
Hermione adjusted her dress and took a deep breath. Her nerves were about to leave her in a puddle somewhere in the middle of the aisle. One more deep breath, a smoothing of her dress, and she began the slow rhythmic steps in time with the music that would lead her to the end of the aisle, where Dumbledore was standing, watching her like a benevolent father.

She reached the end of the carpet and stepped aside. She really wasn't sure why she was so nervous—it wasn't her wedding. She supposed she was nervous on Ginny's behalf. Luna stepped up beside her, as did the other bridesmaids. Hermione decided that being the maid of honor was nerve-wracking. Not only was she responsible for making sure that the bachelorette party went off without a hitch (it did) but she rather felt responsible for making this entire day go perfectly. She took her eyes off a radiant Ginny just long enough to send Harry a smile of encouragement, which he received gratefully. Ron was gaping at Ginny from his place near Harry as the best man. Severus stood across from her and down one step. He knew how nervous she was and sent her a small smile to reassure her. At the reception, Luna and Hermione would switch escorts to make everyone happy. Hermione had also been asked to play a few selections at the reception, a sort of mini-concert that she'd agreed to after a long pep talk from Severus about how she would not mangle her best friends' wedding even if she played disastrously. Which, he pointed out, was so unlikely as to be laughable anyways.

Ginny reached the end of the aisle, took her place beside her groom, and waited for Albus to speak.

As Harry and Ginny took their vows, Hermione fiddled with the engagement ring on her own hand and let a dreamy smile wash over her face as she thought about her own impending wedding. They intended to elope to Venice and spend some time on the coast of Italy for their honeymoon, a fantasy of Hermione's that Severus had been more than willing to oblige.

Happily ever after indeed.


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has left reviews for this story! I apologize for the long lapse between chapters 14 and 15. I truly hope you had some fun with this fic...please feel free to review!
