Percinder: Chapter 12: Part A
By Oblivion, the Macabress
Gah! I'm so sorry for being this late, but I've been caught up with life. The Army truly is hard work. I'm on vacation right now, and I'm going to try and write as much as I can!
Most of this Chapter is going to touch up on almost every character. The next part of this chapter will have more progress.
Percinder: Chapter 12
Percy walked slowly towards the school. However, his fear of seeing Oliver caused him to falter. What if Oliver recognized him from last night and got him arrested?
"Percy," Fred said from his side, "Come on. We're going to be late."
Percy looked up at his stepbrother and smiled, "I'm sorry. It's just…"
"Hard?" George cut in.
"Don't worry. He'll come around. And if you don't want to see him, then… hide behind Prince Marcus or something."
Percy's eyes widened. "Prince Marcus?" He'd totally forgotten about the Slytherin prince!
Fred and George pushed him along, "Go to class!"
Oliver sat at his usual spot in front of the class, girls chattered excitedly around him. He smiled and nodded at them as they talked about last night's ball.
His smile became more forced as time passed by. Finally, he spoke, "Look ladies. I'm a little tired; maybe we can continue this during lunch?"
The girls giggled, "Of course, dancing with the whole kingdom last night must have been rough. We'll talk some more later."
Oliver nodded and watched them scramble to their own seats. He closed his eyes, his hand moved down to caress the sapphire gem in his pocket. Percy… Percy… Who is he? He must have been someone from before his fall. But the doctor said he's fully recovered, that all his memories should be fully restored. Could this Percy be fraud? Oliver shook his head. Gah! Life is so confusing!
Oliver sighed. Whatever it is, he has feelings for him, and he's going to find out why.
Marcus yawned from his usual spot at the back of the class. School is so tedious, he leaned back and folded his arms behind his head. You'd think being a prince would spar you.
He felt someone sit next to him. He opened one eye and glared at them, "What do you wa-" His other eye shot open, "Percy?"
Percy shook his head and shushed him, "Don't be so loud. Don't call me by name either!"
Marcus raised an eyebrow, "… And why can't I call you Percy?"
Percy held his head, "It's complicated. Right now, I need to be hidden from Oliver."
Marcus smirked, "Trouble in paradise, darling?"
Percy gave him a weird look, "No."
"Why are you hiding from him?"
"He doesn't remember who I am. And… I confronted him yesterday at his ball, and…" He trailed off and shrugged, "He thinks I'm some kind of fraud that wants to use him."
Marcus patted his head, "Well, if you ask me, you should dump him and come with me. I'm a whole lot more loving."
Percy laughed, "I really doubt it, Mr. Slytherin."
Marcus scrunched up his face, "I am!" He paused, "Mister… who?"
Draco slowly rolled his eyes as Ron continued to pace back and forth, ranting.
"-Prince Oliver of ALL people? He is the NICEST of all Princes!"
Draco glared at Ron from his seat.
"AND he really loves Percy! It's unbelievable! How could this have happened?"
"Ron. Sit down."
"NO! I'm his Fairy God-Something! I have to make sure he lives happily ever after!"
"Well, you are my LOVER, and you have to make sure I'm happy too."
Ron halted mid-rant, turned, and grabbed his head, "DRACO! You're not HELPING!"
Draco stood up, grabbed Ron by the shoulders, and pulled him into a tight hug, "Ron. I love you. But please. Calm down before I shoot you."
Ron closed his eyes and leaned into the hug, "Please do. I might actually get more out of it…"
Draco chuckled, "Go to sleep, it might HELP. I have to go out anyways."
"Out where?"
Draco sighed, "It's a long story. But…" he looked at Ron, "I guess you're going to find out either way." He sat down on the bed, "Sit down with me, and I'll tell you."
Ron looked at him suspiciously, "Sit down?"
Ron slowly sat down, and turned his body towards Draco, "You don't have some kind of fatal disease do you?"
Draco shook his head and chuckled, "No. Nothing like that."
Ron looked at him closer, "Going to war?"
Draco placed both hands onto Ron's cheeks, "No. But I'm not sure if it's going to be better news."
Ron gulped, "What is it?"
Draco bit his lip, "Well… see… as the Prince… and future king…. I'm… going to need an Heir."
Ron's eyes widened, "No."
Draco smirked humorlessly, "Yes."
Ron shook his head and stood up, "What are you saying…?"
Draco grabbed Ron's hand, "I'm not saying ANYTHING. I'm just telling you… that… We're going to have to think some things through."
"Like what?"
Draco smirked, "Well… remember when we first got together, and you got totally wasted?"
Ron didn't know if he really wanted to hear the rest. He shuddered, "Yes."
"Well… while you were drunk… we were discussing the Heir thing."
"Oh gods no."
"Oh gods yes."
"What did I say?"
"That male fairies… could get pregnant."
"Oh no."
"Oh yes. And you even told me how."
Ron grabbed his head again, and screamed.
Percy growled. No matter how fast he went, he couldn't out-walk the git.
"Hey! Oliver got HIS chance. I'm just as good as he is."
"But you are missing the point. I don't have FEELINGS for you."
"Feelings can be developed."
Percy stopped and turned, "Things aren't that simple."
Marcus crossed his arms, "They are. You just don't want them to be that simple."
"If things really are that simple, they'd be worthless."
Marcus cocked his head to the side, "I really, really like you, Percy."
"And I really, really love Oliver."
Marcus stared at him, "Why? He's forgotten all about you."
Marcus smirked, "You know what? You think this all out. Come back to me, with your decision, all right? But while you do that, I'm going to go scope out Mr. Gryffindor, he can't be that great of a guy."
Percy raised an eyebrow at the name, "Mister who? Oh whatever. No! He's not himself right now…"
Marcus smirked, "And how do you know that? Maybe this is the real him."
Percy gaped, "Are you saying he's lied to me since he's met me, and now that he has memory loss, he forgot to keep lying to me?"
Percy's eyes widened.
I hope this chapter leaves you well. I'm going to be an Army Reservist soon, so I will have more time on my hands. Right now, everything is hectic!
Please Review!