The 'original'Appa Fanfiction

Summary: Have you noticed there are no Appa fanfictions? I did. So I wrote one. Told from Appa's POV.
Author's Note: I don't own any characters in this fanfiction, otherwise, I would not be writing fanfiction of my own characters, because that's pointless. Other than that, I'm pretty sure there is no Appa fanfiction, at least on this website. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Man, I hate carrying these kids. I mean, I know I'm supposed to be Aang's "guardian animal" or whatever, and I really don't mind carrying him. He's nice. But seriously, why do we have to bring these two along with us? Katara's kind of sweet, too, except when she starts monologue-ing. That's annoying. Sokka's head looks like an apple. I'd love to eat it, but I think it'll make my voice crack like his does. Not that I dislike him, because he scrubs my feet sometimes. I like having my feet scrubbed. Thinking of having my feet scrubbed, I think I'd like to have my feet scrubbed right now. Perhaps I'll just drop down right here and demand to have my feet scrubbed. I think I will.

Aang doesn't seem too happy about that. He keeps yelling "Yip yip!" What's with that, anyway? He sounds like a pomeranian on caffiene. Maybe it's just an airbender thing. But still, he could try something more... normal, like "Giddy-up!" or "Hi-ho Appa!" or "Mush!" Actually, I don't know what's worse: "Yip yip" or "Mush." Maybe I'll just let Aang say what he wants and deal with it. But I'm still not moving until Sokka scrubs my feet. Nuh-uh, I don't feel like yip-yipping right now. Sorry, pal.

Stupid lemur, quit pulling my ears. I'm not getting up. Not yet anyway. Come on, Sokka, you know you want to. Please? You know you love the giant fluffy monster with an arrow on his head. Now scrub my feet.

"Maybe he's just tired?"

"Dude, Prince Zuko keeps us under watch twenty-four seven! You think he's not gonna notice that Appa suddenly dropped from the sky? He could be here any minute!"

"You worry too much, Sokka. You know flying is faster than traveling by water. We probably have a few hours to rest."


"Guys, guys! Quit fighting! I'll ask Appa what's wrong. Appa?"

I want Sokka to scrub my toesies. It feels really nice. I'm not getting up until he does.

"Appa says he won't fly unless Sokka scrubs between his toes."

"WHAT! Why me?"

"Because you're the best at that kind of thing."

"No way, definitely not! I don't see why Katara can't do it."

"Aww, what's wrong, Sokka? Is getting your fingers dirty going to mess up your tough, manly manicure?"

"Shut up, Katara! Trim nails show that you have self confidence."

"That's kind of girly."

"Who asked you, Aang?"

"What can I say, you were asking for it. Now if you want to get out of here so quickly, I suggest you scrub Appa's feet."

At last. Ahhhhhhh... that feels good... And now we go up! Nice breeze I'd say. So, where are we going again? I think we're going the opposite way we were last time, but considering that it's Sokka who's driving, I'll just grin and bear it.

"Sokka, you know we're going the wrong way, right?"

And around we go.



Oh crud, he fell. Oh well, when do we eat?

"Appa, yip yip!"

I'm already in Yip-yip mode, Aang.

"Appa, come on, we gotta save Sokka!"

We're above water. He'll be okay.


Alright, alright, don't get your tighty-whities in a wad. Down we go. Ow, he's heavy. There, we got him, happy? Good. Now, when do we eat?

"Sokka, are you alright?"

"Ha ha ha! That was funny."

"Shut up, Aang. Yeah yeah, I'm okay. So when do we eat?"

My thoughts exactly.

"Well, I guess we could camp in the forest."

Let's! and down we go again...

to be continued! ...I have one more chapter I'm going to add to this, because I couldn't make the proper transition (forgive my weak creativity) please R&R, flame if you want, I don't care. I'll just ignore it.