.

Draco and Hermione paid no attention to Albus as he continued his speech. "You look beautiful, Hermione." Draco said to Hermione though his mind.

"You look great too Draco. I love how you and Alex are wearing matching tuxes, it's really cute." Hermione replied.

Hermione and Draco just looked into each other eyes until Albus asked the famous words. "Do you Draco Carrington Malfoy take Hermione Fawne Granger to be your wedded wife? Though sickness and health, for richer or for poorer till death do you part?"

Draco looked at Hermione and smiled. "I do."

Albus then turned to Hermione, "Do you Hermione Fawne Granger take Draco Carrington Malfoy to be your wedded husband? Though sickness and health, for richer or for poorer till death do you part?"

Hermione looked at Draco with tears in her eyes, "I…I…I do."

"The rings please," Albus said. Alex handed his mom and dad the rings. "Now Draco repeat what I say. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring I, thee wed." Draco said with a tear falling down his cheek as he slipped on the 10K gold ring with a ruby placed in the middle with two emeralds on both sides of the ruby.

"Hermione repeat after me, with this ring, I thee wed." Albus said smiling with tears in his eyes.

"With this ring, I thee finally wed." Hermione said smiling as she slipped the ring on Draco's finger.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. Draco you may kiss your bride," said Albus with a tinkle in his eyes.

Draco did not need to be told twice. He leaned in and kissed Hermione softly on the lips. Hermione slowly returned the kiss and moved closer to Draco. Draco slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. After about a minute of kissing they slowly broke apart and looked at each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mrs. Hermione Malfoy," Albus said as he clapped.

Draco and Hermione stood in front of everyone and just smiled. Harry made his way to the front to make an announcement.

"Everyone if you will please stay seated in your chairs we will have the dinner tables out and we can start the reception." Harry announced, and then waved his wand and tables with gold silk anti-stain table cloths appeared, the altar disappeared, and Draco and Hermione sat at the head table where Harry would normally sit.

Everyone sat down and ate their meal then the tables were moved and turned into a dance floor. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the bride and groom to have their first dance as husband and wife. They have selected a very special song for their first dance 'everything I do I do it for you' by Bryan Adams," the dj said.

Draco led Hermione to the middle of the dance floor and waited for the song to start.

Look into my eyes - you will see
what you mean to me

As if Bryan Adams was speaking to her she did exactly that, she looked into Draco's eyes and saw that they were watery, and she knew that he loved her more than life its self as they danced slowly to the song.

Search your heart - search your soul
and when you find me there you'll search no more

Draco smiled he did just that. He did search his heart and soul and he found Hermione there. "I love you," he whispered in her ear.

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for

Hermione sniffled when she heard that line. It hit really close to home. Draco did almost die for her. They had almost given up because they thought it was not worth trying for.

You know it's true
everything I do - I do it for you

Slowly everyone circled around the couple and started to dance. Much to everyone's surprise, Severus was dancing with Tonks (A/N: I know in HBP that she is in love with Remus and in mine she still is but Snape needed someone to dance with).

Look into my heart - you will find
there's nothin' there to hide

Alex walked over to Cassandra and tapped her on the shoulder. "Cassandra would you like to dance with me?" Alex asked nervously.

Cassandra smiled, "Of course Alexander I would love to dance with you." Cassandra and Alex only called each other by their real names and no one else did. Very few people knew that they both had a crush on each other.

Alex took her hand and led her to the dance floor and started to dance with her.

Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice

Draco looked over and saw his son dancing. "Hermia take a look. I think our son has got a girlfriend." Draco teased.

"That seems really familiar doesn't it Draco? A Slytherin and a Gryffindor getting together?" she asked smiling at her son.

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

By now everyone was dancing with someone. Even Albus and Minerva were dancing together. Hermione looked around her and was starting to wonder if she was dreaming or not. She then heard someone start to sing along with the song.

"There's no love - like your love And no other - could give more love There's nowhere - unless you're there All the time - all the way." Draco sang into her ear.

Hermione looked up at Draco and had tears running down her face. "Oh Draco I love you so much." Hermione sniffled.

Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you

Draco spun Hermione around, making her giggle and everyone else around them chuckled. Alex saw what his dad did and he followed suit, causing Cassandra to giggle too.

Then Draco and Hermione looked at each other and sang together, "Ya know it's true
everything I do - I do it for you." Then they leaned towards each other and kissed.

Cassandra looked over at the happy couple and sighed. She then turned to Alex and smiled. She didn't know what made her do it but she leaned in towards Alex and he did the same thing. Soon both kissed each other on the lips. They stayed like that for a couple seconds then broke away. They looked at each other then blushed and smiled and walked back to their table and watched everyone else dance.

Hermione danced with all the groomsmen as Draco did with the bridesmaids. Draco took Hermione's hand and led her to the head table. "Everyone, I have a gift that I need to give Hermione." Draco said.

"Draco what is it now?" Hermione asked.

"I know we weren't planning on going on a honeymoon but we are going to Hawaii! I booked us to stay at a hotel for three days and we are leaving tonight…more like right now." Draco said as he led her to the fireplace. Draco grabbed some floo powder and shouted "Malfoy beach house Honolulu!" and they were gone in a flash.

When Hermione stepped into the beach house she gasped…

I am sorry I had to do it. The devil made me do it!

Shout outs!

SuperMuggle: No I am not Italian I just went to and translated everything. I had no clue that Hermione's middle name was Jane! I must have missed it in the books. I'll go back and find them. So in my story her middle name is Fawne.

Sexyvamp815: I'm sorry I disappointed you. The reason why Draco acts like he doesn't know he has a son is cause of shock. I mean how would you act if you found out you were going to have a kid and you never saw them and then 11 years later you hear your love say how much they have grown. I would be totally shocked. I know I said Lucius was dead but I had this story planed out before I put it up here and that is how it is.

Maddudewalking: Sorry but no Lucius here. We won't see him until about two or three more chapters.

Please everyone review!